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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

John2290 said:
If Trump could do a briefing with his eyes open, it'd be great. He is looking up from the binder less and less but I get it, the man looks like he hasn't slept in days.

Ain't no rest for the wicked, some say.

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Where's Matt Damon when you really need him?

RolStoppable said:

Great post in general, but I have to comment on the bolded portion. Germany has the laxest laws on meat production, so it's home to the lowest quality meat in Europe. A consequence of the mass production of meat is that there's a lot of poo from the animals which is then spread on the fields in excess because nobody knows where to go with it; the result is that water quality has begun to suffer in Germany, and water is the most essential thing for human life.

So no, Germany is definitely not the best place to live a healthy and safe life, because your country is literally full of shit.

Not to mention the fire hazard. Anyone ever tried to put out an entire field of burning shit? Jesus fucking christ, it will smolder for days.
Thankfully it decomposes when given enough time and can assist in making soils fertile.

Does Germany source it's water from underground sources? Or river systems?

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

It was a nice sunny day, 11 degrees today. So of course lots of people went outside. I didn't see any problems with that in my neighborhood, everyone stuck to their own family and kept more than safe distance from others. Most were staying on their own property, but also some people walking and jogging. The streets are wide enough to avoid one another. I took my kids for a little bike ride around the neighborhood, hardly any traffic and much easier to safely pass people than on any trails.

The police were active though writing tickets (not that I saw, my wife read that somewhere) going around on quads to find people ignoring park closures or getting together in groups. That could be social media rumors but this one is real (At risk of $500 to $100,000 fines) Smarten up before we all have to stay inside... These are the current rules for Ontario since yesterday.

This new order would close all communal or shared, public or private, outdoor recreational amenities everywhere in Ontario, including but not limited to playgrounds, sports fields, basketball and tennis courts, off-leash dog parks, beaches, skateboard and BMX parks, picnic areas, outdoor community gardens, park shelters, outdoor exercise equipment, condo parks and gardens, and other outdoor recreational amenities. Green spaces in parks, trails, ravines and conservation areas that aren't otherwise closed would remain open for walkthrough access, but individuals must maintain the safe physical distance of at least two metres apart from others. Ontario's provincial parks and conservation reserves remain closed.

Still the same for me, the trail were I go jogging remains open, but all the connecting trails between towns are off limits. I went jogging yesterday, overcast, cold wind with slight drizzle, fine for running through the forest. I saw a grand total of zero people. (Only 5 deer, I guess the rest is stuck on the other side of the swollen river after 2 days of rain)

Shopping is quite organized here now. Queue up before they let you inside, clean cart before and after, follow the arrows through the store and queue up on the circles on the ground at least 2 meters apart. The registers have makeshift plexiglass barriers and everything is handled with gloves. No cash accepted.

And still more cases discovered than the day before, Ontario is now at 2392, but also more tests done than the day before. With this inconsistent testing it will be hard to judge when we reach the peak. And now there's confusion over the number of deaths as well.
It seems to be a time delay issue or database entry problem. No accurate data anywhere.

This is basically the 3rd week the schools are closed (first week was March break) while social distancing started a week and a half ago (March 23rd) Next week should see the numbers stabilize, however when it will show through the inconsistent testing remains to be seen. At least we had the luxury of being relatively early with social distancing. 37 people have died so far in Ontario, or 68 ... Human error? Useless.

My mother cried yesterday because throughout the last days our place has been practically deserted. Our daily gains typically range between 100 and 150 dollars, which, before you ask, it's fair game in our third world paradise. But the last two days we didn't a single customer, and today it seems we're seeing the same trend. But bills, taxes, rent and salaries remain the same. Situation is getting desperate, against all odds I thought possible.

Small businesses are as much of victims as the people infected, unfortunately.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

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Eating bats needs to be banned and, offenders should be charged with biological terrorism. How many outbreaks need to happen to get this lesson through people's heads? Bats carry more pathogens than any other species.

John2290 said:

Taking smokers out of the equation, people who are obese seem to be in a worse position than the elderly only second to elderly obese people but nobodies talking about this,countries need to tell the very fat people to loose weight and do a "we need you" style campaign. These people at a BMI of 35 could easily shed down below a BMI of 30 in the time needed and aave the damn health system and maybe their lives. Not only that but almost 80% of Americans have some form of underlying health issue and it's usually related to food or excercise, how the hell did you let your country become the cast of WALL E. And Texas... C'mon, how the fuck did that happen. You were supposed to be cow boys and sexy cowgirls, not land whales. 

Yay a fat shaming post in the middle of a pandemic, just what the world needs 

SpokenTruth said:
John2290 said:
People who are obese seem to be in a worse position than the elderly only second to elderly obese people but nobodies talking about this,countries need to tell the very fat people to loose weight and do a "we need you" style campaign. These people at a BMI of 35 could easily shed down below a BMI of 30 in the time needed and aave the damn health system and maybe their lives. Not only that but almost 80% of Americans have some form of underlying health issue and it's usually related to food or excercise, how the hell did you let your country become the cast of WALL E.

