Beat King Xbot aka @Ryuu96 at a Far Cry game
Fuck MP/Co-op cheevos, that map editor thing was probably one of the worst things I've seen. Trash mode.
Liked FC 5 more than I thought once I got over the minimap and perk tree shit. Characters definitely the highlight. Silent protag not the best idea imo, just gives you no identity. Unpopular opinion, but I really liked the ending too. Might even edge out 4 for me honestly. Primal still my fave. Talking to people to get staches or hideouts on the map worked for me. Not being able to defog the whole map did mess with me a little, but I got over it. Probably the biggest wtf endings so far in this series. Felt like it had a proper ending like 3.
The constant taking you out of action for story purposes was also really annoying. At first, I thought it was cool, but they kept doing it for every damn milestone. Ubisoft has a knack for finding somewhat interesting concepts and then beating them into the dirt. Once for each of the region's to meet the sub boss would have sufficed.
Primal > 5 > 4 > 3
If 3 had an actual remake with current or even Far Cry 5 build with QoL enhancements, it would easily be probably my favorite despite the star leaving a little sooner than I would like. I feel all Far Cry have good and bad. Either, meh story for me, or gameplay elements I don't mesh well with. And it seems like they try to take 3 steps forward and 4 steps back at times.
Let's see how trash New Dawn is