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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

vivster said:
jason1637 said:
Hope they get better but I'm glad we dont gotta hear from him for 2 weeks.

What makes you think that? Guess who has now more time than ever to tweet?

Lol you're right. Instead of sleeping and getting better he will be tweeting. 

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If irony were strawberries, we'd be drinking a lot of daiquiris right now.

Feels a little like piling on now, but Cornell University finds that Donald Trump is the single largest driver of misinformation about the pandemic. Karmic, indeed.

We keep on climbing in Ontario, Canada. Already a higher 3 day average than at the first peak.

Doug Ford is finally starting to realize this can't go on, but what does he do

Ontario is putting a pause on social circles, asking people across the entire province to now only come in close contact with those inside their household as COVID-19 cases spike to unprecedented levels.
A bit extreme since we've been isolating in our small social bubble, yet now the kids can't see their grandparents again?


Restaurants, bars and nightclubs in Ottawa and Peel Region must limit capacity to 100.
So visiting your carefully selected social bubble bad, 100 people in a restaurant, good...

For gyms and fitness centres in the three hotspots, group exercise classes will now be limited to 10 people and the facility must limit its capacity to 50 people. Banquet halls and event spaces must limit six people per table and have no more than 50 people in the facility at a time.
Yet 30 people per class room and no limit on the total inside the schools...

Ford said limiting contact with those outside the household will be "especially important" to consider ahead of Thanksgiving.
Schools ???????????????

Elliott said these new measures need to be taken seriously to protect the economy and schools.
Ah, it is to protect the schools, erm, err, huh. How about air filtration, smaller classes, faster tests.

The solution to testing capacity being a problem (currently over 90,000 tests pending, over a week to get results)

Ford also said the province will transition to appointment-based testing at COVID-19 assessment centres starting next week. The transition will start on Tuesday in an effort to reduce the testing lineups and cut down on the processing backlog.

"Starting Oct. 4, assessment centres will not be accepting walk-ins … These changes are absolutely necessary," Ford told reporters.

Starting Tuesday, patients with COVID-19 symptoms would have to call one of the province’s 153 assessment centres and speak to a nurse practitioner before making an appointment for a swab.

With Ontario's COVID-19 processing backlog hitting an all-time high of 90,513 on Friday, the province is also trying to reduce the length of time people have to wait before receiving their results.

So now you got to wait to get a swab instead, much better....

What was all the "preparing for a second wave" about, just bullshit. Online schooling is still a mess, test capacity isn't there, contact tracing isn't working. But let's wait until ICUs fill up to really start doing something.

Fall is here, temperatures have dropped, rain as well, people are back indoors, we're screwed.

PortisheadBiscuit said:
Ugh so now Trump can downplay the virus if he recovers. "It was the best, most efficient recovery. No one's ever seen a better recovery, it was a recovery of epic proportions."

"Great recovery, great recovery, it was the - not the best, but maybe top five, top four the doctors had ever seen. If I wasn't as strong as I am, who knows. You never know. I know, but most people don't know, most people I haven't - I wouldn't say, some people would, but I never underestimated the virus. But I have that good energy going on, good energy."






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JRPGfan said:
jason1637 said:
Hope they get better but I'm glad we dont gotta hear from him for 2 weeks.

Think theres like a 7-10% mortality rate at around 75 years old.
Chances are he will pull through just fine.... he'll get better medical treatment than most, by world class doctors.

The thing is something like 90%+ of all people that get covid19, say they still feel symptoms of haveing had the illness even a few months afterwards.
Hes gonna go into this election, without any energy, and weak from haveing had this. If he's unlucky he might develope complications, such as brain damage, organ damage (heart, kidneys, lunges), diabetes, permanent loss of smell/taste, hairloss, ect ect.

Also he'll be to tired to get out of bed most likely, so he ll be watching tv, and tweeting all day instead (or sleeping).

Trump is getting away easy again. Brain damage and hairloss won’t effect him very much.

Weekly update. Some recovering, some staying level, Canada and Europe in general are getting worse.

This week saw 2.067 million new cases, pretty much the same as last week, to a total of 34.8 million reported cases worldwide.
Reported deaths increased a bit from 37,253 to 39,763, bringing the total to 1,032,741

The continents, all down except Europe

Asia reported 812.3K new cases last week (down from 831.0K) and 12,251 new deaths (down from 12,480)
Europe reported 440.0K new cases last week (up from 396.5K) and 4,651 new deaths (up from 3,886)
South America reported 382.8K new cases last week (down from 394.4K) and 13,013 new deaths (up from 10,424)
North America reported 378.3K new cases last week (down from 388.6K) and 8,449 new deaths (down from 9,191)
Africa reported 53.2K new cases last week (down from 55.5K) and 1,376 new deaths (up from 1,235)
Oceania only reported 526 new cases last week (down from 642) and 23 new deaths (down from 37)

Corners of the world

India reported 570,363 new cases last week (down from 596,096) and 7,465 new deaths (down from 7,785)
USA reported 305,139 new cases last week (down from 318,243) and 5,084 new deaths (down from 5,269)
Brazil reported 189,652 new cases last week (down from 195,145) and 4,722 new deaths (down from 4,852)
Iran reported 24,714 new cases last week (up from 23,684) and 1,345 new deaths (up from 1,270)
Canada reported 12,203 new cases last week (up from 9,589) and 54 new deaths (up from 50)
South Africa reported 9,304 new cases last week (down from 10,902) and 597 new deaths (up from 455)
Japan reported 3,718 new cases last week (up from 3,003) and 46 new deaths (down from 50)
South Korea reported 497 new cases last week (down from 672) and 21 new deaths (up from 18)
Australia reported 113 new cases last week (down from 139) and 21 new deaths (down from 33)

Temperatures are falling in the Northern Hemisphere and cases go up.

Germany is back to April numbers. Let's see if Angie is still cool enough to not let it eclipse the second wave as it it did in so many other countries.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Ontario is in the 500's a day atm, with reduced testing to work through the massive backlog.

Quebec is a bit ahead of us: Quebecers need to stay at home in the coming weeks if we want to still have a chance at breaking the second wave of COVID-19, Health Minister Christian Dube is warning. Quebec health authorities reported 1,364 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, beating the province's single-day record for the second day in a row

Their first wave peaked at 1110 cases (Although there was an outlier with 2200 in a day, adding late numbers due to a computer glitch) so already consistently above the first peak. Ontario is probably not far behind, it only takes 10 days to double up at the current rate, plus with reduced testing we're back to missing more and more cases. Ontario's highest count in the first wave was 606, which we already beat with 732 on October 2nd, then testing had to be restricted since the pending backlog was over 90,000 tests.

We set a new worldwide high yesterday. Looks like Europe is leading most of the growth right now