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Forums - Sony Discussion - (SPOILERS FREE) The Last of US 2 Discussion

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How do you rate TLOU2 in a whole?

1 2 5.26%
2 0 0%
3 2 5.26%
4 1 2.63%
5 5 13.16%
6 11 28.95%
7 1 2.63%
8 2 5.26%
9 5 13.16%
10 9 23.68%

I'm around 11-12 hours in and I'm enjoying the game so far but I feel like it's a step down in terms of characters and narrative from the first game so far. The first few hours start off strong in this regard but after 7 or 8 hours the narrative seems to lose all momentum and characters fall to the wayside.
The gameplay so far is doing a pretty decent job at keeping things fresh, consistently adding in new elements to keep things interesting. In this regard the game improves on certain aspects of the first.
So far I'm mixed on the level design, some areas work very well but some areas are too big and kind of confusing to get around. I enjoyed the first very large open area the game allows you to explore because the game gives a map to help with navigation and marks areas of interest on the map. A lot of other smaller open areas lack this and are kind of frustrating to get around in at times.
Overall my impressions are more positive than negative so far, it's a very good game but it's not living up to the original so far.

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Watching playthroughs from Angry Joe and Marz on youtube/twitch and judging from that:

It is a 6/10 from me so far,wonderfull environments and much attention to detail.
Gameplay looks a bit dull/outdated/not improving enough .
The story and the writing are just not good imo and i think it is such a bad design choice to force players to play the game as a character that you first learn to dislike a lot,structurewise this is a broken story.

Anyway it would make me depressed to actually play it

Last edited by Immersiveunreality - on 20 June 2020

John2290 said:
Immersiveunreality said:

Watching playthroughs from Angry Joe and Marz on youtube/twitch and judging from that:

It is a 6/10 from me so far,wonderfull environments and much attention to detail.
Gameplay looks a bit dull/outdated/not improving enough .
The story and the writing are just not good imo and i think it is such a bad design choice to force players to play the game as a character that you first learn to dislike a lot,structurewise this is a broken story.

Anyway it would make me depressed to actually play it

You're missing a LOT, playing it is so fun. It might have the best level design of a real world setting ever  it's the best mix of linear slash ope world I seen anyway, something Metro Exodus attempted but here it's implemented insanely well. The bit after the first open area before the tunnel that is more linear but still kinda open is such a joy to play through and the direction within it is second to none. The gameplay is beyond fun though, the human gun battles are incredible. I agree the story is weak, revenge esk and nothing is really happening in between so far but I hear the conclusion makes up it work if the reviewers can be belived. From what I've been spoiled on I could see why if that's true also. There is a vast difference between watching someone play this game game and actually playing it, trust me you'd raise your score but is it a ten? Nah, likely not, it's too tainted with the story, character dialogue and stretches of nothing that ruin any pacing. Is it a fun game to play? It's beyond fun, it's addicting. 

This kind of gameplay does not fit me and i always invest much importance in the story and would truly feel like shit been forced to do what some characters do and from what i have seen and read it does not pay off for myself,i'm not really into shockvalue without decent purpose added on top of a shallow story.

If it wants to try and teach a moral lesson in a game it should have been better constructed but this comes of as pretentiously lazy imo,if i was into this kind of gameplay i would rate it around 7-8 maaaaaybeee but mostly because of how well crafted everything looks.

The life is strange like dialogue irritates me and i do think life is strange had better dialogue,it often does not feel mature.

Anyway despite my criticism on a game i did not play i still hope it does well and that enough people ARE able to enjoy it,i'm not into the whole cancellculture and missteps can be forgiven and learned from.What sucks the most is that again a game with females and more diversity is tied to negativity and some will think the world is against them.

This game is sick. Graphic, animations, facial expression, insane details, The tension. I'm loving gameplay so far more then first one.
Same about dialogues, they are so natural, i hope that 99.5% industry will learn How to do it properly.

But story. .. it should not be so early, i do not know how game will end, but if ND fucked up, i hope druckmann will step down as a game director.

John2290 said:
I almost can't with this story anymore, it's so damn trivial for such large portions of the game. Dramatic soap opera shit with weak ass writing and then boom they throw in an oscar worthy section with some of the best performances in gaming going from B teir day time soap opera to stellar levels of production. It's so mishmashed and the actual story on the journey feels like an after thought and a lost uncharted script that got scrapped for being terrible with thr names changed from Nathan and Elena to Ellie and Dina... wait that's a terible disservice to elenas character. Dina might be the worst in recent memory.

