ClassicGamingWizzz said: Let me share with you all the stupidity of some of the people of my country, 3 days ago they close the universities, the next day students rushed to the beach like this was a vacation... one club in a small citie here 3 nights ago made a huge party named " the corona party !!! " . The dumb fuck of my boss traveled to france monday arrived 2 days ago... i am so scared , not for myself but for my parents and people i know that getting it might be a death sentence because of health problems... |
Idiots, everywhere. I have really good health, always did, but my mom is very sick and has been for a long time. If she gets it, that's it for her. Same with others in the family who have severe asthma or are taking chemo injections on a weekly basis. In my native country (Norway), they're taking rather big measures to prevent spread, all clubs and bars are closed, as are all schools and all those who can are required to work from home. Meanwhile, here in Sweden, they're not really doing anything and the head of the whole Corona effort group is a complete tool, to top it off there's already a crisis in the healthcare system and they're understaffed as is, without a pandemic. To make matters even worse, the man in charge of national crisis management is a notorious buffoon whose main accomplishments have been a previous bout as head of police, where he ruined the whole police corps nationwide by injecting stupid ideology into the occupation and then he totally fumbled the efforts to cope with the massive forest fires a few years back. Sweden is heading for a lot of trouble, and soon.