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Might also be waiting for the new Nintendo system, but like me isn't certain it'll have Switch in it's name.

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Might get excited if Nintendo calls their next console "The Nintendo Boom."

Proposed a fun name for a Nintendo system that might need explaining.

Is not burned by gaming like I am

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

Has yet to have the talk about not getting a PS5 Pro with any of his 367 eagles.

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Should know I go by eagleleft in most places now but never changed it here. And should know I haven't bought a Sony console since ps2

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

Should plant more trees and flowers to help their local ecology.

Thinks GTA 5 is the most over rated game of all time 🤔. A fool, I say.

LegitHyperbole said:

Thinks GTA 5 is the most over rated game of all time 🤔. A fool, I say.

Doesn't realize that it's a generic brown game with pretty much no likable characters in sight and a needlessly depressing story, making it incredibly overrated.

Likes to create new forum threads and drive discussion on here.

(EDIT:  Within the same minute! lol  Meant for LegitHyperbole.)