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@ice @Ryuu I might need to be carried in Grounded.

Edit: Didn't even mean to @that Ryuu, my bad pimps">"><img src="

Around the Network
Spade said:
I feel Xbox is in need of some new IPs. Anyone else feel that way?

Xbox about to be a new IP wonderland. We already have Everwild and Grounded. Avowed basically a new IP. New IPs are for sure incoming from double fine, compulsion, and Ninja theory. :) 

Spade said:
I feel Xbox is in need of some new IPs. Anyone else feel that way?

I thought so too. Good thing we have Avowed announced. There’s others but I assume we talking pure AAA 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


MS has a lot of new IP coming. Grounded, project mara avowed, everwild, tell me why.

Ryuu96 said:

Oh damn! 185k viewers for Grounded on Twitch so far!

This is going to be a hit I think, I hope Obsidian can update it fast enough.

The small team for sure needs to expand or at least hire a smaller support studio to help work on the game.

Around the Network

I love it when underdog games exceed expectations

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Ryuu96 said:

Technically Avowed wouldn't be a new IP but I get what you mean, this is why I kinda hate the new IP debate because stuff like Avowed would be discounted if we're being technical about it but the vast majority of console gamers have likely never even heard of Pillars of Eternity, to them it would basically be a new IP.

Also Grounded is low-key creepy, I don't need to see what is moving the grass blades to know what it is and get my ass hidden inside a soda can.

Just tried it for a while. Surprised to see that the 3rd person mode wasn't mapped to any button.

On the other hand there isn't any unused button available...

Ryuu96 said:
250k+ viewers, #1 on Steam Top Sellers.

They're going to need to update fast to keep the momentum up.

Isn't Grounded being worked on by like 20 people or something?

Angelus said:
Ryuu96 said:
250k+ viewers, #1 on Steam Top Sellers.

They're going to need to update fast to keep the momentum up.

Isn't Grounded being worked on by like 20 people or something?

Ya, they may even have to hire or take from the Outer Worlds team. Avowed probably not, that’s the jewel. We must protect the jewel from delays. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Ryuu96 said:
Angelus said:

Isn't Grounded being worked on by like 20 people or something?

15-20, yeah, Lol.

Somehow I doubt a steady stream of content rich updates are in the cards there.