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Forums - Sales Discussion - MGS4 and Final Fantasy xiii japan. ps3 saviour or not?

Gameplay trumps graphics. I see little hope for PS3 in Japan. FFXIII will help but it will be a temp boost and then a downfall like when previous boosts have occurred.

Mil. Sellers:

Wii:      25 titles       101.4 mil total    avg 4 mil per title

PS3:     14 titles      28.6 mil total    avg ~2 mil per title

360:     41 titles      89.8 mil total   avg  >2 mil per title

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ConAir said:
BengaBenga said:

On the KH3 issue:

1/3 of KH sales are from Japan. Do you really think it's a wise business decision at this point to make it for PS3?
It's a Disney game for #$%$ sake, of course Wii's demographics are way better for this game than PS3. Not to mention the 7 million difference in install base there will be at the end of this year.

PS3 IS NOT PS2! PS3 has a very hardcore, very graphically minded audience, which makes FF very suitable and KH less so.
PS2 had everyone. PS3 is not the spiritual successor to PS2.

1) Good point. So what about a WiiPS3 release? To get both audiences. The Wii, cause there are a lot of families and younger gamers and the PS3 cause both previous releases were on PS2.

2) Whoohoo! I'm gonna be a true hardcore gamer in the near future, when I buy my PS3. :D

PS3/Wii is a possibility. SE stated that their Crystal engine runs on Wii and PS3. But SE hardly makes multiplatform games. The only thing where you are wrong is saying that the PS2 fanbase is on PS3. Especially in Japan this is not the case. Only a small part of the PS2 owners made the step to PS3.


ps2 fanbase on ps3. HAHA sorry im just picture the 120mil people playing 11mil ps3 lol

MGS games are much bigger in the west than in Japan, so expecting MGS4 to turn around is pure folly. The last real bullet in the chamber for the PS3's chances in Japan is FFXIII and you have to get the feeling that Square Enix is holding the game back waiting for the PS3's user base to become larger in Japan. I've said it before and I'll say it again, when it comes to Japan the PS3 is done. Its userbase in Japan will hit 6 or 7 million life time at best.

Gran Turismo is way bigger than either FF or MGS.

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While you argue about the saviour, only 8k japanese bought a unit last week =/

All hail the waggle overlords!

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

i think we could star ocean 4 to this discussion, even though we don't know if it is exclusive

Darc Requiem said:
MGS games are much bigger in the west than in Japan, so expecting MGS4 to turn around is pure folly. The last real bullet in the chamber for the PS3's chances in Japan is FFXIII and you have to get the feeling that Square Enix is holding the game back waiting for the PS3's user base to become larger in Japan. I've said it before and I'll say it again, when it comes to Japan the PS3 is done. Its userbase in Japan will hit 6 or 7 million life time at best.

 Well in that case we will be waiting for the ps3 userbase to get bigger forever lol

No they wont help, did you even think before you made this thread.

MGS will boost sales, but FF13 is what will be the rise of PS3 in Japan. Any one with a tiny bit of intelligence know what happened to PS when FF7 hit and can predict what will happen.

ps you expect a good anwser on this mattr on here, come on.

Save the PS3 as in take it anywhere near the Wii on a regular basis or long term? No!

Save the PS3 as in take Sony anywhere near their former console glory? No!

Save the PS3 as in make it a viable platform for high-budget exclusive JRPG's? Maybe!

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