eva01beserk said: Reminds me of Netflix. It started out great when it had no competitors but now there are so many. They all started pulling their content and putting a competitor. The ones that dint put up a service went with the highest bidder in turn making the cost of the winner go up. Now we are back at how cable was just as expensive. Game streaming just had media streaming as a reference so the initial Netflix with no competition honey moon face got completely skiped. Publishers and either making their own or seeing who offers the most $$$. I think MS is about to be hit pretty hard soon. They will be hit on the unreleased xcloud but publishers will start to pull games from gamepass as well and try to renegotiate. The only plus they have is that they have their own first party games, but sadly they make the less amount of games out of any of the big publishers or consoles so they really cant compete with their content alone. |
No doubt this might cause companies to do there own thing however you also need to remember that MS own Azure Cloud, so those wanting to do Streaming will most likely create there own App or platform however they will still need to rent the Streaming services and that will profit MS all the same. Azure is apparently a very good network which is outpacing Googles network so when it comes to Streaming gaming, Azure seems to be a no brainer choice. Also Sony signed up to use Azure so technically the more popular PSN becomes is more revenue for MS as well.
Either the companies let Game Pass and XCloud do the Streaming for them or they rent out Azure to Stream there own content. Either way this is a positive for MS. They are in a really good position at the moment. Sure others can rent out Amazon or Google's Network however from what we are seeing, Azure is doing game Streaming better so it just adds another reason to use MS's Network.
Last edited by Azzanation - on 22 February 2020