Can't register...
I did register for xcloud but it said that it will take a couple of months until they choose people to try it.
I wonder if Series X is already released at that point....
King Phil!
Ryuu96 said: That was one of the best paced Inside Xbox's funnily enough, Lol. Maybe they should do them all from home. |
I wish they ended with something surprising. It just ended and i was like 'oh thats it?".
Yeah it was a nice easy watch tbh.
Every time I see more of Gears Tactics the better it looks and there seems to be quite a bunch of QoL stuff for SoT and cats which is always good.
Also was that news about the external HDD support with Xbox One/360 and OG games been playable directly from it new news or did I miss it before? Pretty nice that you don't need to buy the 1TB SSD card and can store your Series X games on a 8GB external and move them on/off the internal drive to play them as and when you want.
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