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the-pi-guy said:

Any impressions?

Amazing! Like going from PS1 to PS3, skipping a generation.

Foveated rendering with eye tracking works great. You don't notice it at all in the headset and controlling menus with your eyes is frigging cool. GT7 is the real deal. Racing with 20 cars on track in full detail, day/night, rain, incredible!

Kayak VR looks beautiful, relaxing game with multiple places to kayak, race or free roam. At first we couldn't figure out how to get out of the pool (start screen) but had fun knocking the blow up toys around with the paddles. (For some reason R2 is select in Kayak VR, X is cancel doh)

See through mode works great, one click and you see the normal world in B&W AR style. It's a bit weird, tiny noticeable delay and hard not to re-focus your eyes when holding your hands up to your face. It's all still focused at 2 to 3 meters, very weird to see you fingers up close in sharp detail in stereoscopic view. For moving around, picking up the controllers etc it's perfect.

Call of the mountain looks amazing and is quite fun so far. Climbing, bow shooting, messing around with everything that's laying around. I play without any comfort settings but it's still limited in movement speed and turning is odd. I settled for 22.5 degree snap turns as fast rotation is still too slow for my liking. And while turning your head is smooth without any stutter what's so ever, turning with the analog stick has visible stutter. I guess turning your head uses the reprojection to 120fps, while rotating the analog stick updates at 60fps.
My wife used all comfort settings, didn't help. She got motion sickness after half an hour and felt ill for well over an hour :/ Beware...

It doesn't come with a demo disc, but there are 5 demos or so you can download.

Damn what a difference, one cable, easy visual setup, play area scanning and easy adjusting, great controllers, one touch see through mode, and the resolution is more than good enough now. GT7 has all the menus in 2D, all easy to read, actually easier than on TV, bigger screen in front of you. And that OLED display looks beautiful. It's not 4K, but 1080p OLED definitely beats any previous 1080p tv I've had. Plus the HDR is also pretty good. Headlights from cars behind you are very bright in the mirrors, night racing looks great.

Anyway back to playing!