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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

I will practice social distancing to the highest level for years if it means I can avoid a vaccine. I also don’t want to get infected and eight strains possibly being in the globe makes me think this could last a long time (possibly a year or two). They better figure out how to do voting in a transparent way that we are told months in advance and both sides can agree on. Otherwise the complaining will be of epic levels of crazy, especially if Trump wins re-election. And I would much rather talk about coronavirus at that point if it’s still an issue. I obviously think the deep state made up *most* of the Russia hacking claims especially because it wasn’t vote hacking and I live in a swing state - people flipped for immigration and economics and it’s that simple. Russia is always a threat so I do think they should be monitored, but China and Israel openly manipulate every election and no one bats an eye. So I hope pretty soon we hear some open proposals on how to do the election or maybe we just do it normal and hand out masks and gloves to people before they go inside voting buildings.

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SvennoJ said:
S.Peelman said:
Here in The Netherlands they’re starting an experiment with supplying blood plasma of patients that have been cured of Covid19, and thus contains antibodies, to patients in serious condition. The hope is that the sick person’s body will copy the injected antibodies and improve a patients sickness. They’ll be administering these antibodies to 426 patients.

Same thing here, initial test with 1,000 patients. Hopefully it helps

The study is expected to be carried out in every province, and likely each territory. The initial number of people involved is approximately 1,000 patients.

“When people have recovered from COVID-19 infection, we are hoping they will donate a unit of plasma which is essentially the clear portion of blood where all the antibodies are,” said Arnold, an associate professor of medicine and the director of the McMaster Centre for Transfusion Research.

The more places try this the more accurate the results.

I agree, seems like a good idea to try.

NightlyPoe said:

Aaaaand... We have a bunch of posts with Trump complaining that Obama didn't initiate travel bans from the infected areas.

As president, Trump initiated travel bans from the infected areas.

Searching for hypocrisy...  None found.  But sure, you guys pretend its there anyway.  Sheesh.

oh so sweet to see the poor billionaire and helpless most powerful person in the world has such a devoted white knight

SpokenTruth said:

Trump: "I just think it’s something — you know the expression, I’ve used it for certain reasons: “What do you have to lose?” What do you have to lose? And a lot of people are saying that when — and are taking it — if you’re a doctor, a nurse, a first responder, a medical person going into hospitals, they say taking it before the fact is good. But what do you have to lose? They say, “Take it.”

I’m not looking at it one way or the other, but we want to get out of this. If it does work, it would be a shame if we didn’t do it early. But we have some very good signs. So that’s hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.

And, again, you have to go through your medical people, get the approval. But I’ve seen things that I sort of like. So what do I know? I’m not a doctor. I’m not a doctor. But I have common sense.

What you might lose is your life. The results from the first major study on hydroxychloroquine are out and pretty damning.

"About 28 percent who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11 percent of those getting routine care alone. About 22 percent of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died too..."

Study: [PDF]

And it's not just Trump that was pushing this deadly drug.  Fox News between March 23 and April 6 made 275 claims of positive usage and/or promoting the use of hydroxychloroquine and only 29 instances of doubt during the same time frame.
Fox timeline of hydroxychloroquine statements.

Is this more poor 'lethal' reporting from Fox News about hydroxychloroquine?

Last edited by EricHiggin - on 23 April 2020

trunkswd said:
It feels like there is a Trump tweet for everything.

Not just that. There is a whole subreddit with thousands of tweets.

It's a goldmine.

Anyone supporting this man is a joke.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Around the Network
SvennoJ said:
S.Peelman said:
Here in The Netherlands they’re starting an experiment with supplying blood plasma of patients that have been cured of Covid19, and thus contains antibodies, to patients in serious condition. The hope is that the sick person’s body will copy the injected antibodies and improve a patients sickness. They’ll be administering these antibodies to 426 patients.

Same thing here, initial test with 1,000 patients. Hopefully it helps

The study is expected to be carried out in every province, and likely each territory. The initial number of people involved is approximately 1,000 patients.

“When people have recovered from COVID-19 infection, we are hoping they will donate a unit of plasma which is essentially the clear portion of blood where all the antibodies are,” said Arnold, an associate professor of medicine and the director of the McMaster Centre for Transfusion Research.

The more places try this the more accurate the results.

