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Chicho said:

When the tomato debate went to court they did decided to tax it as a vegetable because most people refer to it as one but they added "although botanically speaking they are actually a fruit." so i guess i speak botanically. I don't care that much if people want to call it a vegetable so this will be my last comment on the matter.

It's flexible

Under new school lunch guidelines released by the US Department of Agriculture, pastas made with potato, soy, or other starchy vegetable-based flours will be considered vegetable servings. Even if the included types of pasta aren't served with a recognizable veggie on the side, the pasta itself is still considered a serving of a vegetable, under the new rules.

I think fries also count as a serving of vegetables in the US school system, pizza is as well.

I didn't know there were different tax rates for fruits and vegetables. To court lol!