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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Direct Mini has just launched

Not really interested in this Pokemon DLC, I barely touch the game nowadays and sometimes just forgot it was even released. I finished my playtrough in like 15 hours (one weekend) and was such an underwhelming experience. My regret is that I bought the physical copy so I can't resell this garbage game

Curious about this Xenoblade port, I have the Xenoblade 2 but haven't played it yet

Other games that got me interested was Bravely Default II. Can someone tell me if the first was good?

And also Ninjala, sounds great and is giving me Splatoon vibes

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Bravely Default 2(Actually 3) looks GORGEOUS!Downloading the demo right now.

Xenoblade looks amazing too!A masterful game, for those who didnt play it.

Solid direct to be honest. a 7.5 for me

Having said that, there was 0 new games there.ZERO.Nintendo is really holding things back.Where the hell is SMT V and Bayonetta 3?

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

The_Liquid_Laser said:

Glad to have gotten something from Nintendo.    I think they planned a full Direct originally and then it had to be downgraded because of the pandemic.  All the release dates looked like May or sooner.  Although Bravely Default 2 had no date, so it may come later.  Even at the beginning they made it clear that release dates are uncertain at this point.

It had a demo, so it needed to be shown either way.Thats probably why.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

The original Xenoblade imo would probably be one of the best JRPGs ever if it came out in the current day imo as I feel like the Wii really held the game back, so I am glad that monolithsoft is getting to release the game again in a even better state

Shinsekai: Into the Depths looks right down my alley.

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MasonADC said:
Big question now is if they will wait til e3 for the next direct or if one will come in April. Considering Xenoblade is at the end of May they could get away with waiting for e3 time imo

Wait till E3/June.  After this last direct, it has become clear that Nintendo's plan is to hold as much back as they can for E3 since nothing shown (at least from my recollection) has a release date past May.  I can understand it since a lot of attention is going to be placed on the PS5/Series X and their games at E3; so if Nintendo does their usual E3 routine of elaborating on already announced titles, they risk getting lost in the shuffle.

The rumour was true...... sort of

Pocky Lover Boy! 

At least Mr Yabuki will be on Smash


(=^・ω・^=) Kuroneko S2 - Ore no Imouto - SteamMyAnimeList and Twitter - PSN: Gustavo_Valim - Switch FC: 6390-8693-0129 (=^・ω・^=)

Are the animations in bravely default sped up or is that how it plays in the actual demo?

Club house games!!!

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