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I said day one, but with all the acquisitions and the upcoming games from all those studios... We will be really getting both :)
While Microsoft is going to make "some" games multi-platform, it will def. not be the norm; so we can expect a lot of exclusives from all those studios.

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I wonder the likelihood of some Activision management being put over 343 once the deal finalizes?

Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 02 September 2022

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Ryuu96 said:
gtotheunit91 said:

In more ways than one and just from a content perspective Destiny's PVP is a barren wasteland compared to Halo Infinite's PVP lol

Destiny 1's PVP was God awful and I heard Destiny 2 wasn't much better, I basically heard that Bungie has basically abandoned it, Idk how it is now but I honestly wouldn't have cared as a Destiny player, the PVE is way way way superior, Lol.

Destiny 1's PVP looks like a wonderland compared to Destiny 2 Everything is broken in Destiny 2 PVP! Especially now that Bungie has reworked all 3 light subclasses to be substantially more customizable, which is great from PVE perspective and makes it feel more like an MMO, but there's going to be sooooooooo many WTF moments wondering how you died in PVP lol. And so many rage quits. 

PVP is just sweaty because you have to use whatever the current meta loadout is. In 2019, D2 received 3 old D1 maps, In 2020 there were no new maps, in 2021 there were no new maps, then this year, there's just 1 new map and 1 returning map that Bungie previously vaulted lol. And as far as game modes go, there's been one game mode added in the past 4 years, and it was a mode that came from D1 in Rift Bungie does not give a crap about PVP despite constantly promising it's a priority. Trials of Osiris is there on the weekends, but of course that's for the ultra sweaty players and content creators. 

I still remember the nightmare that was Stasis in the Beyond Light expansion in 2020. You were frozen constantly and I quit PVP after that. 

PVE is where Bungie's priorities are in Destiny 2. 

Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 02 September 2022

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

gtotheunit91 said:
Ryuu96 said:

So it'll equate to $24.99 in the U.S. most likely going off of the price in Ireland. That's really good! Only a $10 increase from Ultimate. Especially considering how many additional members you can add. 

MS need to hurry and get this t the US.  I have myself and my 2 sons each with an Xbox and I wanted to play Alien Fireteam with them but only I have GP.

twintail said:
crissindahouse said:

I really don't get this stupid CoD argument if it comes to Microsoft's purchase of Activision. CoD is huge but it's not the only god damn shooter, isn't as important as it was some years ago and won't magically let MS sell 80% of all consoles.

It's also not as if Sony doesn't get bigger and bigger as well. They dominated last gen and even if not by as much they would dominate this gen if they could produce more consoles. They also bought some studios and will do so in the future so that they even increase the number of studios and big games only available for PS.

Anyone who isn't blind can see that Sony is dominating the console market against Xbox. If you really want to have a situation without one company dominating the other then you even have to support the purchase of Activision. That could maybe break Sony's dominance but would surely not make Microsoft the dominating power in the console space.

According to the NPD (top 10 only) , CoD ranked the following from 2017 - 2022:

  • 2017 - CoD was 1st (Destiny 2 and BF2 were the only other FPS in the top 10) link
  • 2018 - CoD was 2nd (FC5 was at 7) link
  • 2019 - CoD was 1st (no other FPS in the top 10) link
  • 2020 - CoD was 1st + 2nd (2 different entries, no other FPS in the top 10) link
  • 2021 - CoD was 1st + 2nd (2 different entries, BF was at 5) link

Your claim that CoD isn't as important as it used to be is highly questionable. According to NPD data, CoD isn't just the best consistently selling FPS on the market (especially when few even make the top 10 to begin with), it's also the best consistently selling game period.

Also, the issue for the CMA isn't really about console dominance as it stands now. The concern is that competition is immediately stifled if MS owns production to a game with the importance that CoD has. 

The other concerns for the CMA, which are actually more important than console sales, is in relation to subscription and cloud gaming models. As the CMA believes that these are avenues for new competition to enter the gaming industry, the concern is that MS owning CoD will strengthen their subscription and cloud models to such a degree, that any new competitor into the gaming industry are too disadvantaged to be able to viably compete.

I believe they would need to come with more than just COD.  While COD definitely is a top AAA game, market wise it does not effect the business all by itself or give MS enough competitive advantage against their competitors.  MS still will be third in the console race.  PC side their are still multiple players on the battlefield from Amazon, Netflix, Google, Sony, EA, UBSoft etc.  On the streaming side, yes having COD in the pocket is a huge hit and they may be able to get some concession from MS on this point.  I can see no day one release, 6 months probably best and a commitment that COD remain multiplate for 15 years or something along those lines.  MS would take that deal and it would also pretty much move every other governing board as well.

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Day one is way more important to me then exclusive but then again, I do not care about taking a game away from another platform. Now if you ask the question which route is best for MS then that is a different situation. I believe day one would be a better and longer term advantage. With the cost of games, inflation and standard of living around the world, including games selling at 70 bones, the conscious gamer will go for the situation that gives them the best bang for their bucks. Having access to AAA, AA, Indie and your niche games when they first come out is a huge advantage.

Case in point, I have GP but do not have PS+.  Reason, day one on MS system.  If Sony also do day one, its a no brainer I would get PS+

Last edited by Machiavellian - on 02 September 2022

I'm really hoping 343 gets the backlash of the need for social playlists outside of just Fiesta. Hopefully it'll push to get modes like Infection, Grifball, and Action Sack in the game asap.

Supposedly, according to Mint Blitz, modes like Kong Slayer and Purple Reign should be part of the yappening next week, which will be a ton of fun for a social experience if true!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

This is a VERY interesting idea!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Ryuu96 said:
gtotheunit91 said:

This is a VERY interesting idea!

Yeah, it would be awesome but I can't help but feel sorry that thousands of QA testers would then be laid off, Lol.

Damn you’re right! Lol especially considering how it’s predominantly been QA testers that have been forming unions. And because Matt Booty said it, you know it’s something that Microsoft is looking into implementing. 

It’s like it would take human error out of the equation and would take a substantially less amount of time to identify and fix bugs, but the cost it would take. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Fans have already gotten split screen co-op to work in Infinite

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind