John2290 said:
LuccaCardoso1 said:
I went into this thread expecting the OP to be written by a far-right member of the forums, and there it is. I don't know if you can call yourself an advocate for minimal government interference when you are defending the Bolsonaro government left and right, currently one of the least democratic world leaders in power. But well, here you are.
It's amazing how easy people get triggered by just seeing a character with a personality different than the decades-old clichés that we see everywhere. If your character "role" wouldn't fit in a Super Mario game, then it's the gay black trans queer SJW agenda destroying the video game industry. It makes absolutely no sense how the portrayal of minorities would damage the quality of THE GAMEPLAY. If Ellie was a man, with the exact same gameplay and story, no one would be complaining.

Horizon ZD has a female character that works, tomb raider reboots the same, The Witcher 3 in Ciri, Yeniffer, Triss and most other female leads, A plague tale innocence if you want a character more in the age group, Detroit Bceome human in Kara, all the female characters in divinity OS 1 and 2, Sadie in RDR and to a lesser degree Remake 2 in Claire. You know why these characters work, because they are crafted to fit situationally, are well written to extremely well written, they make the player believe and keep immersion stable, they have good motivations and bad without being one sided, they are flawed and enoigh to be relatable to men or women.
Ellie is a character in line with these, maybe even up there with the best but Dina is terrible and Dina constantly pulls down Ellies character. From what I've seen so far Abby looks like she is going to be a complex (hint from a spoiler if it's true) and (so far) well written and situationally fitting.
You can't ask a player or viewer to watch something like the force awakens and not have them go "what the fuck is this, why is the universe bending around this perfect bitch? Why are the obstacles in her just melting without her effort, why is she so perfect" even if it's in the back of their minds or conversely something like Captain Marvel where the character looses all likability for much the same reason as Ray but also she's just a cunt on top. These are forced characters, you can't force any character to be perfect nor can you force a female character into the role written for a man in the same way you can't write a real upper class, posh British character and then have him played by an American actor, it doesn't work. It's forced.
No one gives a shit about the lesbians, no one gives a shit about yours or any character sexuality (or race or gender), it's 2020 it's when it's forced and thrown in your face that is the problem, people had a problem with every film leading up to this past decade problem adding a love interest even in the weiredest of situations but that sold then and people got sick of it.
I think they've crafted in Ellies sexuality perfectly here, it's well implemented, it's believable, it's endearing in the scenes that count but in their haste they forgot to write a good love interest for her and instead have written one of the worst side kick characters in recent video games she's so unlikable when she actually doea start speaking about her past or future desires you just roll your eyes and hope she gets bitten by a zombie so you as Ellie can shoot the bitch.
And I'll just add, people need to stop patting people on the back for being gay, it hurts gays more than helps when people so widely accept now. Stop making female, gay or minority characters that can do no wrong or don't fit the situation at hand. Media need to stop forcing it cause it causes resentment and you can see in the thread above. Some of it is down to bad writers indeed and bad actors but more often than not it's forced by a man in a suit.
Also, in what Universe has DonFerrari become "far" right. Do you even know what far right means? Only someone on the far left would see him as an authoritarian neo fascist. He's at most a few steps right of center and maybe a little nationalistic, he's on the right. Not the far right but I guess the goal posts have been moved so far that even people left of center are now o the right. Mind boggling.