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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nvidia's GeForce Now is losing all Activision Blizzard games, a bad sign for cloud gaming

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Yes it's a bad sign 12 75.00%
No 4 25.00%

Bethesda has now joined the same bandwagon.

As I mentioned earlier in the thread these companies are going to want to make money off any service whether it's free or not.

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Wyrdness said:
Bethesda has now joined the same bandwagon.

As I mentioned earlier in the thread these companies are going to want to make money off any service whether it's free or not.

They are already going to make money from the deal Nvidia had in place for even putting those games on said service. It's just all about "all the money", not just some.

Everyone these days wants to cut out the middle-man and get 100%, but when you have something like this, you have them asking "why don't I get more?", and before you know it everyone is hosting a streaming service.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

The only way to overcome shitty behavior from shitty companies is we as consumers acting consciously when buying and also electing representatives that keep shenaningans like these from being legal.

Unless companies that are "nice" start to steadily outperform those that aren't, this will continue.






Reminds me of Netflix. It started out great when it had no competitors but now there are so many. They all started pulling their content and putting a competitor. The ones that dint put up a service went with the highest bidder in turn making the cost of the winner go up. Now we are back at how cable was just as expensive.

Game streaming just had media streaming as a reference so the initial Netflix with no competition honey moon face got completely skiped. Publishers and either making their own or seeing who offers the most $$$.

I think MS is about to be hit pretty hard soon. They will be hit on the unreleased xcloud but publishers will start to pull games from gamepass as well and try to renegotiate. The only plus they have is that they have their own first party games, but sadly they make the less amount of games out of any of the big publishers or consoles so they really cant compete with their content alone.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

Most of the bigger companies will want to have there own Streaming services as they all see the potential profits in Streaming, this is going to make Streaming start off messy however over time, those that are not successful will slowly filter out and Streaming will remain with a few choices rather than a ton of them.

No different to how Digital started off and with Win10, Uplay and Origins all tried to do there own thing only to come back to Steam and release there games on that service.. again.

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eva01beserk said:
Reminds me of Netflix. It started out great when it had no competitors but now there are so many. They all started pulling their content and putting a competitor. The ones that dint put up a service went with the highest bidder in turn making the cost of the winner go up. Now we are back at how cable was just as expensive.

Game streaming just had media streaming as a reference so the initial Netflix with no competition honey moon face got completely skiped. Publishers and either making their own or seeing who offers the most $$$.

I think MS is about to be hit pretty hard soon. They will be hit on the unreleased xcloud but publishers will start to pull games from gamepass as well and try to renegotiate. The only plus they have is that they have their own first party games, but sadly they make the less amount of games out of any of the big publishers or consoles so they really cant compete with their content alone.

No doubt this might cause companies to do there own thing however you also need to remember that MS own Azure Cloud, so those wanting to do Streaming will most likely create there own App or platform however they will still need to rent the Streaming services and that will profit MS all the same. Azure is apparently a very good network which is outpacing Googles network so when it comes to Streaming gaming, Azure seems to be a no brainer choice. Also Sony signed up to use Azure so technically the more popular PSN becomes is more revenue for MS as well. 

Either the companies let Game Pass and XCloud do the Streaming for them or they rent out Azure to Stream there own content. Either way this is a positive for MS. They are in a really good position at the moment. Sure others can rent out Amazon or Google's Network however from what we are seeing, Azure is doing game Streaming better so it just adds another reason to use MS's Network.

Last edited by Azzanation - on 22 February 2020

Azzanation said:
eva01beserk said:
Reminds me of Netflix. It started out great when it had no competitors but now there are so many. They all started pulling their content and putting a competitor. The ones that dint put up a service went with the highest bidder in turn making the cost of the winner go up. Now we are back at how cable was just as expensive.

Game streaming just had media streaming as a reference so the initial Netflix with no competition honey moon face got completely skiped. Publishers and either making their own or seeing who offers the most $$$.

I think MS is about to be hit pretty hard soon. They will be hit on the unreleased xcloud but publishers will start to pull games from gamepass as well and try to renegotiate. The only plus they have is that they have their own first party games, but sadly they make the less amount of games out of any of the big publishers or consoles so they really cant compete with their content alone.

No doubt this might cause companies to do there own thing however you also need to remember that MS own Azure Cloud, so those wanting to do Streaming will most likely create there own App or platform however they will still need to rent the Streaming services and that will profit MS all the same. Azure is apparently a very good network which is outpacing Googles network so when it comes to Streaming gaming, Azure seems to be a no brainer choice. Also Sony signed up to use Azure so technically the more popular PSN becomes is more revenue for MS as well. 

Either the companies let Game Pass and XCloud do the Streaming for them or they rent out Azure to Stream there own content. Either way is a positive and MS. MS are also in a really good position for this. Sure they can rent out Amazon or Google's Network however from what we are seeing, Azure is doing game Streaming better so its another reason to use MS Network.

