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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

A 71k day today in the US

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Germany is holding on surprisingly well, but I don't see them coming even close to eradicating it like other isolated nations could. Seems every day I see more and more people in public transport either wearing their mask wrong or not at all.

Still really proud of the vast majority of my fellow citizens keeping it up so well, despite being not used to masks at all.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

India will probably enter The 1 million plus club tomorrow or a day after.

sethnintendo said:
Notice how the countries that have the worst leaders such as USA, Brazil and Russia have the worst outbreaks. Must be some kind of correlation or karma.

Its not karma....

something something compassion... something something leaders dont care about general public, avg joe smo... something something.

vivster said:
sethnintendo said:
Notice how the countries that have the worst leaders such as USA, Brazil and Russia have the worst outbreaks. Must be some kind of correlation or karma.

Don't forget UK, they're all headed by some right wing nutjobs. Turns out you can't impress a virus with ignoring facts and lying all the time.

Much closer to the truth than blameing Karma.
When you have a leader thats main intrests is looking out for the rich and powerfull.... the poor get screwed over, always.

jason1637 said:
A 71k day today in the US

Over 140k deaths too.

Also you guys need to remember that for every person that dies to corna theres like 10  times that amount of people that LIVE, but with permanent damage. Damaged heart/lunges/kidneys/brain/testicles...

A surpriseing amount (50%+) of "mild case" recoveries and even "non-symptom" recoveries show permanent damage to various degree's on differnt organs.

People assume theres only 2 outcomes, you live or you die.
While the truth is, a great many (the majority) live on, with damage afterwards.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 16 July 2020

I'm a bit upset with Belgium not putting enough focus on the weak elderly for years now,some retirementhomes/and places for mental handicapped are very underfunded.

Sure that also contributed to the deaths now.

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vivster said:
Germany is holding on surprisingly well, but I don't see them coming even close to eradicating it like other isolated nations could. Seems every day I see more and more people in public transport either wearing their mask wrong or not at all.

Still really proud of the vast majority of my fellow citizens keeping it up so well, despite being not used to masks at all.

It helps not really having any sort of public transport here. The 11K town I live in doesn't even have bus service. The bigger town over has a couple bus lines and only 10 trains stop there per day.

Masks are now mandatory, or rather from tomorrow (better later than never) but it is already posted everywhere when going to shops. The shops are pretty good doing their part, only allowing a few customers in at a time, serving them separately will all safety measures. I had to do an emergency repair on my bike yesterday (front gear shift cable snapped) so I stocked up on resupplies while getting a new cable. The bicycle store has everything in place already as well as wearing masks. They lock the door and only let new people in when the last one goes out.

I also already saw more people using masks outside. Finally the use of them is better communicated and the stigma of wearing one is wearing off. f course there are still those that fight it. Actually the other customer I was in the store with, an elderly man, was complaining no end at how terrible the face masks were, but at least he was wearing one! 

The downside, I already found a couple discarded masks along my property (next to a park) and also saw some along the trail.

Eradicating is not going to happen I'm afraid, even if we get it to go away here, it's still coming in
Plus those coming in through the land border and not self quarantining, some get turned away
But others still get in and then fail to self quarantine or drive straight to their destination.

Then there's essential traffic of course, truck drivers bringing in the virus. Yes we need those goods, but why has no one thought about handing off the trailer to a different driver at the border. With our modern communications that should not be that difficult. Farm out breaks here were traced back to truck drivers bringing in supplies.

And then there's the younger population that all find it too much hassle. House parties responsible for new out breaks. Most cases are under 60 now with average age of 38. The problem with that is, most cases now also have milder symptoms, thus the percentage of undetected, yet still contagious, cases is likely also higher. Finding two unrelated cases at the same work place only because the spot light went onto that work place after finding the first one says enough. The odds are simply two small when there are only a few cases 'found' per week in a town of 100K.

