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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

JRPGfan said:

Just watching a video of john campbell were he says that, one of the "Long term" side effects of getting covid19 is supposedly Diabetes.
Its only anecdotal so far, ei. people have noticed what appears to be a uptrend in diabetes, amoung people that have had covid19 and recovered.
(this doesnt mean everyone that gets covid, gets diabetes, just the chances of you developeing it, rise afterwards, like it can trigger it)

Apparently they also saw this same trend when they did experiments with infecting mice, with covid19.
Time to invest in a drug company that makes insulin I guess.

Poor rodents have nothing to do with this whole thing and they keep getting shafted.

Did you know there was a study by the New York University, granted $2.6 million in funds, where infant rats were given electric shocks while being overwhelmed with the smell of peppermint (in the hope that the infants would associate this smell with their mothers), then after weeks of this and stressing the mother so much that she in turn abused the infants, they were put into pools of water with no way to get out so the researchers could time how long the rats swam before giving up. Then they were pulled out of the water just before death, so the scientists could implant electrodes into their brains that released the active ingredient in hallucinogenic mushrooms, then put back into the water until they once again gave up, after which they were killed and dissected.

Thaaaaat's science to you.


Regardless, knowing the good doctor (and often providing him pictures myself) I'm sure he will have mentioned beta cells have no ACE2 receptors (at least I'm pretty sure they don't), but diabetes type I is infamously caused by an unregulated autoimmune response and these can be modulated and perhaps even prevented by good vitamin D intake. 






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Hiku said:

Can we agree that these idiots should not get an ICU bed instead of someone else?
Hospitals should check their social media for things like this, and when they have to chose who gets an ICU bed and who doesn't, makes the choice easy.

Another very real fucked up possibility is, they don't even have covid-19, just seeking more attention. Social media is a pandemic on its own. Next they will be posting how it's all just the flu and they were back partying in a couple days.

Yeah, after seeing those pictures...I feel like puking.

Us numbers might be going down

I can’t believe how wearing a damn mask has become so freaking politicized here in the US. It is freaking bonkers. Is wearing a piece of cloth over your mouth for 10 minutes while you shop so freaking hard? It amazes me how many people all the sudden have medical conditions that make wearing a mask impossible. Good lord, it cuts the infection rate by 50%, it is common sense. Stop fighting it!

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CDC thinks maybe 10 times more people have or had it in USA than official numbers. That's about 20 million people then. Gives us another 6 months and we will be at herd immunity without no stinking vaccine. Just have to let a couple more thousand people die. Maybe need a few million to die and that might help social security not go belly up.  Trump just needs to hold more rallies especially inside nursing homes.

sethnintendo said:

CDC thinks maybe 10 times more people have or had it in USA than official numbers. That's about 20 million people then. Gives us another 6 months and we will be at herd immunity without no stinking vaccine. Just have to let a couple more thousand people die. Maybe need a few million to die and that might help social security not go belly up.  Trump just needs to hold more rallies especially inside nursing homes.

People dying is useless when they're not added to the death toll. The US is not counting a lot of deaths, either because they can't test or on purpose to make their state or county look better.

Just check the excess deaths statistics from the CDC. We're looking at a range of about 20k - 48k excess deaths not attributed to COVID. Those numbers are for the start of June.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

gergroy said:
I can’t believe how wearing a damn mask has become so freaking politicized here in the US. It is freaking bonkers. Is wearing a piece of cloth over your mouth for 10 minutes while you shop so freaking hard? It amazes me how many people all the sudden have medical conditions that make wearing a mask impossible. Good lord, it cuts the infection rate by 50%, it is common sense. Stop fighting it!

I have a medical condition, which is why it is impossible for me to wear pants. Don't say I'm a pervert, it is just a medical condition!!!!111!

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sethnintendo said:

CDC thinks maybe 10 times more people have or had it in USA than official numbers. That's about 20 million people then. Gives us another 6 months and we will be at herd immunity without no stinking vaccine. Just have to let a couple more thousand people die. Maybe need a few million to die and that might help social security not go belly up.  Trump just needs to hold more rallies especially inside nursing homes.

CDC are saying US could have over 300,000 deaths due to the virus before years end.
ei. the next 6months+ will likely cost like 175,000 more people their life in the US.

Also you didn't factor in that ;
a) Not everyone that gets covid19, and recovers actually has meaningfull antibodies afterwards (95% do, but 5% seem not too).
b) Some with very mild cases only have immunity for like 2months time.
c) Also scientists say 70%+ of population might need to be infected before herd immunity is achieved.
*d) New strain of Covid19 (d614g mutation), mutated so much, antibodies from earlier infection, doesnt help any (as people in china are finding out).

Herd immunity takes time, it wont come in another 6 months time (imo).
Also you'll likely run into people that have had it, recovered, lost their antibodies in the meantime, and need to get re-infected with it again.

Imagine building up herd immunity to covid19, by just letting it spread... and then the virus mutates so your "herd immunity" doesnt do anything against it. In China they actually have a differnt strain than the ones in europe/us, and found that people who had their version, arnt immune towards ours.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 26 June 2020

JRPGfan said:
sethnintendo said:

CDC thinks maybe 10 times more people have or had it in USA than official numbers. That's about 20 million people then. Gives us another 6 months and we will be at herd immunity without no stinking vaccine. Just have to let a couple more thousand people die. Maybe need a few million to die and that might help social security not go belly up.  Trump just needs to hold more rallies especially inside nursing homes.

CDC are saying US could have over 300,000 deaths due to the virus before years end.
ei. the next 6months+ will likely cost like 175,000 more people their life in the US.

Also you didn't factor in that ;
a) Not everyone that gets covid19, and recovers actually has meaningfull antibodies afterwards (95% do, but 5% seem not too).
b) Some with very mild cases only have immunity for like 2months time.
c) Also scientists say 70%+ of population might need to be infected before herd immunity is achieved.
*d) New strain of Covid19 (d614g mutation), mutated so much, antibodies from earlier infection, doesnt help any (as people in china are finding out).

Herd immunity takes time, it wont come in another 6 months time (imo).
Also you'll likely run into people that have had it, recovered, lost their antibodies in the meantime, and need to get re-infected with it again.

Imagine building up herd immunity to covid19, by just letting it spread... and then the virus mutates so your "herd immunity" doesnt do anything against it. In China they actually have a differnt strain than the ones in europe/us, and found that people who had their version, arnt immune towards ours.

a) your body can have b and t cells that fight virus instead of just antibodies

b) scientist still don't know everything about immune response

c) virus is obviously transmitting at fast pace if over 20 million or more might have already been infected in USA

d) even if it mutated your immune system would still have partial defense.  Isn't that what they always say about flu shots they get wrong every year?  It might not match the top strains for year but if you do get the flu supposedly the effects are less or so they say

e) I was just bsing around but what should have happened perhaps instead of nation wide lockdowns is we should have just let young people spread it among themselves and shipped all the old people to Antarctica or Greenland if pesky Denmark would have sold it to us

Last edited by sethnintendo - on 26 June 2020