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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

vivster said:
New records all around and it's gonna get so much worse now that winter is starting and people spend more time indoors. We're gonna be back to massive lockdowns before the end of November.

And it all could've been prevented.

Only if China realized eating bats was a bad idea

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melbye said:
vivster said:
New records all around and it's gonna get so much worse now that winter is starting and people spend more time indoors. We're gonna be back to massive lockdowns before the end of November.

And it all could've been prevented.

Only if China realized eating bats was a bad idea

Or if bats realized that carrying disease and then getting eaten is a bad idea.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Weekly update (btw, it didn't come from eating bats, we've been over that before)

Records all around indeed, though one manages to go against the grain in Europe (Ireland) and South Korea, New Zealand and Australia are still managing it well.

In total 3.43 million new cases were reported last week, a 1.18x increase from last week's 2.90 million to a current total of just under 45.9 million
Also 44,534 new deaths were reported last week, a 1.11x increase from last week's 40,082 to a current total of 1,193,237

Europe is growing rapidly and now the USA has started to grow as well again

The continents

Europe reported 1.72 million new cases last week (up from 1.26 million) and 15,602 new deaths (up from 10,432)
North America reported 656.6K new cases last week (up from 542.8K) and 9,449 new deaths (up from 8,883)
Asia reported 609.7K new cases last week (down from 654.6K) and 9,848 new deaths (down from 10,820)
South America reported 360.5K new cases last week (up from 359.1K) and 7,891 new deaths (down from 8,312)
Africa reported 77.4K new cases last week (up from 74.4K) and 1,733 new deaths (up from 1,628)
Oceania reported 1604 new cases last week (down from 2163) and 11 new deaths (up from 7) All French Polynesia which only reports every 2 or 3 days

Corners of the world

The USA reported 569.3K new cases last week (up from 458.7K) and 5,875 new deaths (up from 5,640)
India reported 322.5K new cases last week (down from 383.0K) and 3,689 new deaths (down from 4,960)
Brazil reported 163.9K new cases last week (up from 154.1K) and 3,034 new deaths (down from 3,299)
Iran reported 48.1K new cases last week (up from 34.5K) and 2,493 new deaths (up from 2,115)
Canada reported 20,267 new cases last week (up from 17,626) and 222 new deaths (up from 166)
South Africa reported 11.3K new cases last week (down from 12.2K) and 339 new deaths (down from 521)

Japan and South Korea saw a slight increase, still managing it. Australia is almost rid of Covid-19.

Europe in detail
France, Uk, The Netherlands and Denmark are starting to get the second wave under control, growth is slowing.
Ireland already peaked for the second time and is improving, the only one in Europe.
The rest is all still growing, Italy, Poland, Belgium and Germany are growing fastest atm, with Switzerland and Austria close behind.
Norway has now also joined the 'beat the first wave' club.

UK locking down for the month of November.

Australia records zero daily cases of community transmission of COVID-19 nationwide:

Last edited by curl-6 - on 01 November 2020

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Another lockdown in UK... so what if there is no vaccine? We live in lockdown for the rest of our lives? This is getting more and more ridiculous and it is unbelievable what governments are doing and people are accepting.
I was a number 1 defender of lockdowns, closed borders, masks, bubbles and etc and I still follow 100% of it. But now it seems to me the "conspiracy theories" (or everything that is not the official media story) are making more sense than reality.

EnricoPallazzo said:
Another lockdown in UK... so what if there is no vaccine? We live in lockdown for the rest of our lives? This is getting more and more ridiculous and it is unbelievable what governments are doing and people are accepting.
I was a number 1 defender of lockdowns, closed borders, masks, bubbles and etc and I still follow 100% of it. But now it seems to me the "conspiracy theories" (or everything that is not the official media story) are making more sense than reality.

Certain politicians like Andrew Cuomo, Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsome not to mention other places all over the world whose names i don't know finally got a chance to play out their innate authoritarian desire to gain complete control over the population. Ironically the guy everybody calls a fascist did not take the advantage when he absolutely had the chance to

melbye said:
EnricoPallazzo said:
Another lockdown in UK... so what if there is no vaccine? We live in lockdown for the rest of our lives? This is getting more and more ridiculous and it is unbelievable what governments are doing and people are accepting.
I was a number 1 defender of lockdowns, closed borders, masks, bubbles and etc and I still follow 100% of it. But now it seems to me the "conspiracy theories" (or everything that is not the official media story) are making more sense than reality.

Certain politicians like Andrew Cuomo, Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsome not to mention other places all over the world whose names i don't know finally got a chance to play out their innate authoritarian desire to gain complete control over the population. Ironically the guy everybody calls a fascist did not take the advantage when he absolutely had the chance to

"Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism."  -

You can be a facist, and care little to nothing, for "the common mand" in the country you lead.
Mary Trump has a niece, and shes a clinical psychiatrist, and she knows him basically better than any normal psychiatrist would.
Shes convinced he is a Narcissist to the degree, he would be Diagnosed as such (and more) if he ever went to a shrink.
(many other professionals have come out and said they suspect the same)

Basically Trump lacks empathy to a degree, that he doesnt care if a plague is killing people.
He'll only act, if its in his own intrest to do so. Ei. if not doing anything, causes him to lose a election, he would act (or appear to) only so he doesnt lose support. He basically gives 2 f***s if the world is burning, as long as it doesnt effect him.

thats less praise worthy, than you probably suspect.
Also do you give out browny points, to people that dont abuse their power? That should be the "normal" not something your rewarded for.
And lastly, it doesnt disprove that trump is the most facist like president the US has ever had.

Source (and worth a read):

EnricoPallazzo said:
Another lockdown in UK... so what if there is no vaccine? We live in lockdown for the rest of our lives? This is getting more and more ridiculous and it is unbelievable what governments are doing and people are accepting.
I was a number 1 defender of lockdowns, closed borders, masks, bubbles and etc and I still follow 100% of it. But now it seems to me the "conspiracy theories" (or everything that is not the official media story) are making more sense than reality.

No, you make a real effort like New Zealand and Australia to eradicate the virus and keep it out. Half measures, too early opening back up, people being impatient and ignoring the advice is what keeps dragging it along. People value their parties and vacations more than getting covid free.

melbye said:
EnricoPallazzo said:
Another lockdown in UK... so what if there is no vaccine? We live in lockdown for the rest of our lives? This is getting more and more ridiculous and it is unbelievable what governments are doing and people are accepting.
I was a number 1 defender of lockdowns, closed borders, masks, bubbles and etc and I still follow 100% of it. But now it seems to me the "conspiracy theories" (or everything that is not the official media story) are making more sense than reality.

Certain politicians like Andrew Cuomo, Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsome not to mention other places all over the world whose names i don't know finally got a chance to play out their innate authoritarian desire to gain complete control over the population. Ironically the guy everybody calls a fascist did not take the advantage when he absolutely had the chance to

Yeah a few conservative governments like USA and Brazil decided not to go the authoritarian way, its pretty crazy when you think about it and compare it to the fascist agenda we see in media, although it seems the vast majority of people have no idea what fascism is.

Anyway, one of the lessons I take form covid is that it seems it doesnt matter too much what you do, the virus will come to get your country. Far left governments, far right, centrists, the result is more or less the same. Argentina was being praised a while ago now look what happened. UK is back in lockdown. Sweeden decided to do nothing and the result is the same. If you want to have liberty, you will get the virus. The only thing that seem to work is shutting down your borders, nobody in, nobody out, and even not allowing people to move between states. If you want to get in you need to be tested.