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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread | The 12th Annual Greatest Games Event

Aight gonna do some last minute hints for my top 3

#3 - a 2 hour walking simulator about the life of a game designer

#2 - The biggest game of all time

#1 - “Well here we are again, it’s always such a pleasure”

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coolbeans said:
TheWalrusCaesar said:

Aight gonna do some last minute hints for my top 3

#3 - a 2 hour walking simulator about the life of a game designer

#2 - The biggest game of all time

#1 - “Well here we are again, it’s always such a pleasureâ€Â

3 - The Beginner's Guide

2 - Tetris? (Sales wise?)

Thinking about #1

Yes on #3! kinda surprised someone got it so quick lol

Tetris actually isnt individually #1 so nope!

drbunnig said:

28 Wind Waker?

15 Donkey Kong Country 3

6 Donkey Kong Country 2

All three are correct! I get a lot of flack for liking Donkey Kong Country 3 as much as I do. But i'm serious! the level design and gameplay is the best in the series!

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

6: 1.Similar to previous games in my list. It is a strategy game based in China. This time the focus is only on ruler play. In the 4 corners there are troublesome barbarians, but if you nerf them a little bit, gameplay is pretty perfect.

2.This PS2 game has everything going on, on a giant map. There is a lot of decisions to be made. For example you can builds forts or barricades to slow the enemy down, or to have a stepping stone to their city. You can confuse the enemy or break their formation, while they are fighting you, or you can boost your own units with a rally or troop boost. You can use your officers advantages with strategical moves or military movements. There is just so much depth to this game. Even if you are greatly disadvantaged, you can turn the tide by making better decisions. Not to mention the economic things that have to be put into account. You can focus troops, but then you won't have money or supplies. You can focus money, but then you might not be strong enough.

3. 9th game in this 14 game series. Number 14 actually shipped 500k recently.

Ok, I'll continue

Honorable mentions and games #50 to #45:

Games #44 to #40:

Games #39 to #36:

Games #35 to #31:

Games #30 to #26:

#25 - Kingdom Hearts

This game is such a magic experience, filled with tons of charm and memorable moments, I just love the interactions between the main cast and the different Disney characters (many of whom I grew up with), and I really like the relative simplicity of the plot compared with its successors. The worlds are not that big, but many of them have certain non-linearity to them and are not plain corridors like the ones in most subsequent games before KH3. The combat can feel kind of clunky but I personally still enjoy it. Also, Ms. Shimomura truly killed it with the OST.

#24 - Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

The Thousand-Year Door is my favorite Mario RPG, it's just a wonderful experience with so many charming characters, memorable moments, and excellent humor. I love that the story of this game, as well as the different locations you visit during your adventure, deviate so much from the typical stuff you see in Mario games. The battle system in TTYD is amazing, and is a great evolution of the Action-Command-based combat that the first game uses. Another thing that I really like about this game are the different paper-based transformations that Mario can use to overcome obstacles and solve puzzles.

#23 - The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

I love the freedom of exploration that this game gives you from the beginning, and how you can clear the different dungeons in any order you want (I personally didn't mind the item renting system). The overworld is just so very well made, exploring it always feels rewarding because you'll always be finding secrets such as mini-caves, some of which even have their own mini-puzzles, and the game makes good use of the wall-merging mechanic for exploration. Similarly to ALTTP, ALBW is a very well paced experience.

#22 - The World Ends With You

I love this game's setting and its plot, which has lots of secrets to be unfolded, so you'll always be wanting to know what will happen next. Overall, the story in this game is very well paced. Another important aspect of the plot is the character development of the protagonist Neku, which is very well executed, I really like to see how his interactions with other characters change over time. The battle system in TWEWY is pretty unique and makes good use of DS' touch screen to execute different combos, I definitely really enjoyed it.

#21 - Metroid Prime

This game is such an immersive experience with a mysterious and lonely atmosphere that I really like. The level design in Metroid Prime is simply top-notch, I love how everything is interconnected, as well as the kind of progression it has where you are able to reach areas you couldn't before as you get more of Samus' gadgets, such as the Grapple Beam. Another one of my favorite aspects about this game is the subtle way it tells its story, as you get to know more about what happened in planet Talon IV as you explore more and use your scanner, rather than having cutscenes with lots of exposition.

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Kakadu18 said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

45 games guessed. 5 remain.

5) Released in the same year as Read Dead Redemption and has a main character who John Marston reminded me of

Hint 2: Only this guy is more of a space cowboy

4) I quite liked the whole trilogy, but this 3rd game went above and beyond

Hint 2: That did definitely not go unnoticed as this game sold more than the first 2 combined

3) The villain is still a bit sore after you MURDERED them

2) The remaster might have been a mess, but I've been playing this game on a regular basis for years and still do

1) A mission to save your world becomes a lot more complicated when you learn the cost

#2: Warcraft 3

That's the one!

