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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pokemon New Snap announced, coming to Switch

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IcaroRibeiro said:
Pemalite said:

Having completed Sword and Shield... Visually the game looked like a dogs breakfast, I think there have been 6th gen games where 2D sprites stuck out less.
..And I felt the game didn't really change it's narrative all that much over Red/Blue, which was the last mainline pokemon game I had played before that one... Seems the franchise might have settled on a formula and stuck with it, which isn't a bad thing, but not a way to impress me.

Saying that, it wasn't a terrible game... But I expected more of a gameplay/story leap going from Gameboy > Gameboy Colour > Gameboy Advance > Nintendo DS > Nintendo 3DS > Nintendo Switch... And more of a visual leap on top of it.

And I felt they wanted to take the game open world, but just didn't or couldn't for some reason.

The game visuals are indeed garbage, but what really annoys me is the way assets pop up out of nowhere in the Wild Area:

I just hated this so much, I couldn't stand be there. This game is just so lazy, I can't even imagine they don't designed fucking backgrounds Jesus Christ, a indie game developer wouldn't be that unqualified:

They made a cut on Dex promising high quality animations and models, when in reallity they were just reusing old 3DS animations:

I disagree with your statement. This game is terrible. It's by far the worst Switch game I've played

I dunno. I don't think it's terrible, but I don't think it's great. It's just an average title in a sea of amazing games.

There is allot of shovel-ware on the online store for example... And Sword/Shield is definitely a step up over those if you will like dumping 20~ hours of your life into something.

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AngryLittleAlchemist said:
curl-6 said:

Well, looking at the trailer the graphics seem fine to me.

I agree just a general statement. 

Running at 60 does indeed halve your graphics budget compared to running at 30, yeah. Still, I reckon the likes of Mario Odyssey, Yoshi's Crafted World and FAST RMX show Switch can still do nice graphics at 60fps.

CaptainExplosion said:
Snesboy said:

We have finally come full circle with this comic strip. The original was about nintendo too.

Yeah, we have. XD

I hope in the new Pokemon Snap you can still feed Pokemon, and they bring back some of the most enjoyable shots from the original like surfing Pikachu. ^^

In the trailer we see both Pikachu and Blastoise eating apples so feeding is basically confirmed.