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Forums - Sales Discussion - MGS4 and Final Fantasy xiii japan. ps3 saviour or not?

FF will *help* the PS3 situation - but its looking real dire in Japan at the moment.

My worry is by the time MGS arrives, weekly sales will be so low - that it will be a significant boost, but not enough for any sort of sustained boost. Then - I really have no idea what "big" titles are coming to boost the Japanese market.

This is a horribly concerning graph IMO:

PS3 - 4% of hardware sales
PS3 - 3%, and 38k of software sales

There are 3 PS3 titles in the top#50, best selling 11k. 2, 6, 4 weeks.

WiiSports + WiiPlay have sold more software units than the ENTIRE PS3 software library since launch. No bundling.

I really don't know what Sony can do - they need 3 or 4, PS3 *smash* hits to hit at once, with another price drop - or better yet - a new hardware model that is smaller.

At this stage, a new, smaller (+cheaper) hardware model is probably the only thing that will give them a sustained hardware boost.

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Why does the Kingdom Hearts 3 argument always pop up? The Kingdom Hearts team is currently working on FFv13, meaning it isn't even in pre-production yet. The people who make decisions at SE probably haven't even thought for two seconds about which system it will be on.

And Soriku, I have a hard time believing that SE would give full rights to Kingdom Hearts to Disney because if they did then Disney could one day decide to take the franchise and have another company work on it. SE would then have created a kick ass franchise and then get nothing from it. The decision makers at SE will probably sit down with people at Disney (or most likely a conference call) and decide in an afternoon what console it should be on. Remember also that the Wii isn't going to keep selling out forever and they may decide that to do what they really want to do with the franchise it could go PS360. The PS360 is bigger than the Wii in sales so it is a possibility.

cwbys21 said:
Why does the Kingdom Hearts 3 argument always pop up? The Kingdom Hearts team is currently working on FFv13, meaning it isn't even in pre-production yet. The people who make decisions at SE probably haven't even thought for two seconds about which system it will be on.

And Soriku, I have a hard time believing that SE would give full rights to Kingdom Hearts to Disney because if they did then Disney could one day decide to take the franchise and have another company work on it. SE would then have created a kick ass franchise and then get nothing from it. The decision makers at SE will probably sit down with people at Disney (or most likely a conference call) and decide in an afternoon what console it should be on. Remember also that the Wii isn't going to keep selling out forever and they may decide that to do what they really want to do with the franchise it could go PS360. The PS360 is bigger than the Wii in sales so it is a possibility.

If they include guns and blood then yes, but KH is a cartoony looking game and this genre sell a lottttttttt better in Wii.

cwbys21 said:
Why does the Kingdom Hearts 3 argument always pop up? The Kingdom Hearts team is currently working on FFv13, meaning it isn't even in pre-production yet. The people who make decisions at SE probably haven't even thought for two seconds about which system it will be on.

And Soriku, I have a hard time believing that SE would give full rights to Kingdom Hearts to Disney because if they did then Disney could one day decide to take the franchise and have another company work on it. SE would then have created a kick ass franchise and then get nothing from it. The decision makers at SE will probably sit down with people at Disney (or most likely a conference call) and decide in an afternoon what console it should be on. Remember also that the Wii isn't going to keep selling out forever and they may decide that to do what they really want to do with the franchise it could go PS360. The PS360 is bigger than the Wii in sales so it is a possibility.

Disney already has full rights to Kingdom Hearts because it's their properties to begin with. Their movies, their characters, and they own all the original characters including Sora and the XIII Organization. And they've already used their power to make a KH game without SE (KH mobile).

That said PS360 is irrelevant because it's going to the Wii.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

.................................. You people give me heartaches.. I'm gonna just wait until judgment shall be right and do something better for now. I don't like debating about predicting a certain game being exclusive to one console.

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obieslut said:
Darc Requiem said:
MGS games are much bigger in the west than in Japan, so expecting MGS4 to turn around is pure folly. The last real bullet in the chamber for the PS3's chances in Japan is FFXIII and you have to get the feeling that Square Enix is holding the game back waiting for the PS3's user base to become larger in Japan. I've said it before and I'll say it again, when it comes to Japan the PS3 is done. Its userbase in Japan will hit 6 or 7 million life time at best.

Well in that case we will be waiting for the ps3 userbase to get bigger forever lol

 Obieslut its the same circular logic that third parties always use. For the most part hardware will not sell without software. Yet third parties often say, we won't release x game on x console because the userbase isn't large enough. Well if you don't make games for the console the userbase won't expand. The Wii and the DS are two recent exceptions to the rule as they sold immensely in spite of third party apathy.

RedArmia said:

No they wont help, did you even think before you made this thread.

MGS will boost sales, but FF13 is what will be the rise of PS3 in Japan. Any one with a tiny bit of intelligence know what happened to PS when FF7 hit and can predict what will happen.

ps you expect a good anwser on this mattr on here, come on.

When FF7 was released on the PS1 the Saturn had been getting outsold 3:1 for over 6 months. The series has also had a steady decline in sales over the years and it is literally impossible for the game to sell enopugh consoles to touch the gap the Wii has created. The series has been in steady decline in sales ever since VII and it seems unlikely the game will do much more than 2.5 million lifetime. Unless the game sells 3.8 million consoles it won't be able to bring the install base to the same level. One game will never save a system.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

I must have been living under a rock. Didn't PS3 tsunami started with LAIR?

I kid. I kid.

You people just want KH3 on the Wii, because you don't want to have a reason to buy a PS3. Do you guys really think that you would have the best KH3 experience on the Wii????????

And if all developers have to follow your perspective why don't they make Wii and DS games only. Actually if you consider about is, it's better for Microsoft and Sony to close their doors and start making Wii games...

Btw Forbidder Siren is going to be released in July for PS3, and how big is that franchise in Japan??

And ow yeah don't underestimate power of MGS4. That game has an enormous hype ^^

Kingsora_be said:
You people just want KH3 on the Wii, because you don't want to have a reason to buy a PS3. Do you guys really think that you would have the best KH3 experience on the Wii????????

And if all developers have to follow your perspective why don't they make Wii and DS games only. Actually if you consider about is, it's better for Microsoft and Sony to close their doors and start making Wii games...

Btw Forbidder Siren is going to be released in July for PS3, and how big is that franchise in Japan??

And ow yeah don't underestimate power of MGS4. That game has an enormous hype ^^

The best experience is totally irrelevant, because SE/Disney have only one goal and that is profit. Besides KH on the PS2 had a really boring gameplay (Sorry Soriku, I love the game, but too much button mashing), that could be really improved with Wii controls. Sorry but videogames consist of more than graphics alone.

How nice of you to mention the DS, because it is a 3rd party software powerhouse. That is exactly the scenario we will see for Wii within a year. Yes, more and more games will come to Wii, because it is more profitable. Sure there will be some blockbusters that will come to PS360, because combined they have 50% marketshare, but Wii's development cost and Japanese userbase will make sure that at least the Japanese games minus FF will all come to Wii. 

Siren is not anywhere near Fatal Frame. Plus it's a remake and last thing I heard was that PS3 fans hated remakes...

MGS4 has enormous hype, still in Japan it won't in all likelyhood sell a million, so how big a hardware boost did you have in mind. The gap between PS3 and Wii will be around 7 million end of year, a MGS4 boost of 300.000 max doesn't make a huge difference. Even FF can't sell 2 million consoles on it's own.