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RolStoppable said:

Great post in general, but I have to comment on the bolded portion. Germany has the laxest laws on meat production, so it's home to the lowest quality meat in Europe. A consequence of the mass production of meat is that there's a lot of poo from the animals which is then spread on the fields in excess because nobody knows where to go with it; the result is that water quality has begun to suffer in Germany, and water is the most essential thing for human life.

So no, Germany is definitely not the best place to live a healthy and safe life, because your country is literally full of shit.

Not to mention the fire hazard. Anyone ever tried to put out an entire field of burning shit? Jesus fucking christ, it will smolder for days.
Thankfully it decomposes when given enough time and can assist in making soils fertile.

Does Germany source it's water from underground sources? Or river systems?

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--