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JWeinCom said:
sundin13 said:
While the internet is all worked up about Kyle Rittenhouse posting bail, I'd like to say again that cash bail is a terrible system that should be abolished. If someone is truly a danger, they should not be allowed to get out of holding just because they have money. If not, all you are really doing is imposing a system of discrimination on low income individuals, which often traps them into either spending time in prison despite being no risk to society (without being found guilty); or pushes them to rely on bail bonds which again can impose an exorbitant extralegal fine on an individual regardless of guilt. Our court systems should not rely on a system which is inextricable from income discrimination as a means of insuring individuals show up to their court date. The penalty to our fundamental freedoms is too great. We cannot both stand by the principle of "innocent until proven guilty" and utilizing this discriminatory system.

I have no inherent problem with Kyle Rittenhouse making bail. However, over the last few month I was helping a professor with a research project about bail abuses in the US. There are people who have served months in prison over things like traffic violations. 

Agreed. I think a lot of people freak out when they see the system "working" for some people largely because it doesn't work for so many others, but they need to keep in mind that we shouldn't just criticize this unfairness when the system is working. We should be raising hell over every single one of those people who are being held indefinitely simply because they don't have the money to get out. 

Ending cash bail is one of the most important changes that can and should be made in our criminal justice system yet it seems to only really get attention when some white kid gets out...

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sethnintendo said:

Yeah you are right vivster. Lindsey Graham has no balls. He is just a trump shrill who went from anti trump 4 years ago to trump ball massager in early 2017. I'm having a hard time figuring out who is the biggest kiss ass... Ted Cruz or Lindsey Graham. Looks like Rubio is semi growing a pair of balls now.

What's crazy is that I almost respect Mitt Romney most out of the republicans now and I don't really like mormons that much. He at least has the balls to stand up to trump. Oh Ben Sasse has been real critical of trump lately. Perhaps he is trying to save the gop from the dumpster fire that trump is leading the entire party into.

Edit- I take that back about Rubio.  He is still a little bitch.

Don't try to fall into the trap of viewing Republicans positively in comparison to their worst trash. They are all still actively complicit. Just remember how the shot against Trump in the primaries only to then fall completely in line once he was President. Don't look at what they say, look at what they do. Even the poster boy McCain has voted for some terrible bills to be passed and blocked good bills.

If Republicans want to be moderate they should leave the party of racists and obstructionists. They can't be both at the same time. I have no sympathy for people who claim to be moderate, yet stay and support the extremists.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.


I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

CaptainExplosion said:

Here's something I really hope President Biden does when he's finally inaugerated; end US relations with Saudi Arabia.

Seriously, the Saudi Royal family even have an organization of assassins that they send to other countries to kill political opponents, even in Canada, meaning the fuckers will likely go after me and my family if they fell like it.

Another thing I hope he does is have that little fat bastard in North Korea blown to pieces. Kim Jong Dum's a waste of oxygen who needs to finally answer to every god damn atrocity he's committed.

We can only hope so. And after he's done destroying those countries I hope he turns to China and Israel to do the same. Just for once using the US military for good.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

CaptainExplosion said:
vivster said:

We can only hope so. And after he's done destroying those countries I hope he turns to China and Israel to do the same. Just for once using the US military for good.

I'm sorry, you want Israel gone?

I want human rights abusing, treaty ignoring, war mongering, racist, religious fundamentalists gone? Yes. We both want the same.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Around the Network
CaptainExplosion said:
vivster said:

I want human rights abusing, treaty ignoring, war mongering, racist, religious fundamentalists gone? Yes. We both want the same.

Well how am I supposed to see that when you said you wanted Israel destroyed like Saudi Arabia and North Korea? Do you even realize that makes you look like an anti-Semite? Furthermore, I have an old friend who's Israeli, so you fucking well better watch it.

If you're doing this to try and make a point about me wanting the Saudi royal family dead, I fail to see the point now.

Both Israel and Saudi Arabia fit my previous description. Wanting one of them dead while praising the other makes you a hypocrite.

I also have a friend who is Israeli and he also hates what Israel is doing, so there is that. So you better watch what you say or else you'll hurt both his and my feelings.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.


If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.


Why are you addressing me in a thread i cant comment in? If you mods dont want me to participate in political discussions then dont f'ing address me in political threads.

Hunting Season is done...

Another glimpse into the real world people are desperately try to deny.

Hunting Season is done...

Zoombael said:

Another glimpse into the real world people are desperately try to deny.

We get that every day with every lawsuit about voting irregularities getting thrown out of court already...

Also, I wouldn't touch America Uncovered with a 10-foot pole, they're even worse than PragerU

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 03 December 2020