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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Jaicee said:

This coronavirus stuff is starting to get to me, honestly. It's making my anxiety worse. It's starting to have a painful and frightening impact on my daily life.

And don't let anyone reassure you with that "2% death rate that may drop as the virus spreads" stuff either: 15 to 20% of coronavirus cases require hospitalization, as in you require a respirator. And even beyond that, beyond those officially severe cases, have you ever looked up the official definitions of "mild cases" before? They include everything from having virtually no symptoms to winding up with pneumonia and coughing up blood!

As someone from a medical background, let me reassure you coughing up blood has been found in less than 1% of detected cases and definitely merits at least further investigation. Also, do remember that proportion of serious cases exclude cases that were not identified and not diagnosed, which likely makes it far less than 15% - 20%.

Just follow health guidelines, and take a break from the news if you need to. The last thing everyone needs is to weaken their immune systems. Virtually no one, if not indeed no one, in our age bracket has died so far without having a previous severe health condition.






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If one positive thing will come out of this, is that supermarkets and it's distributors will make a shit load of money in the next few months.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

My local store has only 2 for each customer signs for some products.  

Btw France will now close everything except groceries stores and pharmacies.

I have to start working again in April but with a bit of luck I can stay at home. However, I'm working at a federal ministry so that seems unlikely...

  •  Italy's health system is overwhelmed:

    - "We're close to the point of no return for intensive care beds in Lombardy. We have 15 to 20 intensive care beds left. With 85 new people entering ICU every day and 2 or 3 leaving, we're close to the point of no return. "There are no more ambulances" - Lombardy Welfare Councilor Gallera added - "and therefore someone will have to wait late in the evening." [source] 732 patients are currently treated in intensive care in Lombardy, and 76 new deaths were reported in the region today [source]

    - In Bergamo, "deaths have quintupled from a week ago. There is a burial every half hour" said Councilor for Cemetery Services Giacomo Angeloni. "There are many elderly people at home with breathing difficulties. They are not hospitalized because the hospitals are full" said the mayor of Alzano Lombardo Carmelo Bertocchi [source]

  • United States:

    “There is going to be a fairly tremendous strain on our health system,” warned Dr. William Jaquis, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians

    Hospitals are setting up circus-like triage tents, calling doctors out of retirement, guarding their supplies of face masks and making plans to cancel elective surgery as they brace for an expected onslaught of coronavirus patients [source]

  • 39 new cases and 1 new death in Ireland. There are many anecdotal stories of people ignoring the social distancing guidelines laid out on Thursday. We are in an unprecedented global situation. Everyone in the country must play their part in protecting the most vulnerable and slowing down the spread of the disease" said Deputy chief medical officer Dr Ronan Glynn [source]

Would be nice if everyone would play their part in this and don't act like it's not their problem. 

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Some good news

They claim the antibody they found "neutralizes" the virus, and "offers the potential to prevent and/or treat COVID-19, and possibly also other future emerging diseases in humans caused by viruses from the Sarbecovirus subgenus."

"As far as we know, this is the very first antibody that blocks the infection," Grosveld explained to the magazine. "Finding something like this is very rare," he said.

Their research would not necessarily lead to a vaccine, but rather a new medicine that could be used to treat those infected with the current coronavirus strain. It could be developed far faster than a vaccine, but would need months of testing, he stated, adding that it would also be more expensive to produce than a vaccine.

"We are now trying to get a pharmaceutical company on board – which is looking promising, by the way – that can produce the antibody on a large scale as a medicine," Grosveld said.

"If you were to take this as a patient, it is expected – only an expectation right now – that the infection will be stopped. And so it can give the patient an opportunity to recover," he told the magazine.

Delaying the spread is the best thing we can do right now.

Marth said:
Ok there is confimed case of Coronavirus in the dancing school that I am also visiting every week...

Damn that sucks. Stay safe!

The UK estimates they already have 10,000 - 20,000 active infections. That would imply 90 - 95% of cases are being undetected. They want to broaden the peak of infections to diminish the strain in their healthcare system but the idea still seems, basically, give it to everyone who's young and healthy ASAP and build up herd immunity.






Updated: March 14th evening (Europe Time zone)

crissindahouse said:
  •  Italy's health system is overwhelmed:

    - "We're close to the point of no return for intensive care beds in Lombardy. We have 15 to 20 intensive care beds left. With 85 new people entering ICU every day and 2 or 3 leaving, we're close to the point of no return. "There are no more ambulances" - Lombardy Welfare Councilor Gallera added - "and therefore someone will have to wait late in the evening." [source] 732 patients are currently treated in intensive care in Lombardy, and 76 new deaths were reported in the region today [source]

This kind of stuff I find particularly concerning. Having healthcare systems under so much strain that it inevitably leads to not just immediate chaos for them, but long terms chaos for the general population. People will start to behave very differently if they have reason to believe any number of things not related to this virus can be their undoing, simply because there are no people, no space, and no equipment at hand to aid them should the need arise.