I assume there will be some cost versus benefit analysis involved, and this will only be applied to certain severe cases considering the small, but significant risk of graft-versus-host disease that can come with that kind of transfusion.

That being said, the fact that one people can donate their plasma up to three others is an encouraging sign of how strong the immune response to Covid-19 actually is. Perhaps it could last closer to immunity to the original SARS (~ 30 months) than immunity to other coronaviruses (~ 18 months).






NightlyPoe said:
TallSilhouette said:

...Did you even watch the video you're replying to? Trump tweeted, "All the governors are already backing off of the Ebola quarantines. Bad decision that will lead to more mayhem." about a virus that killed all of two people in the states. Fast forward to the present and he's calling for states to lift quarantine measures for a virus we're not even close to containing yet that has killed thousands. Are you seriously unable to see the hypocrisy there?...

The thrust of Trump's complaint was about the quarantining of healthcare workers returning from overseas who had treated Ebola patients.  Quarantining efforts for people who may have been exposed to the current virus were happening in January and February.

Trump was advising proactive policies to keep Ebola from gaining a foothold in the United States very similar to the policies that he enacted as president.

You and this video are trying to conflate that with the actions of different stages of controlling a disease.  One of surveillance and containment and other other mitigation after a virus that has already gained a foothold in the country.  These are totally separate issues.

In the case of the Ebola scare, perhaps Trump was wrong about that specific sickness.  But it's not out of line with the actions he took as president.

NightlyPoe said:

In this case, we have people running around using a national health scare as a means for scoring political points.

Indeed. Like a man delaying the release of urgently needed stimulus checks so he can put his name on them.

NightlyPoe said:

Personally, I'm frustrated with the other posters for continually bringing up these cheap shots that have to be dispelled

Pointing out the contradictions and hypocrisy of a man's own words is a cheap shot?

NightlyPoe said:

Excuse me if I have the temerity to be a minority voice doing little more than pointing out the ridiculousness of other people's exercising two minutes of hate.

Are you also missing the irony here?

trunkswd said:
It feels like there is a Trump tweet for everything.

Not surprising, considering the amount of time he spents on Twitter.

NightlyPoe said:

In the case of the Ebola scare, perhaps Trump was wrong about that specific sickness.  But it's not out of line with the actions he took as president.

Trump: Criticizes Obama for not shutting down everything as soon as there was only one patient in the country

Also Trump: Downplaying the virus for a long time and not shutting down the country even after over half a million patients and tens of thousands death people

You: it's not out of line with the actions he took as president

Unless you meant by this that Trump was royally way off in both his assessment and his actions both times, no, it's totally out of line.

haxxiy said:
SvennoJ said:

Same thing here, initial test with 1,000 patients. Hopefully it helps

The study is expected to be carried out in every province, and likely each territory. The initial number of people involved is approximately 1,000 patients.

“When people have recovered from COVID-19 infection, we are hoping they will donate a unit of plasma which is essentially the clear portion of blood where all the antibodies are,” said Arnold, an associate professor of medicine and the director of the McMaster Centre for Transfusion Research.

The more places try this the more accurate the results.

I assume there will be some cost versus benefit analysis involved, and this will only be applied to certain severe cases considering the small, but significant risk of graft-versus-host disease that can come with that kind of transfusion.

That being said, the fact that one people can donate their plasma up to three others is an encouraging sign of how strong the immune response to Covid-19 actually is. Perhaps it could last closer to immunity to the original SARS (~ 30 months) than immunity to other coronaviruses (~ 18 months).

You have a lot of anti bodies roaming around your body right after getting over a disease. They say they need people who had actual symptoms and donate their blood within 3 months after they get over it since by then your immune response starts to decrease and fade in the background.

But it could work, more very sick people, also means more recovering people to (hopefully) donate plasma and help out the critical cases. With the other risks involved with these kind of transfusions I guess it will be reserved for those getting near the ventilator stage of the disease.

It won't be a short term fix though

Arnold hopes for a start date within the next few weeks. Once started, results could be shared, ideally, in three or four months, but more realistically in six to 10 months.

“We’re talking about a clinical trial that would normally take at least six to 12 months to set up,” he says. “We’ve worked out the groundwork in about five days with a national team of committed scientists and physicians.”

The article was from April 7th, so perhaps just started now and not really effective to be used until a second wave after Summer.