Ryuu96 said: Pls don't acquire Ubisoft.  |
If I were the decision. maker at Amazon, or google, I wouldn't try to compete with physical consoles. I'd acquire Ubisoft or any other publisher and let them work normally like they always did. They will still releases their games on Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and PC. The only difference would be the exclusivity of those titles for our own cloud service. The franchises will keep on growing on the current huge userbase and when the cloud business is mature enough in 5-10 years, I have a huge advantage.
I would have this advantage over Microsoft and Sony. Amazon might force Microsoft hand to decide whether they want to focus on a console or a cloud service. Microsoft will risk losing both if they decided to fight both fronts.
When Amazon buy a publisher and go with that strategy, they won't lose money. They can actually make more money with the enormous reach they have around the world. When Microsoft buy a publisher and decide that the games won't be released on PlayStation, then they lose more than half of the value of the company they just acquired.