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Forums - Sales Discussion - Let's Predict the Floor for Metroid Prime 4

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What is the LOWEST number of units MP4 will sell?

1 million units 12 24.00%
2 million units 15 30.00%
3 million units 11 22.00%
4 million units 4 8.00%
5 million units 1 2.00%
6 million units 1 2.00%
7 million units 1 2.00%
8 million units 1 2.00%
9 million units 0 0%
10+ million units 4 8.00%

The lowest? Maybe 1,5 mil if it somehow flops so bad that even the fans will denounce it.
Very unlikely though. More realistically, I actually expect that it will outsell the original trilogy combined. Which is ofc sadly only a little over 5 mil, but would be a huge step in the right direction for the series.

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I think the floor is 3 million.
A little off topic but I think Prime 3 would have gone on to outsell Prime 1 and gone on to sell 3+ million if Nintendo didn't release the Prime Trilogy in 2009, effectively cutting its legs. Not that that's a bad thing. Just thought I'd get it out there.

Depending on when the game releases relative to the Switch's life cycle and how Nintendo manages it's release, I think its sales could range from 3 million to as high as 6 million.

Last edited by PAOerfulone - on 14 August 2020

Ok...someone picked the very high 10 million+ units as the floor for this title. Show yourself and be counted. That is a hefty wager and I'm sure if you believe in it that you should get that prediction out there now. Would be a great post to throw in your signature once it reaches that lofty goal.

Going by past Metroid games I would normally say 2.5 million, but given that Switch games seem to sell like hotcakes I'll go with 7 million.

I'm worried that the development-hell it went through will give it a bad rep and people will skip it if its not a masterpiece. I can't recall a game that went through that and lived up to the expectations after release. Metroid is also somewhat niche (although I can't see why) so all things considered... Maybe 1 million?

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0. Because it's never coming out

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

I am going to say 3 mil. I have a feeling it will draw quite a few new to the IP to give it a shot.

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I'd be surprised if it sells less than 3 million.
Already said that i don't have an "official" prediction , but i think it has a chance of selling 10 million.

1.75 million is my prediction for the lowest it will sell. Voted 2 mill as that rounds up. It's likely going to sell around the 3 million mark realistically.

The funny thing about this thread is the only way we’ll ever know is if the game sucks or has a unfairly chilly reception. I would say 1.5 million.