Better is relative. If google has lower performance they could charge less and could still be considered better cuz of it. We are also talking about trillion dollar companies with MS google and amazon here, on a days notice they could each invest 10's of billions and each have better services. just recently the US government announced that they are partnering with AMD ryzen and Nvidia to have the worlds most powerful server farm and/or super computer and google announced shortly after that they want to one up them. And im willing to bet is just for bragging rights. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

eva01beserk said:
Azzanation said:

No doubt this might cause companies to do there own thing however you also need to remember that MS own Azure Cloud, so those wanting to do Streaming will most likely create there own App or platform however they will still need to rent the Streaming services and that will profit MS all the same. Azure is apparently a very good network which is outpacing Googles network so when it comes to Streaming gaming, Azure seems to be a no brainer choice. Also Sony signed up to use Azure so technically the more popular PSN becomes is more revenue for MS as well. 

Either the companies let Game Pass and XCloud do the Streaming for them or they rent out Azure to Stream there own content. Either way is a positive and MS. MS are also in a really good position for this. Sure they can rent out Amazon or Google's Network however from what we are seeing, Azure is doing game Streaming better so its another reason to use MS Network.

Better is relative. If google has lower performance they could charge less and could still be considered better cuz of it. We are also talking about trillion dollar companies with MS google and amazon here, on a days notice they could each invest 10's of billions and each have better services. just recently the US government announced that they are partnering with AMD ryzen and Nvidia to have the worlds most powerful server farm and/or super computer and google announced shortly after that they want to one up them. And im willing to bet is just for bragging rights. 

Better is better for the customer. Customers want the best experience for there money and so far Azure is doing it better than Google based off the beta testing. Sure these companies can invest billions more into there infrastructures however these things don't happen over night, by the time they upgrade all there server farms, next gen would have started and companies will need to have made these deals now not later.

Streaming is going to improve yearly as better internet and servers come out, that is a no brainer however so far, with what's available, not many companies are going to skip Azure as we have seen even Sony could have gone with someone else instead they went with MS there direct console competitor because maybe Azure is the best deal for value going around currently. Also MS make Xbox, a dedicated gaming platform with history of success, I doubt companies will opt for Google as they are still unknown on there success in this industry.

Azzanation said:
eva01beserk said:

Better is relative. If google has lower performance they could charge less and could still be considered better cuz of it. We are also talking about trillion dollar companies with MS google and amazon here, on a days notice they could each invest 10's of billions and each have better services. just recently the US government announced that they are partnering with AMD ryzen and Nvidia to have the worlds most powerful server farm and/or super computer and google announced shortly after that they want to one up them. And im willing to bet is just for bragging rights. 

Better is better for the customer. Customers want the best experience for there money and so far Azure is doing it better than Google based off the beta testing. Sure these companies can invest billions more into there infrastructures however these things don't happen over night, by the time they upgrade all there server farms, next gen would have started and companies will need to have made these deals now not later.

Streaming is going to improve yearly as better internet and servers come out, that is a no brainer however so far, with what's available, not many companies are going to skip Azure as we have seen even Sony could have gone with someone else instead they went with MS there direct console competitor because maybe Azure is the best deal for value going around currently. Also MS make Xbox, a dedicated gaming platform with history of success, I doubt companies will opt for Google as they are still unknown on there success in this industry.

Are you kidding? Google is the number 1 company in all relating video streaming with youtube, they have google the number one search engine. they control like 80% of all online adds. They are already dominating the internet infrastructure. I would not doubt that they have the best server farms already in the market, just that they already split it into so many services that they offer. Im not telling you that stadia will dominate cuz of it. Would be stupid as no one wants to buy the games again on another platform. But I do see google also offering their services to other companies. And yes, better is better. But 10% better for double(hyperbole) the price is crazzy. There are always tiers.

Also theese companys upgrade their infrastructures on a yearly basis. Either making a new farm, or replacing an old one with better components. they dont like being behind and they have the $$$ to always stay on top. So the edge azure has could be a one year thing, after that I expect at least parity from the top industries. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

eva01beserk said:
Azzanation said:

Better is better for the customer. Customers want the best experience for there money and so far Azure is doing it better than Google based off the beta testing. Sure these companies can invest billions more into there infrastructures however these things don't happen over night, by the time they upgrade all there server farms, next gen would have started and companies will need to have made these deals now not later.

Streaming is going to improve yearly as better internet and servers come out, that is a no brainer however so far, with what's available, not many companies are going to skip Azure as we have seen even Sony could have gone with someone else instead they went with MS there direct console competitor because maybe Azure is the best deal for value going around currently. Also MS make Xbox, a dedicated gaming platform with history of success, I doubt companies will opt for Google as they are still unknown on there success in this industry.

Are you kidding? Google is the number 1 company in all relating video streaming with youtube, they have google the number one search engine. they control like 80% of all online adds. They are already dominating the internet infrastructure. I would not doubt that they have the best server farms already in the market, just that they already split it into so many services that they offer.

No, for video streaming AWS is on top. They have Netflix + Amazon Prime Video + Twitch + Facebook video

Besides that, it depends on several factors, which of the big three cloud providers is "the best":