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Farsala said:
S.Peelman said:


You are right that the blade is a Lightsaber, and this is thus a Star Wars game, however none of the hints would fit Knights of the Old Republic II. Plus, I already had that game at 50.

See other post, I'll add another final hint.

Uhh, The force unleashed 2?

I don't know the Star wars games to be truthful, just the names.

Heh, well there's only so many with a '2' (and KotOR2 and Rebel Assault 2 have already been featured).

The Force Unleashed 1 or 2 are also not it, so that scratches another '2' off the list. TFU is not in my list, though I do liked both those much more than the reviews gave them credit for. A bit short maybe but eh, mindless fun. I posted the final hint, but maybe that doesn't help you if you only know the names.

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Second set of hints:


  • Garden.
  • Guardian Force.


  • The shards of the primordial man's soul influence the fate of great kingdoms.
  • The shards manifest themselves in the form of women, each encompassing one aspect of the primordial man.


  • Junior Bracers.
  • During the game, the two main characters befriend the heir to the kingdom's throne.
Last edited by Darashiva - on 13 December 2021

Darashiva said:

Second set of hints:


  • Garden.
  • Guardian Force.


  • The shards of the primordial man's soul influence the fate of great kingdoms.
  • The shards manifest themselves in the form of women, each encompassing one aspect of the primordial man.


  • Junior Bracers.
  • During the game, the two main characters befriend the heir to the kingdom's throne.

15 - Final Fantasy VIII

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

Runa216 said:
Darashiva said:

Second set of hints:


  • Garden.
  • Guardian Force.


  • The shards of the primordial man's soul influence the fate of great kingdoms.
  • The shards manifest themselves in the form of women, each encompassing one aspect of the primordial man.


  • Junior Bracers.
  • During the game, the two main characters befriend the heir to the kingdom's throne.

15 - Final Fantasy VIII


S.Peelman said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

23) The titular character that just can't stay dead is back for the 3rd time.

Hint 2: The titular character is the villain.

Hint 3: The series is most at home on PC, but this was the first game in series to also get console ports.

Hint 4: You know this series, trust me.

21) On my "CD shelve" this game takes up nearly an entire row.

Hint 2: Not because the box is quite that large, but because there are several of them.

Hint 3: Most of the boxes are expansions.

20) If the protagonist of this game had been playable in Smash Bros. they could have up to 4 different move sets.

Hint 2: 1 "base" and 3 transformations.

Hint 3: There are already character(s) in Smash Bros. that share a name with the particular protag.

23: I've been thinking long and hard about his one. I'll guess Diablo III, but I'm not sure if the first two didn't actually have a PS1 release.

21: The Sims?

20: Was thinking Pokemon Let's Go Eevee but with that last hint I'm not sure.


As you see, I'm not really confident in my guesses for all your hints.

23) Correct, and shit you're right Diablo 1 did have a PS release (2 didn't though as far as I know). Kind of embarrassing I forgot about it cause I've actually tried the PS version of the first game.

21) Nah, but a good guess. Could certainly take up a ton of space.

20) Nope, this is kind of a tricky one.

Kakadu18 said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

Gonna do a quick repost with a few hints added since I got no guesses before.

23) The titular character that just can't stay dead is back for the 3rd time.

Hint 2: The titular character is the villain.

Hint 3: The series is most at home on PC, but this was the first game in series to also get console ports.

Hint 4: You know this series, trust me.

21) On my "CD shelve" this game takes up nearly an entire row.

Hint 2: Not because the box is quite that large, but because there are several of them.

Hint 3: Most of the boxes are expansions.

20) If the protagonist of this game had been playable in Smash Bros. they could have up to 4 different move sets.

Hint 2: 1 "base" and 3 transformations.

Hint 3: There are already character(s) in Smash Bros. that share a name with the particular protag.

19) While this game is in some ways a return to the basics for this series, the additions it makes to your arsenal are some of the more original.

18) Brings a new meaning to twin-stick controls.

Hint 2: It's not Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, but control-wise there is a similarity.

