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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

COKTOE said:
jason1637 said:

On the train today there was a huge fight today cause someone didmt like that someone wasn't wearing a mask. Then it turned into the person saying if you care about black lives you'd weat a mask and the other person was saying all live matter. 

How the F did BLM become part of the dispute?

Immersiveunreality said:

In France a busdriver was beaten braindead because he refused to let someone on without a mask.

That's messed up. Just terrible. I hope the assailant was captured at least.

The person not wearing a mask was black and the person calling her out was black. So they were saying if you care about Black lives you'd wear a mask.

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JRPGfan said:

Flordia had more than +11,433 cases today so far....

a month ago florida had, had 50,000 cases total.
now barely a month lateron, and its over 240,000 cases.

They wont even mandate you have to wear masks.... its still optional in florida right?

It depends where in Florida. The governor could mandate masks statewide but he doesn't want to so many mayors mandated masks win their own cities.

Miami-Dade county closed restaurants and gyms county-wide and that is the most populous county in Florida. The city of West Palm Beach has mandatory face mask and fines for people and establishments that don't comply.  Nobody can convince the Governor so its up to mayors to decide.

SvennoJ said:
JRPGfan said:

Yeah the general public will mostly agree that tomatoes, cucumbers, ect are vegatables.
I think most would call peppers a fruit though.

In danish we even call them pepper-fruits (when we say pepper, we generally refer to the peppercorns in the salt/pepper shakers, type pepper).

There's an easy way to find out whether it's a fruit or vegetable. If kids won't eat it, it's a vegetable :)

Peppers are called Paprika in the Netherlands. That name is only used here for peppers in powder form. It's mainly Bell peppers in green, red, yellow and orange that get grown / sold here. There are many different kinds of peppers. And yup ground peppercorns is also called pepper here.

When the tomato debate went to court they did decided to tax it as a vegetable because most people refer to it as one but they added "although botanically speaking they are actually a fruit." so i guess i speak botanically. I don't care that much if people want to call it a vegetable so this will be my last comment on the matter.

jason1637 said:
COKTOE said:

How the F did BLM become part of the dispute?

That's messed up. Just terrible. I hope the assailant was captured at least.

The person not wearing a mask was black and the person calling her out was black. So they were saying if you care about Black lives you'd wear a mask.

Roger Roger.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

COKTOE said:
jason1637 said:

The person not wearing a mask was black and the person calling her out was black. So they were saying if you care about Black lives you'd wear a mask.

Roger Roger.

It's insane they even add skincolour to this.

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jason1637 said:

Same thing happened in NY in April but NY was on lockdown while Arizona isn't with a ~30% positivity rate.

In texas too.... its a repeat of what happend in NY.
Florida will probably get issues with full morgues too, and also resort to it.

Its gonna get worse than NY was though, because NY back then went into lockdown as things were spikeing.
Now? no one in the USA is willing to go back into a full lockdown.

I can see things in texas, florida, arizona ending up much much worse than NY.

Also remeber with NY, after lockdown it still took like a month before deaths stopped spikeing.
Basically actions you take today, effect how many people die like a month from now.
So deaths will just keep on climbing for a month's time, reguardless of what effects you take now.
(if you take none, they keep climbing for longer)

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 10 July 2020

Georgia reported a high of 4.4k cases and the mayor of Atlanta has put the city back to lockdown (phase 1).

vivster said:
US going full steam ahead to catch France in deaths per million. If they continue like that they'll have caught up by the end of July.

USA is gonna fly right pass them.

France : ~650 cases today.
USA : ~61,000+ cases today (theres still like 3 hours of updates left, and some states havn't reported numbers, so it could climb up abit).

Around 150k deaths, the USA goes past France.
Harvard believes USA will go above 200k by October or something like that.

So by November, USA will probably go past : France, Sweden, Italy, Spain, and be edgeing up on the UK.

Chicho said:

When the tomato debate went to court they did decided to tax it as a vegetable because most people refer to it as one but they added "although botanically speaking they are actually a fruit." so i guess i speak botanically. I don't care that much if people want to call it a vegetable so this will be my last comment on the matter.

It's flexible

Under new school lunch guidelines released by the US Department of Agriculture, pastas made with potato, soy, or other starchy vegetable-based flours will be considered vegetable servings. Even if the included types of pasta aren't served with a recognizable veggie on the side, the pasta itself is still considered a serving of a vegetable, under the new rules.

I think fries also count as a serving of vegetables in the US school system, pizza is as well.

I didn't know there were different tax rates for fruits and vegetables. To court lol!

Yikes, California had almost 10000 new cases yesterday July 10th, why is nobody talking about them?