Healthy weight loss is around 2 lbs (1 Kg) per week.  For a 6' man at 260 lbs with a 35 BMI to drop to a 30 BMI would take a weight loss of 40 lbs.  That's a 20 week weight loss plan. Losing weight faster also impacts your immune system.

EDIT: Maybe if our economy wasn't predicted on the notion go, go, go, produce, produce, produce...we'd have more time for exercise and cook healthier meals.

I think it's silly to blame the economy for people's unhealthy habits. A poor excuse really. 

It comes down to the individual and if you want to make time for excercise, you will.

newwil7l said:
Eating bats needs to be banned and, offenders should be charged with biological terrorism. How many outbreaks need to happen to get this lesson through people's heads? Bats carry more pathogens than any other species.

According to Foreign Policy, a video recently surfaced of a Chinese woman holding an entire bat with chopsticks, appearing to eat the creature in a soup. The Daily Mail also reported on the video, and YouTube channel RT shared the footage. The clip was reportedly met with outrage from Twitter users, who quickly began calling out Chinese eating habits as the cause of the outbreak.

But here's the thing, per Foreign Policy: That video in question reportedly wasn't filmed in Wuhan or China in general—the woman in the video, who news outlets have identified as Wang Mengyun, is a host of an online travel show who was actually eating a dish in Palau, an island country located in the western Pacific ocean. The video was also reportedly filmed in 2016

Overall, the origin of the novel coronavirus is still filled with what-ifs and maybes, but according to most reports, it's likeliest that bats (and possibly snakes) are to blame as the animal carriers of 2019-nCoV—but as far as "bat soup" is concerned, it's just an extremely misinformed (and potentially xenophobic) rumor.

Bats are more of a popular dish in Indonesia, not China

As for covid19's true origins, still a hunt

Originally, scientists believed the virus may have developed in bats, and later pangolins. However, genomic comparisons suggest that the SARS-Cov-2 virus is the result of a recombination between two different viruses, meaning the exact origin of the virus is still unclear.

In December 2019, 27 of the first 41 people hospitalised (66%) passed through a market located in the heart of Wuhan city in Hubei province. But, according to a study conducted at Wuhan Hospital, the very first human case identified did not frequent this market. Instead, a molecular dating estimate based on the SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequences indicates an origin in November. This raises questions about the link between this COVID-19 epidemic and wildlife.

An insightful documentary shown on RTÉ Two on Sunday night highlighted the plight of the pangolin, a shy, scaly animal found in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, which has the unfortunate title of the world's most trafficked mammal.

A 2016 report by animal charity, WildAid, estimated that one million pangolins were taken from the wild in the preceding decade.

The nocturnal, solitary creature is often compared to a scaly anteater. It has no teeth and survives on a diet of insects it consumes with the aid of its extremely long tongue.

All eight of the subspecies of pangolin are protected under national and international law, but illegal trade in the animals continues and two types of pangolin are now critically endangered.

Pangolin meat is considered a delicacy in parts of Africa, China and Vietnam and their scales are used as a traditional medicine in Asia.

To add to the animal’s woes, it is now being blamed as a possible source of the coronavirus pandemic.

Anyway your wish has been granted

In what could be seen as a boost to the endangered animal, China declared an immediate and "comprehensive" ban on the trade and consumption of wild animals in February.

Beijing implemented similar measures following the SARS outbreak in the early 2000s, but the trade and consumption of wild animals, including bats and snakes, made a comeback.

This time the ban is permanent, raising hopes that it could end the local trade in wildlife.

"I do think the government has seen the toll it takes on national economy and society is much bigger than the benefit that wild-eating business brings," said Jeff He, China director at the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

Reports linking the virus to the pangolin have also scared off would-be consumers of the scaly mammals elsewhere, with bushmeat vendors in Gabon reporting a plunge in sales.

Of course now other countries need to follow suit or another SARS is just going to pop up somewhere else.

    SpokenTruth said:
    newwil7l said:

    I think it's silly to blame the economy for people's unhealthy habits. A poor excuse really. 

    It comes down to the individual and if you want to make time for excercise, you will.

    Did I say that was the only reason?  No, I said we'd simply have more time for them both.  Exercising takes time.  Cooking healthy meals takes time.

    When I worked full time, went to school full time and had a family to care for, exercise and long cooked meals were simply not possible.  Exercise is more possible now that I've finished school but now my wife and I have opposing shifts which throws the healthy meal.  And there are millions of other families just like mine.

    Again, it's not the only reason people don't exercise or eat healthier but it damn sure doesn't help it. 

    We've also built our society around the car.  Walk to work, school, damn near anything?  Yeah right.

    Guilty. When I still worked for a software company I would often not go home until after 7 pm if not later, result pick up a burger on the way or order a pizza. Sit all day behind a PC, eat fast food on the way home to still have some time left of your free time. So depressing from fall to spring. Go to work in the dark, come home in the dark, who wants to exercise in the dark. I turned my unhealthy life around by quitting that job. Most don't have that luxury.

    Luckily in summer I could cycle to work which kept me relatively healthy, yet I'm so much more fit today than when working behind computers all day.