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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Yes but we have also to consider that italian people over 65 is almost 20% of the entire population, while in China only 10%... literally the half. This gap is more evident if we consider people over 80 (1/2% China, 6/7% Italy), which is the most-hitted part of the population by Covid... Furthermore nations' declared deaths by Covid follows very different standards; the problem is if the deaths are "for" or "accelerated by" it, infact most of the deaths are terminally-ill patients...

Unfortunately this will be the same reason that will lead to numerous deaths in the other western-nations...

Last edited by supermattia10 - on 13 March 2020

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Mnementh said:
OdinHades said:

We closed just about every school in the country today as well as Kindergartens and whatnot. So I wouldn't say germany is inactive, although you could argue that the current measures aren't enough.

Yeah, the recent closing of schools is a good first step. I think it came a little late, but better late than never. But the other big vector of virus spread is public transportation. Officials are still too reluctant to hamper the businesses, but at this point I would be more concerned about helping the citizens and take care of the economy later.

So you suggest stopping public transportation? Do you know how many eldery people use public transportation to do grocery shopping or visit the doctor?

That's basically just another way to kill them.

SpokenTruth said:
Nautilus said:

The counter test was negative.He is fine, thankfully.

I don't see any reports of a counter test, just the denial of the initial positive test result.

I hardly think he would lie.Not only because I trust him, but because it would be a short lived lie, one way or another.

It would be stupid to lie, in another words.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

vivster said:

The swine flu infected about 1 billion people and was found to be less severe than the seasonal flu. That is despite being much more aggressive towards healthy and younger people. You really expect this to be worse? This virus that is incredibly weak to a normal immune system and can be fought with soap?

Did you read the link?

Myth: You're waaaay less likely to get this than the flu 

Not necessarily. To estimate how easily a virus spreads, scientists calculate its "basic reproduction number," or R0 (pronounced R-nought). R0 predicts the number of people who can catch a given bug from a single infected person, Live Science previously reported. Currently, the R0 for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the disease COVID-19, is estimated at about 2.2, meaning a single infected person will infect about 2.2 others, on average. By comparison, the flu has an R0 of 1.3. 

Myth: The coronavirus is less deadly than the flu

So far, it appears the coronavirus is more deadly than the flu. However, there's still a lot of uncertainty around the mortality rate of the virus. The annual flu typically has a mortality rate of around 0.1% in the U.S. So far, there's a 0.05% mortality rate among those who caught the flu virus in the U.S. this year, according to the CDC.

In comparison, recent data suggests that COVID-19 has a mortality rate more than 20 times higher, of around 2.3%, according to a study published Feb. 18 by the China CDC Weekly. The death rate varied by different factors such as location and an individual's age, according to a previous Live Science report

But these numbers are continuously evolving and may not represent the actual mortality rate. It's not clear if the case counts in China are accurately documented, especially since they shifted the way they defined cases midway through, according to STAT News. There could be many mild or asymptomatic cases that weren't counted in the total sample size, they wrote. 

There could be many more mild cases around that skew the current death rate estimates, but that won't make it any better, probably even worse, since that means it has spread far further already. The death rate also depends on the availability of respirators to keep people alive. The critical care rate is still very high. (9%)

SpokenTruth said:
Nautilus said:

I hardly think he would lie.Not only because I trust him, but because it would be a short lived lie, one way or another.

It would be stupid to lie, in another words.

I...nevermind. Bolsanaro would never lie to you. Ever. 

It's not me he would lie to.It would be the brasilian people.

And what I meant by the lie being short lived: He would get sick if he was infected and then finally hospitalized. If he disapeared from the public one or two weeks from now(because he would be under treatment), everyone would know that he had the disease and would know he lied.Which would be even worse.Either way people would find out.That's why it's stupid to lie about this, and why there is no reason to believe he lied.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

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ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Let me share with you all the stupidity of some of the people of my country, 3 days ago they close the universities, the next day students rushed to the beach like this was a vacation... one club in a small citie here 3 nights ago made a huge party named " the corona party !!! " . The dumb fuck of my boss traveled to france monday arrived 2 days ago...

i am so scared , not for myself but for my parents and people i know that getting it might be a death sentence because of health problems...

Idiots, everywhere. I have really good health, always did, but my mom is very sick and has been for a long time. If she gets it, that's it for her. Same with others in the family who have severe asthma or are taking chemo injections on a weekly basis. In my native country (Norway), they're taking rather big measures to prevent spread, all clubs and bars are closed, as are all schools and all those who can are required to work from home. Meanwhile, here in Sweden, they're not really doing anything and the head of the whole Corona effort group is a complete tool, to top it off there's already a crisis in the healthcare system and they're understaffed as is, without a pandemic. To make matters even worse, the man in charge of national crisis management is a notorious buffoon whose main accomplishments have been a previous bout as head of police, where he ruined the whole police corps nationwide by injecting stupid ideology into the occupation and then he totally fumbled the efforts to cope with the massive forest fires a few years back. Sweden is heading for a lot of trouble, and soon.

