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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread | The 12th Annual Greatest Games Event

TruckOSaurus said:
Kakadu18 said:

I was maybe a bit misleading here.

#36: The other popular block game.

Boom Blox, that was popular for a month or two.

Bahahahahaha. I laughed for a solid 5 minutes. Steven Spielberg? Am I seeing this right? He made games?

Mnementh said:
Kakadu18 said:

I was maybe a bit misleading here.

#36: The other popular block game.

As nobody seems to give it a serious try (no, I don't count BoomBlox as serious) I say Minecraft.

Yes, that's it.

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#39 Phoenix Point
guessed by Kakadu18 and Machina
platform Stadia
release year 2019
developer/publisher Snapshot Games
genre strategy, turn-based tactics
links Wikipedia, MobyGames

In 1994 the small studio Mythos Games led by Julian Gollop created UFO: Enemy Unknown (in America released as X-COM: UFO Defense). That game put together a highly tactical game in an alien invasion scenario. This blueprint was copied. One of the newer copies is made by Snapshot Games, led by none other than the same Julian Gollop who created the original. Phoenix Point is targeting to be the spiritual successor of the 25 years old game, modernized but keeping the central ideas. As such - like the original game - Phoenix Point creates some deep lore and engaging tactical gameplay with lots of options to decide the battle in your favor... or mess it up.

In the future the global warming releases an old virus from the permafrost, the Pandora virus. It's abilities include rearranging the DNA of infected life forms, leading to strong mutations. It even mixes up DNA from different creatures to create something new with abilities and traits borrowed from these different creatures. The mutated creatures start to attack the human civilization, leading to our downfall and near extinction.

In this peril an old organization get's reactivated, the Phoenix Project. Sadly it happens late and most of human civilization is broken. The surviving humans gather in Havens, which are mostly aligned to one of three factions. These factions have different standings on how to deal with the changed world. While the disciples of Anu, a new religion try to incorporate mutations to develop humanity, another faction named New Jericho tries to exterminate the virus and the mutations. Synedrion tries to advance human civilization and is discussing how and if they want to use the Pandora virus.

You get control of the Phoenix Project and try to deal with the mutated horros, protecting the remaining survivors of humanity and dealing with these factions.

Last edited by Mnementh - on 23 November 2021

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

More hints:

#35: As the king is consumed by the rot, who will dare to challenge the throne? The tribes of the wolfes, rats, bears and rabbits give it a try. Guessed by Darashiva.

#34: The game starts with the Peach Garden Oath. Each army needs a proper leader.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Machina said:

Clues for my next five. I've tried to make them a little bit harder, since everyone guesses mine too easily:

#38 - Lots of destruction in this racer, with debris from cars frequently littering the track.

Twisted Metal

Mnementh said:
Kakadu18 said:

I was maybe a bit misleading here.

#36: The other popular block game.

As nobody seems to give it a serious try (no, I don't count BoomBlox as serious) I say Minecraft.

How dare you call my guess not serious! But honestly, I would play Boom Blox over Minecraft any day.

Signature goes here!

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There's coincidentally been a a few Star Wars games in these last few spots, but they're there for a reason. 'Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds' is one of my most played games of all time. There's a couple games that can claim this, and I don't know for sure because none of them kept time, but this is most definitely one of them. I couldn't even take a guess. The reason for this is because I really have just one single friend that actually likes video games. But he really only likes a tiny handful, and all on PC.

When he plays something by himself it's always been Warcraft, the strategy ones, not the mmo, but I didn't really like playing that game in multiplayer because it's very skill based. We grew into two other games we would play together. One for gentle, non destructive playtimes, and one for when we felt more like playing something that's quicker and more competitive. We wouldn't play against each other though, we'd play against computer players. These were difficult enough, and we often didn't even win. I think the computer cheated.

So I kind of uhh.. forgot about putting out a third hint for #39, but it's too late now. So sadly it went unguessed. The #38 through #36 has been guessed, so here's hints for the two after that.

#35: People already live here even though this building is still under construction.

#34: You must keep the pope happy or else the inquisitors will come for your family.

Machina said:
S.Peelman said:

Twisted Metal


Destruction Derby.

My other guess, beyond this I'm out of ideas lol.

Machina said:
S.Peelman said:

So I kind of uhh.. forgot about putting out a third hint for #39, but it's too late now. So sadly it went unguessed. The #38 through #36 has been guessed, so here's hints for the two after that.

#35: People already live here even though this building is still under construction.

#34: You must keep the pope happy or else the inquisitors will come for your family.

Destruction Derby.

My other guess, beyond this I'm out of ideas lol.

Nope. I did enjoy Destruction Derby back in the day though.

Oh wait, another idea.


Darashiva said:

Let's try to stay ahead here, so here are hints for the next five games on my list.


  • The main character's mistake leads to the death of his mother after she saves him.


  • XIII


  • Lord of Calamity


  • Leave your corporate life behind and take over your grandfather's farm.


  • The whole thing might actually be a stage play.

I will give it a gander.

34- FFVII?

33- DQXI?

32- Harvest Moon?

Darashiva said:

Let's try to stay ahead here, so here are hints for the next five games on my list.


  • Leave your corporate life behind and take over your grandfather's farm.

Stardew Valley