1 down, 4 to go.

Try out my free game on Steam

2024 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues:

Nintendo | PlayStation | Multiplat

Machina said:
Farsala said:

6: 1.Similar to previous games in my list. It is a strategy game based in China. This time the focus is only on ruler play. In the 4 corners there are troublesome barbarians, but if you nerf them a little bit, gameplay is pretty perfect.

2.This PS2 game has everything going on, on a giant map. There is a lot of decisions to be made. For example you can builds forts or barricades to slow the enemy down, or to have a stepping stone to their city. You can confuse the enemy or break their formation, while they are fighting you, or you can boost your own units with a rally or troop boost. You can use your officers advantages with strategical moves or military movements. There is just so much depth to this game. Even if you are greatly disadvantaged, you can turn the tide by making better decisions. Not to mention the economic things that have to be put into account. You can focus troops, but then you won't have money or supplies. You can focus money, but then you might not be strong enough.

3. 9th game in this 14 game series. Number 14 actually shipped 500k recently.

3 - Romance of the Three Kingdoms IX.

Yes that is my #6. All hints for #6 actually.


The Last of Us (PS3)

YoY: -1

The Last of Us is a perfect example of a game where the main driving force of the whole experience (for me at least) is the developing relationship between the two main characters. I think the story is very well told, the gameplay wonderfully intense and visceral, and the music complement the game perfectly, but ultimately, the most important part of The Last of Us are Ellie and Joel. 

Seeing Joel go from a loving father to a broken husk of a man with nothing to lose or to live for, and then slowly regaining some of that humanity back through his time with Ellie is among my favourite character arcs in a game. One thing that makes it stand out so much, is that even at the end, Joel hasn't actually turned into a good person. He will still do horrible things to other people, make selfish decisions, and do anything in order to achieve his goals. The only thing that has changed is the reason he does those things. It's a fascinating look at a character. He's someone we're meant to sympathize with even though he is still clearly a horrible person, with just one redeeming quality: He cares deeply for Ellie, and because the player starts to care for her as well, we are right there with Joel with all the horrible things he does.

30 - The best game on a new console. Also, don't look up rule 34 of the female lead, you'll find a lot of admittedly sexy art.

 - The game was released this year and is the newest entry on my list. 

23 - The main villain turns out to be...An Alien! don't worry, you're not in Kansas anymore.

 - Item 1 gets you high. Item 2 makes you go fast. Item 3 looks pretty sweet.

20 - While it's not all a dream, it wasn't real...or is it? A performance, but maybe more.

 - If you beat the game, you can start over on New Game Plus with unlimited power items. It might be the first example of NG+

19 - I go after The sponge before the Gator so I can get a more powerful gun early.

 - The optional super weapon is from a fighting game. This game is not a fighting game. 

17 - Trust me, you don't wanna get the chip sets, because you can only have one at a time, but if you wait until the final levels you can have all four.

 - Why in the world didn't the cutting weapon cut the ropes? Why did you have to use some weird electric punch?! Makes no sense. 

14 - Was originally the 4th in the series but got a subtitle instead. also, the open-world map allowed for more versatility in its levels.

 - Poor dinosaurs must be sacrificed to make better jumps. 

10 - This game also features almost all the content and DLC from its previous three iterations, making it a definitive edition of sorts.

 - I think it holds the record for most consecutive weeks of DLC. 2,553 pieces of DLC between now and November 2007.

09 - You can't play this game on your fridge's LCD but if you could I'd absolutely buy it. 10 years later and I'm still not sick of this game.

 - the joke is that this game has been rereleased on pretty much every console ever and just got its 10-year anniversary. 

08 - The polar opposite of the last game in the franchise, which was linear and heavily story-based. this one is open and exploration-based.

 - If you do a bad job cooking, it gets censored like Japanese porn. 

05 - This game is the reason I got into the Dark Souls franchise, despite not liking it all that much the first time I played it, and it not being a Souls game.

 - Starring: Tampons! 

04 - I've always loved this game, but Sequelitis made me realize just how amazing this game actually is from a design perspective.

 - If you kill the Penguin first, the mammoth's level gets frozen over.

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

4. REZ (Dreamcast/PC – 2001)

Can video game simulate the experience of drugs? I think they can, just like a lot of other great art, games can provide a trippy experience. Video games is really the perfect art form for that, as it combines visuals and sounds AND allows you to interact with the action. I think REZ did this better than any other game. It combines arcade-style on-rails shooting with rhythm gameplay, to deliver one of the most stunning experiences you can get from a video game. The game is short, but hard, and worth playing multiple times. The expanded remaster REZ Infinite is arguably an improvement, but you cannot go wrong with any version of this gem.