17) 2019 2020 2021 2022

Hint 2: Obviously the game has been previously released or it wouldn't be on my list, but these dates can be found on the game's website currently.

#23: Diablo 3

Yup, though S. Peelman was faster

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S.Peelman said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:


22. a) This Switch game is really two classic games put together.
b)  One of these two classic games used to be the best selling game of all time.  

20.  a) A 16-bit game for Devo.
b)  This game is linear while eventually this series would become more known for nonlinear gameplay.

22: Mmmm. Super Mario Odyssey then? I'm thinking, mashup of SMB and Mario 64.

20: Uhh, I don't know what Devo is lol but I'm going to guess Super Castlevania IV.

22 is incorrect.

20 is correct!  Also, Devo is a band.  Here is their most famous song.

More hints from me:

22. a) This Switch game is really two classic games put together.
b)  One of these two classic games used to be the best selling game of all time.  
c)  The other of the two classic games was produced by Sega.  Also the game I'm looking for is produced by Sega, and I'm looking for the first one in the series.

21.  a)  There is a DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince song that feels like it is inspired by this game.
b)  Some characters in this game were originally used in arcade versions of this series.  However, one new character is a monarch from the South Pacific.
c)  Another character from the game sounds like it could be on McDonald's menu for kids.

19.  This is game made specifically for consoles, and it's made by a famous PC game developer who seems to like to put his own name in several of his games' titles.

18.  I managed to beat this game without even knowing how to beat the titular enemy.


Persona 4 (PS2)

YoY: -1

The first, and so far only, Persona game I've played, Persona 4 was a very late addition to the PS2 library, especially in Europe, where it wasn't released until March 2009. It was effectively the last truly great PS2 game I played before moving properly to the next generation of consoles, and for a game to go out on, there weren't many better options. In fact, in the entire PS2 library, there are only three games I would rate higher.

The game is effectively split between traditional JRPG dungeon exploring in an alternate dimension, and managing your relationships between the people you meet and get to know in the real world. It is the latter that truly makes Persona 4 great. The battle system and dungeons are fun, but the dungeons often tend to overstay their welcome to the extent that I often felt like I was just forcing myself to play through them to get to the next story section.

Fortunately, that story is genuinely excellent, and the characters are still some of my all-time favourite in any video game. The writing is also smart, and tackles quite a few challenging topics, from depression, suicide, sexuality, and more, and for the most part does it with tact and subtlety. The great soundtrack is just a nice bonus on top of everything.

The_Liquid_Laser said:

More hints from me:

22. a) This Switch game is really two classic games put together.
b)  One of these two classic games used to be the best selling game of all time.  
c)  The other of the two classic games was produced by Sega.  Also the game I'm looking for is produced by Sega, and I'm looking for the first one in the series.

21.  a)  There is a DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince song that feels like it is inspired by this game.
b)  Some characters in this game were originally used in arcade versions of this series.  However, one new character is a monarch from the South Pacific.
c)  Another character from the game sounds like it could be on McDonald's menu for kids.

19.  This is game made specifically for consoles, and it's made by a famous PC game developer who seems to like to put his own name in several of his games' titles.

18.  I managed to beat this game without even knowing how to beat the titular enemy.

19: Civilization Revolution is the only game that comes to mind here.

Darashiva said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

More hints from me:

22. a) This Switch game is really two classic games put together.
b)  One of these two classic games used to be the best selling game of all time.  
c)  The other of the two classic games was produced by Sega.  Also the game I'm looking for is produced by Sega, and I'm looking for the first one in the series.

21.  a)  There is a DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince song that feels like it is inspired by this game.
b)  Some characters in this game were originally used in arcade versions of this series.  However, one new character is a monarch from the South Pacific.
c)  Another character from the game sounds like it could be on McDonald's menu for kids.

19.  This is game made specifically for consoles, and it's made by a famous PC game developer who seems to like to put his own name in several of his games' titles.

18.  I managed to beat this game without even knowing how to beat the titular enemy.

19: Civilization Revolution is the only game that comes to mind here.

19 is correct!