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FF will *help* the PS3 situation - but its looking real dire in Japan at the moment.

My worry is by the time MGS arrives, weekly sales will be so low - that it will be a significant boost, but not enough for any sort of sustained boost. Then - I really have no idea what "big" titles are coming to boost the Japanese market.

This is a horribly concerning graph IMO:

PS3 - 4% of hardware sales
PS3 - 3%, and 38k of software sales

There are 3 PS3 titles in the top#50, best selling 11k. 2, 6, 4 weeks.

WiiSports + WiiPlay have sold more software units than the ENTIRE PS3 software library since launch. No bundling.

I really don't know what Sony can do - they need 3 or 4, PS3 *smash* hits to hit at once, with another price drop - or better yet - a new hardware model that is smaller.

At this stage, a new, smaller (+cheaper) hardware model is probably the only thing that will give them a sustained hardware boost.

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