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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

If the disease doesn't go away quickly or comes back in winter, any country adopting a milder, "herd immunity"-like containment strategy, like the UK and Germany to some extent, could benefit immensely, in economic terms, if they successfully achieve it.






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John2290 said:
vivster said:

What do you think will happen? Even the absolute worst case scenario imaginable will be nothing but a footnote in history. Let's be crazy and assume the virus has a 10% death rate, which is more than 10 times of what it actually has. And let's assume it will infect every single human on earth, which is also more than ten times of what it will. So we're gonna lose 10% of the world's population, most of which will be people who wouldn't have survived for long anyway. Now what? You think that will bring some sort of collapse of society?

Maybe it would be different if the virus was aggressive against children and working adults, but it isn't. It's fun to panic but maybe stop once in a while and think about what you are actually scared of. If someone as idiotic and reckless as Trump can't hurt humanity, a little virus certainly won't.

Stress and anxiety are bad for your immune system and you know who loves weak immune systems. Which means intentionally stressing other people out is indirectly killing them even faster. Please don't try to kill more people.

What? 10% of the worlds population is near 800 million people. 1% is 80 million people. Is it infects at the WHOs estimate it's at least 45 million people you are just going to through to the wind and fill mass graves with... what? So we can go on wth daily life and set all our integrity and moral good aside, this will and should never happen. What would be the point if you're going to let your neighbour or grand parents or the pregnant women with a child on the way be put in mortal danger? Can you really live with that so we don't experience a bit of hardship for a time? 

What are you suggesting exactly because I don't want to put words in your mouth, lay out your view of how this should be handled with a 1% mortality rate and at least 50% infected globally, being conservative. Please. 

Marc Lipsitch from Harvard University, a expert on virus, claims that we could see as much as 40-70% of the world to get infected.

~7.8 billion people live on this planet.
If 70% of them get this, and 2% die due to it..... thats still like ~156 million people dieing.

"So we're gonna lose 10% of the world's population, most of which will be people who wouldn't have survived for long anyway. Now what? You think that will bring some sort of collapse of society?"

The world keeps spinning, and doesnt care about people dieing, so why should you? am I right? (sarcasm)

Thats all well and good, until you lose a family member.
Then it well and truely sucks.

UK is in the top 10 now, heres the to 20

JRPGfan said:
John2290 said:

What? 10% of the worlds population is near 800 million people. 1% is 80 million people. Is it infects at the WHOs estimate it's at least 45 million people you are just going to through to the wind and fill mass graves with... what? So we can go on wth daily life and set all our integrity and moral good aside, this will and should never happen. What would be the point if you're going to let your neighbour or grand parents or the pregnant women with a child on the way be put in mortal danger? Can you really live with that so we don't experience a bit of hardship for a time? 

What are you suggesting exactly because I don't want to put words in your mouth, lay out your view of how this should be handled with a 1% mortality rate and at least 50% infected globally, being conservative. Please. 

Marc Lipsitch from Harvard University, a expert on virus, claims that we could see as much as 40-70% of the world to get infected.

~7.8 billion people live on this planet.
If 70% of them get this, and 2% die due to it..... thats still like ~156 million people dieing.

"So we're gonna lose 10% of the world's population, most of which will be people who wouldn't have survived for long anyway. Now what? You think that will bring some sort of collapse of society?"

The world keeps spinning, and doesnt care about people dieing, so why should you? am I right? (sarcasm)

Thats all well and good, until you lose a family member.
Then it well and truely sucks.

And to put things into perspective again, 75 million people lost their lives in WW2, but that's just a footnote in history right. We did get an economic boom after WW2, there's that.

No time for panic, no time left for a let's wait and see approach anymore either. Plus who knows what long lasting effects this could have. Prevention is always better than let's clean up afterwards.

CaptainExplosion said:
John2290 said:

Noone deserves to die fron this, they might be idiots but they are still people and hopefully they'll snap back to reality after the inital fear wares off and meet the crisis with a less cynical outlook. I think it has to be fear or the tribal BS, as long as true psychopaths don't start leading these people off of a cliff or they find shelter in communities of the same train of tought, they'll come back to us a bit shamed by their stupidity. 

And fuck 2020 indeed, 2020 can choke on 2021s dick. 

Trust me, they won't be ashamed of their idiocy. Some are just brainless bastards to the end.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

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Just to show how ugly this virus is:

In Germany it started to go downhill when some people in a small area (whole area has 250k people and the main city in it has 40k people) where on a carnival party. Now, some weeks later, we have 589 cases just there even with all the quarantine measurements. Whole of Germany has 4000 confirmed cases right now with ~83m people.

Just imagine what would happen if people could still go to soccer matches, could still go to parties and so on... millions over millions would get infected just in Germany when you see these stats from that small region alone. 

Idk what shopping is like in small towns/villages, but in a bigger city, like where I live, it's now officially the worst.

vivster said:
HoangNhatAnh said:

So if your parents/grandparents/uncles/aunts get infected by it, what do you think? Nothing to worry, right?

If I had to worry about my grandparents or parents every day then I wouldn't get to do anything else. There are lots of scary things on the planet that can kill anyone within a moment's notice. Weirdly those things didn't cause a panic, that's probably because they are a fact of life and people learned to deal with it. Also probably because they don't have sexy names like corona and get tracked as closely as royal couples.

Yep, I worry about me or my loved ones dying, but I do it realistically and not in a panic. I don't go out there demanding quarantines of anyone with a driver's license who could kill my mom in an accident. I don't send death threats to medical scientists because they haven't solved the actual biggest threat to human health, cancer. I take my chances with things that have a very low death probability so I don't overburden a health system that has already enough to do with real threats. Also, I take necessary hygiene precautions in every flu season and not just the ones with sexy names.

Dickheads, who want to scare people into a panic by trying to invoke death scenarios of their loved ones are doing so much more harm than any harmless flu virus ever could.

Flu already had vaccine, this still doesn't. The death-rate for young people is low, but very high for old ones, and the infection-rate is super high. You get it, you could be still alive, but your family, especially your parents aren't. And even your own lungs may get some damages by covid-19 as well.

Angelus said:
Idk what shopping is like in small towns/villages, but in a bigger city, like where I live, it's now officially the worst.

Was in a Kaufland yesterday (we have around 70k people) and it was ok I guess. Well, there was no toilet paper, no bread, only the more expensive pasta and almost no cheese but at least I got some things. 

Last edited by crissindahouse - on 14 March 2020

Angelus said:
Idk what shopping is like in small towns/villages, but in a bigger city, like where I live, it's now officially the worst.

I almost got robbed of a hand sanitizer yesterday in nyc.