Canada went up a bit, 3 day avg of 413 daily cases. (11 per million)
Ontario went down a bit, 3 day avg of 110 daily cases. (7.5 per million)
Brant county is finding about 1 or 2 per day (~ 12 per million)

Phase 3 starts tomorrow, up to 50 people allowed indoors again. Restaurants and gyms back open. It's not gone yet and it won't go away with the current measures. But it's possible to stay safe at least. Grocery day for me again, I wonder if more than 50% wear masks today at the supermarket.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 16 July 2020

CaptainExplosion said:

If this is true, then Russia can't be trusted, ESPECIALLY during a pandemic.

Bad enough they grab whatever countries they can and shoot down civilians over the Ukraine, now they're trying to fuck up whatever chances we have of getting out of the pandemic alive.

''CSE assesses that APT29, also named “the Dukes” or “Cozy Bear” was responsible for this malicious activity, and almost certainly operates as part of Russian intelligence services. This assessment is supported by partners at Government Communications Headquarters’ National Cyber Security Centre, the National Security Agency, and the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.''

''The United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and Canada’s Communications Security Establishment (CSE) assess that APT29 (also known as ‘the Dukes’ or ‘Cozy Bear’) is a cyber espionage group, almost certainly part of the Russian intelligence services. The United States’ National Security Agency (NSA) agrees with this attribution and the details provided in this report.''

Bolded:Now when you read such a statement you would assume they also present clear proof to back that up but no,it is like intentionally vague and i just find that a bit strange.

CaptainExplosion said:

If this is true, then Russia can't be trusted, ESPECIALLY during a pandemic.

Bad enough they grab whatever countries they can and shoot down civilians over the Ukraine, now they're trying to fuck up whatever chances we have of getting out of the pandemic alive.

So you would trust Russia if it isn't true?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

CaptainExplosion said:

If this is true, then Russia can't be trusted, ESPECIALLY during a pandemic.

Bad enough they grab whatever countries they can and shoot down civilians over the Ukraine, now they're trying to fuck up whatever chances we have of getting out of the pandemic alive.

industrial espionage.  <----- real reason imo.

Russia is like "what have you guys discovered about the virus? hows the results of testing going? got anything promising?"

Basically russia isn't counting on others "shareing" their discoveries, but would reaaaaallly like to have a vaccine too.
So their "best option" is to go have a looksie at what others found out.

I wouldnt put it past America and China to do the same, with hackers targeting research labs, to see how far along they are, and what they found.
its just, no one comes out and shouts "bad america, bad china" stop trying to hack into our systems.

With russian? they got no friends, so everyone is quick to point a finger.

Honestly can you blame Russia?
Its in their intrests to get access to vaccine results, and developments, because they cant count on anyone being decent enough to help them.
The virus is a world wide problem, everyone should be shareing everything, and the vaccines should be free for everyone (when you find one that works).

Reality? how likely is that to happend?

CaptainExplosion said:
JRPGfan said:

industrial espionage.  <----- real reason imo.

Russia is like "what have you guys discovered about the virus? hows the results of testing going? got anything promising?"

Basically russia isn't counting on others "shareing" their discoveries, but would reaaaaallly like to have a vaccine too.
So their "best option" is to go have a looksie at what others found out.

I wouldnt put it past America and China to do the same, with hackers targeting research labs, to see how far along they are, and what they found.
its just, no one comes out and shouts "bad america, bad china" stop trying to hack into our systems.

With russian? they got no friends, so everyone is quick to point a finger.

Honestly can you blame Russia?
Its in their intrests to get access to vaccine results, and developments, because they cant count on anyone being decent enough to help them.
The virus is a world wide problem, everyone should be shareing everything, and the vaccines should be free for everyone (when you find one that works).

Reality? how likely is that to happend?

Yes. I can. Knowing Russia's history of scumminess they'd hog the vaccine to themselves unless paid outrageously high prices for it. Not to mention their aiding of North Korea and placing of bounties on American soldiers for Afghan militants.

Russia is a terror state, plain and simple.

Or..... they arn't doing to well with their own efforts into a vaccine, and are hopeing they can copy the work of others if they manage to?

I seriously doubt they are trying to mess up, others research just for the hell of it, because their a "terror state".
Its much more likely its just industrial espionage.

Why would they want to know if others have good results with a vaccine?
Because they want to copy and make their own and give to their own people.

Its simple, and makes sense.  Occam's razor.