CaptainExplosion said:
JRPGfan said:
industrial espionage. <----- real reason imo.
Russia is like "what have you guys discovered about the virus? hows the results of testing going? got anything promising?"
Basically russia isn't counting on others "shareing" their discoveries, but would reaaaaallly like to have a vaccine too. So their "best option" is to go have a looksie at what others found out.
I wouldnt put it past America and China to do the same, with hackers targeting research labs, to see how far along they are, and what they found. its just, no one comes out and shouts "bad america, bad china" stop trying to hack into our systems.
With russian? they got no friends, so everyone is quick to point a finger.
Honestly can you blame Russia? Its in their intrests to get access to vaccine results, and developments, because they cant count on anyone being decent enough to help them. The virus is a world wide problem, everyone should be shareing everything, and the vaccines should be free for everyone (when you find one that works).
Reality? how likely is that to happend?
Yes. I can. Knowing Russia's history of scumminess they'd hog the vaccine to themselves unless paid outrageously high prices for it. Not to mention their aiding of North Korea and placing of bounties on American soldiers for Afghan militants.
Russia is a terror state, plain and simple.
Or..... they arn't doing to well with their own efforts into a vaccine, and are hopeing they can copy the work of others if they manage to?
I seriously doubt they are trying to mess up, others research just for the hell of it, because their a "terror state".
Its much more likely its just industrial espionage.
Why would they want to know if others have good results with a vaccine?
Because they want to copy and make their own and give to their own people.
Its simple, and makes sense. Occam's razor.