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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

10 million people live in Sweden. It's also a country with a probably pretty good medical standard and it's not as densely populated as most other European countries. The percentage of old people is also lower as in countries like Italy.

Not to forget that you don't have three or at least two generation living together in one house as often as you have in Southern Europe. How many younger Swedes do live in an university campus or something like that?

Not sure what "Sweden is doing unbelievable good" is supposed to mean with that death rate already and considering all these points

Last edited by crissindahouse - on 02 May 2020

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Nautilus said:
JRPGfan said:
Wow.... over 30 million people have now filed for unemployment in the USA over the past 6 weeks.
Supposedly thats like 1 out of 5 workers in the USA that is now unemployed

*gasp* Im so surprised!

Who would have thought this would happen?

In denmark (a small country of 5,8 million) we gained about 51,000 in unemployment, over the same time periode.

I know its a 329m country vs a 5,8m one.
However the differnce between 30,000,000+ vs ~51,000 is massive too.

Thats like a differnce of ~600 times as much.

I guess Im just surprised its that high in the US.

US is gonna overtake Switzerland in deaths per capita today. Next is Sweden and the Netherlands. They like to defend themselves with the "but we got so many more people" excuse but that doesn't change the fact that they're currently in the top 8 of the worst affected countries by death per capita.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

The_Yoda said:
Pemalite said:

Who cares. It's only money... Life is far far far more important.

Trump needed to ask the question off screen, to an expert... Not posit the question to the entire planet that makes himself look ignorant and uneducated.

Either way... I would need some evidence to backup the assertion that injecting any disinfectant is safe... Because I would be wearing a Hazmat suit at any disinfectant spill job. Heck, even lemon juice/vinegar spill would require the use of a hazmat suit because they would be toxic in such high quantities.

We know UV can be dangerous. It is Radiation.

he didn't say ingest disinfectant - period

Allow me to quote myself: "Trump needed to ask the question off screen, to an expert..."

I didn't say in that quoted post that Trump told people to ingest anything, period.

The_Yoda said:

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful."

Missing those three words this whole time has bothered me.  There is a great deal of wiggle room in those three words.  That said if he hadn't said that in a press conference then how do you expect him to take credit later if something is found that 'cleans' the body of the virus

I can almost hear the oaf now "That was my, idea, a really great idea, ahead of it's time, where we cleanse the body of the virus"

Either way, he looked like a baboon asking a stupid question in front of the world, he needed to ask the question, off-screen, to an expert, to get educated, like what every other figurehead does.


As the Southern Hemisphere enters the Flu season... The current Corona virus restrictions is having a profound effect on the Flu with Flu cases down a whopping  80%.

That is impressive... And all entirely attributed to people staying home, being cleaner and social distancing.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Why are there so many protests, and rally gatherings?
Looks like California has reached its breaking point.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 02 May 2020

Around the Network

Lol look at all those people at Cali beach. Need more protest in swing states. Pretty soon Trump will lead his followers off the cliff and there will be even fewer to vote for him in Nov. Just remember.... Stay about 20 feet away from any trump hat wearing supporter in public.

Last edited by sethnintendo - on 02 May 2020

Barozi said:
Pyro as Bill said:

Why? If you have symptoms you should be isolating regardless.

If you're a key worker then obviously knowing whether or not you can continue doing your essential job is important and that's why they had priority testing if they showed symptoms.

Everyone else can chill the fuck out and take the antibody test in 21 days which will give them a more accurate result than the covid test.

My brother just wasted a test because he was offered one and took it because he felt a bit dehydrated. It came back negative.

We need to save them so we have as many as possible available for track n trace.

What's the point of saving tests when you can only process a limited amount? You can save millions of tests for later but when your testing capacity is only (e.g.) 50k a day you will have a huge amount of unused testing kits at the end of the crisis.

Labs are continually increasing capacity and new mega labs are coming online. The target is now 200-250k/day.

Ka-pi96 said:
Pyro as Bill said:

Teenagers and kids are fine. I read that there is only a single confirmed case of someone catching it directly from another person outdoors.It's the vulnerable who need to be protected and make the biggest changes to their way of life. Nobody under 9 has died from Covid in the UK. Two have died from domestic abuse. I think the schools need to open.

5 is under 9...

Testing positive for CV =/= dying of CV

John2290 said:
Pyro as Bill said:

Have you guys seen any good explanations as to why Northern Ireland is faring better than the Republic even though they locked down later along with the rest of the UK?

Be interesting to know how each country tried to protect the most vulnerable and how successful they were.

The population is much smaller we also hold larger cities, our airports are a hub for Europe, we had rich kids going skiing with their schools early on which seeded us before NI and we've more nursing homes where most of the inital outbreaks occurred as well as populated areas. Our government also fucked up pretty badly and I expect this missed a lot of wild cases by letting people of planes early on who were in contact with a symptomatic passanger but so did Belfast, so, eh. If you want to compare anything in Ireland compare the provinces, NI is the provenve of Ulster and a decent comparison would be with Leinster at least as long as there is no hard border. Also, from my understanding, both our border counties are getting battered with cases bleeding over on both sides and sense noone has the balls to close the border incase it ignites fighting, both the Republic and NI need to be taken as one in terms of the pandemic. It's not as if their is some magical barrier there that stops people from crossing it in their tracks and even if the border were to be closed it's too late now. My thoughts are, the border needs to stay open, no point in bringing back pre 21st century troubles no matter the cost.

209 deaths/M v 258 is still a lot given Ireland locked down 11 days before NI.

I have to admit I chuckled hearing some of the people who were demanding no hard border last year suddenly change their tune.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

Or England can give northern Ireland back to the Irish people. They had no problem giving Hong Kong which I'm pretty sure is more valuable than northern Ireland back to the Chinese.

vivster said:

US is gonna overtake Switzerland in deaths per capita today. Next is Sweden and the Netherlands. They like to defend themselves with the "but we got so many more people" excuse but that doesn't change the fact that they're currently in the top 8 of the worst affected countries by death per capita.

Just to give some perspective here, these are the current standings:

This was the situation on Monday:

And this here one month ago:

See how the US had been climbing up the ranks over time?

You can see how Luxembourg and Iceland were leading far away early on due to more extensive testing, but that the rest of the world is slowly crawling up to them. Iceland in particular is about to get overtaken by Spain and Qatar, the latter also being rising very fast right now.

what do you guys think? Did Trump corrupt the CDC? ei. edit their reports or tell them to say "such and such" against their own advice?

tube comments:

"Trump as usual has corrupted another department. "
"If feasible, it is recommended that you consider keeping your workers alive."
"I would be looking at who owns the plants and how much they contribute to Trump!!"
"human lives mean NOTHING in this country anymore, money on the other hand is EVERYTHING. wtf happened to the country i grew up in?"
"First the EPA gutted and now useless, now the CDC. Sure looks like the Republicans are trying to get you guys killed."
"They don't care about lives, it's all about the money."
"The CDC has been Trumpified."

Remember people here saying why do we need the WHO, when we have the CDC?

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 02 May 2020