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Kingsora_be said:
You people just want KH3 on the Wii, because you don't want to have a reason to buy a PS3. Do you guys really think that you would have the best KH3 experience on the Wii????????

And if all developers have to follow your perspective why don't they make Wii and DS games only. Actually if you consider about is, it's better for Microsoft and Sony to close their doors and start making Wii games...

Btw Forbidder Siren is going to be released in July for PS3, and how big is that franchise in Japan??

And ow yeah don't underestimate power of MGS4. That game has an enormous hype ^^

The best experience is totally irrelevant, because SE/Disney have only one goal and that is profit. Besides KH on the PS2 had a really boring gameplay (Sorry Soriku, I love the game, but too much button mashing), that could be really improved with Wii controls. Sorry but videogames consist of more than graphics alone.

How nice of you to mention the DS, because it is a 3rd party software powerhouse. That is exactly the scenario we will see for Wii within a year. Yes, more and more games will come to Wii, because it is more profitable. Sure there will be some blockbusters that will come to PS360, because combined they have 50% marketshare, but Wii's development cost and Japanese userbase will make sure that at least the Japanese games minus FF will all come to Wii. 

Siren is not anywhere near Fatal Frame. Plus it's a remake and last thing I heard was that PS3 fans hated remakes...

MGS4 has enormous hype, still in Japan it won't in all likelyhood sell a million, so how big a hardware boost did you have in mind. The gap between PS3 and Wii will be around 7 million end of year, a MGS4 boost of 300.000 max doesn't make a huge difference. Even FF can't sell 2 million consoles on it's own.