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melbye said:
EnricoPallazzo said:
Another lockdown in UK... so what if there is no vaccine? We live in lockdown for the rest of our lives? This is getting more and more ridiculous and it is unbelievable what governments are doing and people are accepting.
I was a number 1 defender of lockdowns, closed borders, masks, bubbles and etc and I still follow 100% of it. But now it seems to me the "conspiracy theories" (or everything that is not the official media story) are making more sense than reality.

Certain politicians like Andrew Cuomo, Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsome not to mention other places all over the world whose names i don't know finally got a chance to play out their innate authoritarian desire to gain complete control over the population. Ironically the guy everybody calls a fascist did not take the advantage when he absolutely had the chance to

"Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism."  -

You can be a facist, and care little to nothing, for "the common mand" in the country you lead.
Mary Trump has a niece, and shes a clinical psychiatrist, and she knows him basically better than any normal psychiatrist would.
Shes convinced he is a Narcissist to the degree, he would be Diagnosed as such (and more) if he ever went to a shrink.
(many other professionals have come out and said they suspect the same)

Basically Trump lacks empathy to a degree, that he doesnt care if a plague is killing people.
He'll only act, if its in his own intrest to do so. Ei. if not doing anything, causes him to lose a election, he would act (or appear to) only so he doesnt lose support. He basically gives 2 f***s if the world is burning, as long as it doesnt effect him.

thats less praise worthy, than you probably suspect.
Also do you give out browny points, to people that dont abuse their power? That should be the "normal" not something your rewarded for.
And lastly, it doesnt disprove that trump is the most facist like president the US has ever had.

Source (and worth a read):