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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

China is the epicenter of this my fucking ass, China !!!!

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SvennoJ said:

Oh, this explains (some of) the missing numbers in China

Under its newest COVID-19 prevention guidelines, China does not include in its overall daily count for total and for new cases those who retest positive after being released from medical care. China also does not include asymptomatic cases in case counts.

"I have no idea why the authorities choose not to count [asymptomatic] cases in the official case count. I am baffled," said one of the Wuhan doctors who had a second positive test after recovering.

And now China is closing its borders for foreigners to stop the virus from coming back in. It's nice no country actually closes their borders to stop the virus from going out....

It is human behaviour to do as told to do on the job and most people can not think outside that box,i would say that this could be a communication error of information dripping down from the higher ups to the ones that need to carry out that information in the form of tasks and those always get followed up by adjustments but that is very rarely instantaneously.

I had a problem crossing the border with the papers i had some days ago so i got what they asked me to get and now those first papers i had problems with are the ones that are accepted and that is just because of the slow spreading of information to policeofficers,when things happen so sudden it can take a bit to catch up to the situation.

Last edited by Immersiveunreality - on 28 March 2020

Coronavirus live update

Hunting Season is done...

jason1637 said:

This could just be the tests, picking up on trace amounts still there, even after they recovered.
It could also be, that even though they recovered, they wheren't fully recovered (clear of the virus).

Its just... this makes testing really hard.

How do you know who is safe to release back into the general public?
If anyone of them, that had this thing, might have it pop back out?

Maybe one way is to prolong isolation, even for recovered patience.

You recovered great!
Wait another month, before going outside, just to make sure it doesn't flair back up again in you, you spread it.

So this isnt them getting sick a 2nd time.
this is them + hosptials thinking the patient was over it, while the truth was they wheren't (most likely).

Its still believed that you build antibodies, after haveing this, and you cant get it again.

^ this needs to clear.  These arn't people getting infected a 2nd time, its their infection not really being gone, and tricking everyone, and tests.


The fact that you can go back to haveing no symptoms, and feeling like your recovered, and the virus can even fool the test kits.... and then it flairs back up, once your back outsides... jebus. This virus is gonna be soooo hard to stop from spreading. As if it wasn't already a nearly impossible task, now it just got harder.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 28 March 2020

Snoopy said:
Can't wait for the great depression, then we can see how the coronavirus death toll compares to the increase in suicide, heart attacks from stress, crime, etc. This is the best time to buy a gun to protect yourself and your family.

You still don' t seem to understand the problem. The death toll of this virus might be not that high after a year (let's say 100,000 or even less) but it's because of these measurements that we won't have like 50m or even more deaths.

How hard is that to understand? How can people like you look at the death toll and think/say "I told you so" in a year or so? Do you think we would have 110,000 instead of 100,000 deaths without the measurements or what?

Italy had over 900 deaths Yesterday alone. Just imagine people would still run around like nothing and hospitals would have 10 or 50 times the infected to handle. 

And 900 is only the official number. 

No suicude numbers will ever reach what we would with this virus if countries would listen to you

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Zoombael said:
Coronavirus live update

here in video form since January 30:

So far only 28 states out of the 50? in the USA have gone into shutdown, an demanded people "social distance", and avoid gatherings ect right?

My question is.... what the hell are the last 22 states thinking?
Do they believe they wont get hit nearly as badly by this thing?
Wont we just see a repeat of New York play out those places 2 weeks or so down the line?

John2290 said:
Eagle367 said:

I think you are blaming China unreasonably here. Your bias is a showing a little as well. When the American president calls it the Chinese virus, you can't really ,ale any claims about propaganda with a straight face unless you are neutral and not allied with or fighting against either. China didn't do the best job in stopping the virus but then again, China isn't to blame for the worst hit regio ns outside chins like US and Italy. Those countries weren't taking it seriously and the blame lies on them, not Chian for that. South Korea, Singapore and other regions handled it much better and the credit goes to the, as well. Anyone not taking this pandemic seriously is to blame. It doesn't really matter where it originated that much. It only matters who contained it and who didn't and when can a vaccine be made.

