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Forums - Politics Discussion - (POSSIBLE SPOILERS INSIDE) The agenda and political discussion of Naughty Dog


Have politics damaged the quality of ND games

No 39 41.94%
Yes 54 58.06%

Since this thread was ressurrected I just wanted to say a guy created a movie version of the game changing the ending, putting the flashbacks at the begginning and making the story alternate between the characters instead of first ellie then abby and it is so much better than the original. There are also other edits luke removing the butt sex scene and etc, but it is reallybreally good. Go check it out if you want but bear in mind it is 5 hours of video.

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EnricoPallazzo said:
Since this thread was ressurrected I just wanted to say a guy created a movie version of the game changing the ending, putting the flashbacks at the begginning and making the story alternate between the characters instead of first ellie then abby and it is so much better than the original. There are also other edits luke removing the butt sex scene and etc, but it is reallybreally good. Go check it out if you want but bear in mind it is 5 hours of video.

Post the link. I'll watch it because I'm NEVER playing this game again.

Don't get me wrong, the game was good. Just draining to play.

d21lewis said:
EnricoPallazzo said:
Since this thread was ressurrected I just wanted to say a guy created a movie version of the game changing the ending, putting the flashbacks at the begginning and making the story alternate between the characters instead of first ellie then abby and it is so much better than the original. There are also other edits luke removing the butt sex scene and etc, but it is reallybreally good. Go check it out if you want but bear in mind it is 5 hours of video.

Post the link. I'll watch it because I'm NEVER playing this game again.

Don't get me wrong, the game was good. Just draining to play.

There you go. In my personal opinion it is really good but of course there are limitations since you have to work only with the material you have in game.

From all the interesting things in this thread, there is something, an idea, that does not connect woth me at all. I really don't get why people think it was butt sex.
In my experience you can very easily have vaginal sex with a woman from behind.
On the other hand, I would assume anal sex needs careful preparation with lube. That was not in part 2 at all.
If it was in the vagina or in the butt is of course a non issue for what part 2 is about. But I have seen this so often now, that I felt I had to say something.

JuliusHackebeil said:
From all the interesting things in this thread, there is something, an idea, that does not connect woth me at all. I really don't get why people think it was butt sex.
In my experience you can very easily have vaginal sex with a woman from behind.
On the other hand, I would assume anal sex needs careful preparation with lube. That was not in part 2 at all.
If it was in the vagina or in the butt is of course a non issue for what part 2 is about. But I have seen this so often now, that I felt I had to say something.

Its just a joke, dont worry too much about it. I could explain but that would trigger another discussion here that I dont want to go through. If you want send me a pm and I can explain. Its just a troll joke, although of course it could also be anal sex, we will never know

Around the Network
JuliusHackebeil said:
From all the interesting things in this thread, there is something, an idea, that does not connect woth me at all. I really don't get why people think it was butt sex.
In my experience you can very easily have vaginal sex with a woman from behind.
On the other hand, I would assume anal sex needs careful preparation with lube. That was not in part 2 at all.
If it was in the vagina or in the butt is of course a non issue for what part 2 is about. But I have seen this so often now, that I felt I had to say something.

I'm not justifying the joke/complaint but that sex is very Hollywood like. Sex on TV has no preparation, people start stripping like it is the end of the world and they go to penetration without any preparation. No condoms, no bath, nothing. TV sex spreads diseases.

God bless You.

My Total Sales prediction for PS4 by the end of 2021: 110m+

When PS4 will hit 100m consoles sold: Before Christmas 2019

There were three ravens sat on a tree / They were as blacke as they might be / The one of them said to his mate, Where shall we our breakfast take?

EnricoPallazzo said:
Since this thread was ressurrected I just wanted to say a guy created a movie version of the game changing the ending, putting the flashbacks at the begginning and making the story alternate between the characters instead of first ellie then abby and it is so much better than the original. There are also other edits luke removing the butt sex scene and etc, but it is reallybreally good. Go check it out if you want but bear in mind it is 5 hours of video.

It is the same thing and wasn't even hard to follow on the original, cutting and ordering it just make the impact of the actions lessened.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."