jason1637 said:
Same thing happened in NY in April but NY was on lockdown while Arizona isn't with a ~30% positivity rate. |
In texas too.... its a repeat of what happend in NY.
Florida will probably get issues with full morgues too, and also resort to it.
Its gonna get worse than NY was though, because NY back then went into lockdown as things were spikeing.
Now? no one in the USA is willing to go back into a full lockdown.
I can see things in texas, florida, arizona ending up much much worse than NY.
Also remeber with NY, after lockdown it still took like a month before deaths stopped spikeing.
Basically actions you take today, effect how many people die like a month from now.
So deaths will just keep on climbing for a month's time, reguardless of what effects you take now.
(if you take none, they keep climbing for longer)
Last edited by JRPGfan - on 10 July 2020