That's noy my bias showing, I've been blaming China for this long before Trump was blaming China, I've blaming China since before I knew who Trump was. China is a shit country with a shit system, The CCP are litteral pyschopaths on business suits and have no respect for life on a cummunity level let alone an individual level. 

The Chinese people? I have nothing against them aside from the ones who knowingly accept the chinese machine. I'm not racist because I hate the worst governmental and political machine created in human history,  i hate a thing, not a person or peoples. And yes, they are very much responsible for this by not regulating in the years they had available in the same way they are responsible for killing their own citizens with collapsing buildings by skipping key safety and standardized building procedures or bridges because they chose speed and profit over human life. 

Now if they sit up and say they will help, make good on that and change the way they do things to something more sustainable I wouldn't have a problem with them and don't let the media fool you, most of whom the CCP have financial stake in along with nearly every other fucking industry, the chinese people, outside of government for the most part feel the same as me and I've seen that as early as 2009 when I started taking notice and people were ripped from communities to try and buold some fuex western model. Fuck China. Remember that time in the late 00's when they built 36 cities sized for millions of people? Look into it and look into hiw they attempted to fill those ghost cities and where they succeed and failed. It will ruin your day most likely but it should give you an idea of why china is the villian in a B tier sci fi film.

Not once did I mention Trump. I mentioned the US which isn't only Trump. The red scare existed before Trump and it will exist after. But if you want to mention villains in a B tier film, boy howdy do you got to look into US history and the comical villany of the new world empire. Sorry but the US is responsible after the virus left China and so is Italy for not taking this seriously. China is responsible to some extent but to a large extent, the governments where things are crazy are responsible all on their own. The virus reached the shores of Italy before even China knew it was a new virus and Italy didn't take it seriously. The countries that did are doing better. Simple as that.

And you wanna talk about bad systems? The US is up there as well. You wanna talk about propaganda and everything else, the US is also there. If you wanna have a serious discussion about governments, Fuck China, Fuck US and Fuck Russia and the UK, but to blame China for the shortcomings of the US is just as idiotic as taking offense when someone points out the education that was given to the Cuban people after Castro or the healthcare or to ignore that China lifted the most number of people out of poverty in a short time than any nation or empire before it. 

The blame for everything that happened since knowing the virus existed and was dangerous is on the US, is on Italy and is on any nation that didn't take this seriously. And I will say again, regarding world governments, Fuck US, Fuck China, Fuck Russia, Fuck Saudi Arabia, Fuck Israel. If you say China is bad but ignore the others, there is bias and hypocrisy. More than a million innocents dead by the war the capitalist Us started and that's just one example. The situation of the Yemeni and Palestinians on top of that. Hell Russia might be the least bad of these examples and Russia is really bad. The US is worse for the world than China and I stand by that statement until the US or China prove me otherwise.

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

Just let this sink in...

“When they’re not appreciative to me, they’re not appreciative to the Army Corps, they’re not appreciative to FEMA, it’s not right,” Trump said.

He then added: “I say, ‘Mike, don’t call the governor of Washington; you’re wasting your time with him. Don’t call the woman in Michigan. It doesn’t make any difference what happens.’

So if governors don't kiss his ass then their state might be ignored.  I know one governor that is attempting to kiss his ass because his state is fucked.  That would be Cuomo.

Last edited by sethnintendo - on 28 March 2020

JRPGfan said:

So far only 28 states out of the 50? in the USA have gone into shutdown, an demanded people "social distance", and avoid gatherings ect right?

My question is.... what the hell are the last 22 states thinking?
Do they believe they wont get hit nearly as badly by this thing?
Wont we just see a repeat of New York play out those places 2 weeks or so down the line?

Thousands will probably die, but hey, at least they have their guns.

The american way, through and through. Money>Life.