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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Twilight Princess vs Skyward Sword


I prefer...

Twilight Princess 62 63.27%
Skyward Sword 36 36.73%
mZuzek said:
curl-6 said:

It didn't though, lighting, effects and geometry were barely touched and still generally of Gamecube standard, it was basically just the Gamecube game in 1080p with a HD texture pack.

I never disagreed it deserved a better graphical rework, but the musical rework was even more important in my opinion. Still the new textures did make the game look a lot prettier - but the kind you only notice when going back to the original, rather than being wowed while playing. The original was so, so ugly.

Ah my bad, I misunderstood. An orchestral soundtrack definitely would've been nice, yeah.

Can't say I ever found Twilight Princess ugly myself, but then I'm generally a fan of its art style.

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curl-6 said:
mZuzek said:

I never disagreed it deserved a better graphical rework, but the musical rework was even more important in my opinion. Still the new textures did make the game look a lot prettier - but the kind you only notice when going back to the original, rather than being wowed while playing. The original was so, so ugly.

Ah my bad, I misunderstood. An orchestral soundtrack definitely would've been nice, yeah.

Can't say I ever found Twilight Princess ugly myself, but then I'm generally a fan of its art style.

I wouldn't call it ugly, but underwhelming. I own TP on GCN, Wii, and Wii U and, aside from the resolution, all of the games *mostly* look the same.

WW has held up better on the GCN, and looks fantastic on the Wii U.

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StuOhQ said:
curl-6 said:

Ah my bad, I misunderstood. An orchestral soundtrack definitely would've been nice, yeah.

Can't say I ever found Twilight Princess ugly myself, but then I'm generally a fan of its art style.

I wouldn't call it ugly, but underwhelming. I own TP on GCN, Wii, and Wii U and, aside from the resolution, all of the games *mostly* look the same.

WW has held up better on the GCN, and looks fantastic on the Wii U.

Matter of taste really; personally I think Wind Waker looks utterly hideous in every form, can't stand its art style.

Skyword Sword had the better story however i like the gritty darkness of Twilight Princess.

Twilight Princess was way better in my opinion. Skyward Sword is probably my least favourite Zelda game of all time. Too linear and everything is a puzzle. Revisiting areas twice or thrice was just not fun. I enjoyed the game but it's the only Zelda game I can think of that I would "only" rate an 8 out of 10.

As others have said in this thread, it's sad that Twilight Princess didn't get a full remake. Also, I really want a Zelda collection on Switch! I'm not sure what Nintendo is waiting for? They could release Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask (the 3DS versions in HD) as Volume 1 and Twilight Princess + Wind Waker (Wii U versions) as Volume 2 and people would pay full price for each collection. And then give us that remake of Skyward Sword they probably want to make. I'm not sure why we haven't gotten these games on Switch yet.

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I must be the only one that finds TP graphics beautiful. Especially the Wii U version. I don't know... I think it has a lot of personality on its own right.

TP's graphics are this weird mix of terrible and fantastic. Main characters like Link, Zelda, Minda, Ganandorf, Zant, look great. Some environments look great. Many secondary characters look terrible, however, and there are environments where the textures look like they could have fit on an N64 cartridge. When you're in a dungeon with just Link and various enemies the game is gorgeous even on the Wii/Gamecube. When dealing with most NPCs or in certain outsside environments it's hideous. The hd version fixed the texture issue, but the secondary character models still were way too low polygon. And even the textures weren't exactly great by Wii U standards.

Tough one.
I sort of dislike both, but while Skyward Sword is considerably prettier, Twiligh Princess manages to be playable without actively enraging me. So I'm going with the latter.

Vodacixi said:
I must be the only one that finds TP graphics beautiful. Especially the Wii U version. I don't know... I think it has a lot of personality on its own right.

You're absolutely not the only one. Twilight Princess still has the best art style in the history of the series.

That 2011 Tech demo using a similar style but at proper Wii U quality is still one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

Easily Skyward Sword for me. It was everything I wanted Twilight Princess to be, but it couldn't live up to.

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