No matter how good thia game is or what beats the story hits or the conclusion this game will never rise above a 9 for me and likely not an eight unless it gets more inlvoved ASAP, at ten hours in (slow playing) only two of those hours were actual TLOU teir story telling.
The journey is campy and the pacing is so far off the mark I'd nearly drop to a seven when all ia said and done if things don't chnage. It's such a puty too cause the game is so fucking good and amazing to play it's next level stuff and the graphics on PRO, it's almost like a PS5 launch game from the PS5 event but without the shiney reflections. As long as you are back far enough so the film grain effect fadws away, I prefer my VR swivel chair for any gaming these days so I' usually four to five feet from my 49 inch TV and I had to scrap the office chair for this, at 7 feet it looks like Bullshots even in motion apart from the odd frame pacing issue and at 10 feet it looks like you're playing a film. It lacks the crisp punchiness of RDR and the detailed animations but makes up for it in other ways and the animations are a far cry over RDR in speed and fluidity. The HDR is good with colour and contrast but you rarely get to see an area that makes use of luminosity but when you do it's incredible, there is a part when you leave a school at the first human Gunfight and you walk out across this roof to see an overcast sky with some 80's looking block flats and with HDR that shit looks real. As for the resolution it's hard to tell with thr film grain when you look up close but it doean't have the blurryness of RDR2 or slight ailsing of death stranding but who knows what's under the film grain filter. Sound is incredible too, it has VR worthy 3d sound and everything is one point.

I think I have more positives than you for the early parts of the story, but I think the game takes a massive nosedive after around 13-15 hours in. Even the gameplay is a little less interesting at the part that I'm in. I'm currently about 17 hours in.

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John2290 said:
pikashoe said:

I think I have more positives than you for the early parts of the story, but I think the game takes a massive nosedive after around 13-15 hours in. Even the gameplay is a little less interesting at the part that I'm in. I'm currently about 17 hours in.

Are you speeding through, completing and clearing everything or somewhere in between? I'm trying to think of a moment I can hint at where I am but I guess the fact that I can't shows just how campy this "journey" is.

Probably somewhere in between. I'm taking my time through most areas looting as much as I can

So far I'm really ey enjoying it. I'm loving the slow pace (Atm) I'm just trying to get to the TV station to find a women called leah. But the atmosphere, story and setting is just so good. Naughty Dog have no doubt (along with The Last Of Us) just set the bar for a realistic post apocalyptic world, everywhere I look I just think to myself, 'this is how things would be, this is how the world would look' I'm not just talking about factions of people being created and people killing to survive, but the way nature has been allowed to fight back and take over all the man made concrete jungles, it looks so good and realistic.
The combat is also brutally satisfying, but like the with the world, it's just a realistic view of how the world would be.

I honestly can't find much wrong with the game so far.

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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John2290 said:

I spent a hour looking for a safe combo so slow is a bit of an understatement for how I'm rolling through. 

Which safe? I've found them to be a bit of a mixed bag. There was one early one where it said the code was 'the day my good boy got employee of the month' and the employee of the month board was just outside. That was a neat little puzzle and fairly easy so I didn't expect all of them to be like that bur some just look tedious when there's nothing obvious in the vicinity. I just look it up on google when that happens.

Gameplay is better than the last of us 1. i have 5 hours to play, currently - its sooooooo good !!! Big Emotions, wonderful Gameplay and this love to details... my Respect!

I'm about 5 hours in. The first semi-open world area is pretty neat. I think I missed some things there, so I hope I can backtrack later. Otherwise I'll have to pick up that final achievement on a 2nd playthrough. Playing on hard difficulty, and it really feels like there just isn't any ammo around anywhere. Not a complaint mind you. Guns really feel OP in this game if you have a ton of ammo. I wish I could take ammo from one handgun and put it into another handgun though. Kind of annoying that two guns that use the same bullet type can't trade ammo. Controls are good but weird. It's like they refused to stick to conventions with button placement. In just about every FPS I've ever played run is clicking down on R3 or L3. In just about every action game I've played dodge is circle. I can't wait to get my guns upgraded because I really hate it when guns wobble.

The story is great so far. I really like how they kept it real by having things happen which shouldn't be happening. I don't have a problem with Dina or her dialogue. She's kind of interesting, but kind of bland too.

The framerate is fine on my Pro. Just finished Metro Exodus at 100 FPS, and I'm still amazed at how TLoU2 runs. It feels like 40-45 FPS so far and stable. But I'm only in the first semi-open world area. I keep spinning the camera trying to notice things like trees or lightpoles stutter forward, but they don't. I have motion blur turned down to 0 too.