Torillian said:
EricHiggin said:
Hong Kong flu wasn't enough deaths either earlier, and it wasn't much different than covid as of now.
Vehicles didn't pop up everywhere all at once. They did spread, and have been for a century, yet we've only added safety measures to them over time, punished those who've broke laws, and have never restricted driving for everyone worldwide because of an increase in traffic deaths.
So how many deaths is too many when every last life matters? How long before something like covid becomes the norm and nobody cares anymore?
I don't honestly remember anyone other than the orange dipshit saying "even a single life lost to coronavirus is too much". That's just what he says when he wants to distract from the fact 300,000 died under his watch. I'm more in the camp that we do the restrictions that are recommended by the experts to try and limit it so 300,000 aren't 600,000.
I'll put the question back to you, how many people would have to die before coronavirus is something that is worth quarantining for?
Trump did say it, because some of the Dems and media were saying it and it was being used against him as if he didn't care because he wasn't saying it. Usually he goes against their slogan's, but because it's true and he also agrees it made sense to use it.
Can't honestly answer that because I don't trust the numbers. When it's been shown that this year the total deaths are in line with what's been normal for the last decade, even though it should be much higher because of covid, I can't help but wonder. Especially when it get's blocked and taken down soon after.
Things like the amount of cold and flu deaths being lower, which isn't a surprise, because if covid is worse then odds are high that some of those people are going to die from covid instead. In which case, if statistically a certain amount in general die every year from the cold and flu, and some of them died of covid instead, why is that being added to the death count, or blamed on anyone else? If they were unfortunately going to pass from one of those illnesses, due to underlying conditions or whatever, why is that someone else's fault? We never say anything about it otherwise.
I will say it's not just about how many. Who matters just as much. There are certain age ranges that are more important to keep healthy in a more hostile outbreak. Gender would also come into play if that ever was a target and the illness was bad enough.