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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Metriod Dread Announced for Switch, Launches October 8th

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Way better than the Federation Force reveal from 6 years ago. I remember the rage even on this board when people figured out that the Blast Ball game played at the Nintendo World Championships was actually a Metroid game in disguise that got later revealed at E3 as Federation Force. The federation force Youtube trailer got something like 90%+ downvotes. Federation Force was the Metroid game the nobody wanted, while Dread is not quite want we want either, its a heck of a lot closer to the mark and is actually worth getting excited about. Hopefully, next E3 we get a similar reveal for Prime 4 and Dread turns out to be a pleasant appetizer for the main course.

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Super Metroid is one of my favorite games of all time... So a new 2.5D metroid pleases me in my loins.

Visually the game is eh. There was clipping on the armor, it's decided low-res with no AA, but those are only the close-up shots, which is the exception not the norm, so peoples criticisms on the visuals are relevant, but I think misplaced.. It's hard to scale objects to look good from a distance and then right up in front of the camera.

Either way, can't wait, Pre-order come at me.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Mar1217 said:

Define "we" plz.

People waited for that game, baring aside two cancellations, since the DS era.

I think if Dread was announced with no information whatsoever regarding Prime 4, there would be disappointment with this reveal from most Metroid fans.  Zelda gets BotW 1+2 while Metroid gets a 2D installment only?  This would be disrespectful to Metroid fans.

What makes Dread great is the understanding that a full 3D Metroid Prime is cooking in the oven.

So, it's been confirmed that MercurySteam is the developer behind this, just like they were for Samus Returns.

Perhaps they'll be Nintendo's new partner for 2D Metroid much like Next Level Games is for Luigi's Mansion and AlphaDream was for Mario & Luigi (until they sadly went belly-up). 

Wow, was not expecting this. Very excited. Biggest announcement out of E3 as far as I am concerned.

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Was not expecting this. I near shed a tear

mZuzek said:

If there are more 2D Metroids. Sakamoto said this is the end of Samus' saga with the Metroids, which doesn't necessarily mean the story can't continue but it kinda sounds like it. Probably means at least that this game's ending will feel like a proper end.

Just because it'll be the end of Samus' saga, that doesn't mean it has to be the end of Metroid. As crazy as it may sound, they could always make a new Metroid game with a new protagonist with their own story/saga. Not every Fire Emblem game has Marth as the main character. Just like Shulk is not the main character of every Xenoblade game. They could always go that route and expand the Metroid universe beyond Samus Aran, which could open up a plethora of possibilities for story-telling and world-building.

My quess is they wil shake up the way the Metroids connect to Samus for 'ending the story'. That makes the most sense. Maybe detach them a bit so that a metroid (queen) doesn't have to be the main villain for most future games.

Last edited by Stefan.De.Machtige - on 15 June 2021

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

Reminds me of Fusion which is a good thing. 

Finally, an interesting new Switch game that's not "2022"!

I really like the look of this, especially way it leans into the horror influences, with the way the EMMI stalks and insta-kills you reminding me a lot of Alien Isolation which I thought was an underrated game.

The graphics seemed kinda ropey in the reveal trailer, but I'm watching the Treehouse now and they look much better there.

I'm so glad it's an all new game and not another remake, the Switch is in need of more fresh original content and this should help fill that gap.