John2290 said:
Nautilus said:

The last big outbreak we had was the Swine Flu.It was estimated that the number of infected was between 700 million to 1.4 billion people.1.4 billion!!!!

And yet we survived that."Only"(relative to the population of the world) around 200k people died though, according to my 10 second research.I'm not saying that 200k is insignificant, but you guys are talking about millions dying.It's not happening.

We have been through worse diseases than this.While the Swine flu was less dangerous, it's infection rate was far higher and we already forgot about this.People have a really bad memory and keep forgetting that not only this shit happens regularly, but we always manage to beat it without it destroying humanity.

So yes, go take a walk, drink a few cups of Coke and calm yourself.The death toll will never reach the million, and probably wont even come close to the scale of damage that the Swine Flu did.

You can call me a cold person, a shit person or just egoistic piece of shit.You can tell yourself whatever you want, as long as that calms you down.Statiscally speaking, you wont die, and neither will your dad, so make damn sure that after this is behind us, you still have money to pay your bills.

Yes. It's not happening if people don't go out infecting ohter people, take the scoial distancing seriously, hunker down for a while and not continue life as usual. The numbers are what they are and if the cap is over 3.5 billion at the WHO's lower estimate then the potential deaths is what it is until it runs out of suseptible people to kill or the hospitals can't cope and the numbers spike. A lot of people will still die over time however as we wait for a vaccine, this is the unfortunate truth. 

I don't know why I keep repeating it but I'm just replying to say, I hope you're right and the facts are wrong. I'm literally praying for that to be the case or the measures work. In reality it will be somewhere in the middle and hopefully far more towards your Swine flu comparison, all things being well. 

I just don't want people to panic and I don't want to create another problem trying to solve the first problem.

But yeah, at this point I just hope for the best.Because at the end, while we may disagree, we all want the best for all of us.That's why we are all so worried.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Spain now with 2000 infections in a day, only 2nd to Italy.
Norway overtaking South Korea in cases per capita, again only 2nd to Italy.
UK trying to get back into the top 10 with only a few cases missing for #11 but Norway's probably not giving up on #10.
Kinda crazy how Japan is getting overtaken by more and more countries.

Not comparable to the Swine Flu:
Take social distancing seriously.


Coronavirus expert Dr. Anthony Fauci said:

"These kind of things generally run out in a few months. Hopefully, we'll make it several weeks. Eight, nine, whatever weeks, but I can't give you a number, because it depends on how successful we are" (with mitigation and containment measures). Earlier today, Dr. Fauci had said that: [video]

  • It’s certainly going to get worse before it gets better
  • Crisis will last for at least several weeks and possibly 2 months or more
  • Complete shut down like in Italy and China is not off the table. "We just have to respond as things evolve over the days and over the weeks"

Worst Case Scenario by CDC (if no actions taken) [source]

Between 160 million and 214 million people in the U.S. could be infected (Worst case scenario). Dr. Lawler, an infectious diseases specialist, provided a “best guess” projections of 96 million people

Could last months or even over a year

As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die. Dr. Lawler’s calculations: 480,000 deaths, which he said was conservative

By contrast, 20,000 to 50,000 people have died from flu-related illnesses this season according to CDC.

2.4 million to 21 million people in the U.S. could require hospitalization, potentially crushing the nation’s medical system, which has only about 925,000 staffed hospital beds. Fewer than a tenth of those are for people who are critically ill

SvennoJ said:

Not comparable to the Swine Flu:
Take social distancing seriously.


Coronavirus expert Dr. Anthony Fauci said:

"These kind of things generally run out in a few months. Hopefully, we'll make it several weeks. Eight, nine, whatever weeks, but I can't give you a number, because it depends on how successful we are" (with mitigation and containment measures). Earlier today, Dr. Fauci had said that: [video]

  • It’s certainly going to get worse before it gets better
  • Crisis will last for at least several weeks and possibly 2 months or more
  • Complete shut down like in Italy and China is not off the table. "We just have to respond as things evolve over the days and over the weeks"

Worst Case Scenario by CDC (if no actions taken) [source]

Between 160 million and 214 million people in the U.S. could be infected (Worst case scenario). Dr. Lawler, an infectious diseases specialist, provided a “best guess” projections of 96 million people

Could last months or even over a year

As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die. Dr. Lawler’s calculations: 480,000 deaths, which he said was conservative

By contrast, 20,000 to 50,000 people have died from flu-related illnesses this season according to CDC.

2.4 million to 21 million people in the U.S. could require hospitalization, potentially crushing the nation’s medical system, which has only about 925,000 staffed hospital beds. Fewer than a tenth of those are for people who are critically ill

Considering the incubation period, the crisis lasting somewhere around 1 to 2 months was expected.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.