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Also, re-watching the showcase, I'm not sure how optimistic we should be that all these titles shown will actually be released within the next 12 months. When the vast majority of them don't have solid release windows, and even some that are supposedly launching THIS YEAR, don't have so much as a target month...color me sceptical.

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Angelus said:
gtotheunit91 said:

I know many are worried about the over 1000 planets claim for Starfield. But in my viewpoint, I see YEARS worth of modding opportunities for the mod community.

Bethesda games thrive over a decade because of how mod friendly their games are. Starfield, in many ways, will be a modders wet dream

That's all good and well, but if history is any indication, the vast majority of those mods will be seen on PC only. Xbox users will get some mods, yes, and I'm sure there will be some cool ones, but the game is going to have to be great in it's own right.

For sure. Modding for me is for the longevity of a game. Starfield still needs to be a GOOD game. Preferably great! 

Now that you bring that up though, it hasn't been said yet if Creation Club will be there with Starfield. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Starfield had a lot of frame issues going on and I would believe they were running on the top end cards today so it definitely needs more baking. I can see it hitting mid to late 2023 to iron out those issues. I did like what I saw even though the gun play looks generic as hell but we will see how the rest of the game flesh out with the perks and so forth.

With Starfield and just how big it's going to be, already making me wonder what they can possibly do in TES IV to top that?

If anything, it'll be nice to still have a singular open world that's just packed to the brim with content.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

@shikamaru317 well, the trailer did say it was pre-beta gameplay, and those leaked screenshots from last year were from a beta build of the game. So, gameplay we saw yesterday was most likely what could've been shown at last years showcase lol. At least that's what I think.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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Redfall looks good. Judging the graphics based off a handful of leaked screenshots from years ago doesn't mean much. The game looked better from the presentation we just saw, and to me it looks about as good as Deathloop. 

I'm hearing a lot of criticism for Starfield's graphics, but I just don't see the problem. Textures, draw distance, facial animations all look good. It was never going to rival the best-looking games out there, but considering the scale, I think it looks really good.

It's hard to get a full understanding of how these games will look for the final product when the stream quality of this showcase was terrible lol.

Last edited by smroadkill15 - on 13 June 2022

smroadkill15 said:

Redfall looks good. Judging the graphics based off a handful of leaked screenshots from years ago doesn't mean much. The game looked better from the presentation we just saw, and to me it looks about as good as Deathloop.

I'm hearing a lot of criticism for Starfield's graphics, but I just don't see the problem. Textures, draw distance, facial animations all look good. It was never going to rival the best-looking games out there, but considering the scale, I think it looks really good.

Lol right? People think the characters and world detail were going to be on the same level as like a Horizon, or a Gears games. Bethesda like 343 have not ever really been known for cutting edge graphics. The amount of details and capturing the role playing aspect of their games is where they shine. Many have tried to copy this formula, but it's nothing like the original.">"><img src="

gtotheunit91 said:

I know this was something that many were concerned about when Todd Howard said how many pages of dialogue there were since it was more than Fallout 4 and your character had a voice, but we can rest easy knowing that there's just THAT much dialogue in Starfield!

I prefer to voice my own character when I role play, only I can provide the right balance of macho and sexiness. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

I left feeling very hyped for Starfield after the showcase. I was originally on the fence about whether I should truly be hyped for the game but after yesterday, it's easily one of my most anticipated games. I wonder if Xbox will do a CE for it (or/and a LE console), seems like Xbox doesn't do those anymore (in terms of CE, I know they had the Halo console just last year) and for Starfield it would be dope to get one.

VersusEvil said:

Night and day difference in quality between Starfield and what they've created before it in graphic quality. You'd have to be blind to see otherwise.

Many on Twitter after the show

EDIT: This meme and my profile pic are eerily similar

Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 13 June 2022

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind