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shikamaru317 said:
Ryuu96 said:

I mean, what you care about, isn't what others care about, vice versa.

Activision-Blizzard purely from a business sense is absolutely a smarter decision than Square Europe/WBIE combined, as for a personal preference, well that's debatable but Xbox already has 23 studios even without AB working on a variety of genres and game sizes, Bethesda was to me the hardcore purchase which appeals to inner gaming circles and now Activision-Blizzard is more the casual crowd, anything after Bethesda to me is just the cherry on top.

Xbox will lose out on some deals, they would even if Activision-Blizzard wasn't a factor, that's life, Sony and other major publishers will get some studios over Microsoft no matter what the situation is, better get used to it.

In this scenario we're talking like two studios with two IPs if we're being honest, only Tomb Raider and Deus Ex are the ones which a chance at being revived and they're still multiplatform so nothing at all has changed for us, hell if anything, I would say being under Embracer bodes better for Xbox than being under Square Enix when it comes to Crystal Dynamics and Perfect Dark.

Do think Microsoft should fill some genre gaps they have but they honestly don't have that many huge gaps left if Activision-Blizzard goes through, the biggest I can see being Fighting & JRPGs, neither of which Square Europe fills.

Remember Microsoft already backed out of acquiring WBIE because they were asking for too much and not selling any of their IPs, this was even before Activision-Blizzard, it's very possible that Microsoft still wouldn't acquire WBIE studios regardless of the Activision-Blizzard deal because it comes with no IPs and who knows, maybe a multiplatform publisher acquires them which again, means, nothing changes for us, Lol.

Is ABK really better from a business sense though?

Yes. Good talk.

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Ryuu96 said:
gtotheunit91 said:

Yeah, for me, the Activision Blizzard deal still feels weird and honestly out of place.

The ZeniMax deal felt right when it was announced. When I think of franchises like Elder Scrolls, DOOM, Wolfenstein, Fallout, and Quake, I think of PC and Xbox. 

BGS games always had deals with Xbox prior to Skyrim being fully multiplatform for either full exclusivity of their games like Morrowind, or timed exclusivity on their games like Oblivion, but even to the point that it included DLC. I remember Fallout 3 DLC was exclusive to the 360 for a while. 

So that deal felt right to me, but Acti-Blizz.......just doesn't seem like a proper fit lol but that's just me. It definitely is a proper fit financially from Microsoft's perspective lol

Way I have seen it.

  • Zenimax - Core Market
  • Activision Blizzard - Casual Market

Yeah, I think you nailed it on the head lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

I bet Darrell Gallagher looked at the news this morning and went "fuuuuuuuuuuck"   he was probably hoping to get his old team back permanently after this initial partnership of co-developing Perfect Dark

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

While I will always do my part with supporting Japanese games on Xbox, I will not be surprised if they skip it. Absolutely expect Sony to swoop in and get SE or Capcom. I also don't expect Persona to ever come to Xbox. If you like Japanese games, get a PS5 and when they do come to Xbox, support it.">"><img src="

Spade said:

While I will always do my part with supporting Japanese games on Xbox, I will not be surprised if they skip it. Absolutely expect Sony to swoop in and get SE or Capcom. I also don't expect Persona to ever come to Xbox. If you like Japanese games, get a PS5 and when they do come to Xbox, support it.

I honestly think Capcom has no interest in getting acquired. At least not any time soon. They're doing so incredibly well quarter after quarter leaving the last decade of blunders mostly behind them with a lot of promise going forward. 

And with this whole "PC will be our main platform going forward" initiative Capcom is pursuing, they definitely seem to be more interested in remaining in their current position.

Persona can definitely change though if Microsoft gets Sega in their sights which is always rumored to be the case. Granted this wouldn't be a remote possibility for at least a couple more years. Soul Hackers 2 will be a must this Fall on Xbox! 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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We cant be sure the Activision deal is why MS didnt get Tomb Raider. If that was the case then they would end up with Sony or some other big pub like Take Two or EA.

Maybe big publishers simply think CD/Eidos and TR/Deus Ex are not worth it any more.

gtotheunit91 said:
shikamaru317 said:

Of course not, they have limits to what they can acquire. That is why I would rather the remainder of what they are allowed to acquire be studios and IP's I care about, as opposed to Activision-Blizzard which offers me very little I care about when the biggest won't even be exclusive.

Yeah, for me, the Activision Blizzard deal still feels weird and honestly out of place.

The ZeniMax deal felt right when it was announced. When I think of franchises like Elder Scrolls, DOOM, Wolfenstein, Fallout, and Quake, I think of PC and Xbox. 

BGS games always had deals with Xbox prior to Skyrim being fully multiplatform for either full exclusivity of their games like Morrowind, or timed exclusivity on their games like Oblivion, but even to the point that it included DLC. I remember Fallout 3 DLC was exclusive to the 360 for a while. 

So that deal felt right to me, but Acti-Blizz.......just doesn't seem like a proper fit lol but that's just me. It definitely is a proper fit financially from Microsoft's perspective lol

Definitely not out of place. 3 of the top 10 selling games on Xbox last month were Activision games.

jason1637 said:
gtotheunit91 said:

Yeah, for me, the Activision Blizzard deal still feels weird and honestly out of place.

The ZeniMax deal felt right when it was announced. When I think of franchises like Elder Scrolls, DOOM, Wolfenstein, Fallout, and Quake, I think of PC and Xbox. 

BGS games always had deals with Xbox prior to Skyrim being fully multiplatform for either full exclusivity of their games like Morrowind, or timed exclusivity on their games like Oblivion, but even to the point that it included DLC. I remember Fallout 3 DLC was exclusive to the 360 for a while. 

So that deal felt right to me, but Acti-Blizz.......just doesn't seem like a proper fit lol but that's just me. It definitely is a proper fit financially from Microsoft's perspective lol

Definitely not out of place. 3 of the top 10 selling games on Xbox last month were Activision games.

True but tbf, CoD games are always going to be in top 10's every year regardless of platform lol. I meant more as having them as a first party company when compared to other first party studios under Xbox.

But Ryuu pretty much nailed it. This'll bring in a substantial casual audience to Xbox and by a huge extension, Game Pass.  

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

gtotheunit91 said:
jason1637 said:

Definitely not out of place. 3 of the top 10 selling games on Xbox last month were Activision games.

True but tbf, CoD games are always going to be in top 10's every year regardless of platform lol. I meant more as having them as a first party company when compared to other first party studios under Xbox.

But Ryuu pretty much nailed it. This'll bring in a substantial casual audience to Xbox and by a huge extension, Game Pass.  

I think some are missing half of the equation here :)
Recurring revenues from WOW and games like that + King and the mobile side, those are not showing in this list a represents a lot of the revenues (if not the majority).

I believe the Act/Blizz is really on point; valuations are about revenues not how popular IPs are or how high they are in the charts (charts are really only a fraction of what is going on).

Imaginedvl said:
gtotheunit91 said:

True but tbf, CoD games are always going to be in top 10's every year regardless of platform lol. I meant more as having them as a first party company when compared to other first party studios under Xbox.

But Ryuu pretty much nailed it. This'll bring in a substantial casual audience to Xbox and by a huge extension, Game Pass.  

I think some are missing half of the equation here :)
Recurring revenues from WOW and games like that + King and the mobile side, those are not showing in this list a represents a lot of the revenues (if not the majority).

I believe the Act/Blizz is really on point; valuations are about revenues not how popular IPs are or how high they are in the charts (charts are really only a fraction of what is going on).

Good point! 

Plus, the slumping numbers for Acti-Blizz recently will all change after this holiday. So many are thinking this is the end, when it's just based off a bad CoD release. 2019 Modern Warefare set records for Activision in every conceivable way. 2022 Modern Warefare 2 will be no different.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind