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Wtf, Tennessee?

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vivster said:
Runa216 said:

I wouldn't call him simple. He's dumb as fuck and terrible for the US and grossly unqualified for his position, but he's not simple. He's complicated. Like trying to put together your lunch after you chewed it, ate it, and vomited it back up. He's complicated and messed up, but not in a way that's respectable. He's just a goddamn mess. But he ain't simple. 

He has a one track mind, predicting his actions is as easy as predicting any lower mammal's actions.

What are you talking about? Trump will go down as the most erratic unpredictable president in history. It isn't a compliment either.

drkohler said:
I think we all know that Orangehead is a narcissistic compulsive liar.
This begs the two key questions:
Why do too many Americans like and vote for him? (Granted it is an educational level question, but anyways...)
Why did the Democrats chose Biden, a person completely unable to stand against a Trump?

You answered your own question with one. The lack of education is the reason so many people still support Trump. 

As for number two it amazes me that people still think Bernie had a better shot at beating Trump. He absolutely did not. A Bernie ticket would have secured a Trump victory as many middle Americans fear the radical left incredibly and fear is a huge driver in elections. Biden was the best shot as he isn't as polarizing to independents which are the biggest voting block in the country.

I know the establishment dems are bad, but people really need to slow down and take it one step at a time. The main goal should be removal of Trump. Once the dems are in power then people can start worrying about power moves to try getting more left leaning candidates like Bernie and AOC into power and trying to push the independent block more to the left.

TallSilhouette said:

Wtf, Tennessee?

"Time and again, non-violent protests have been at the heart of moving our state and our nation forward. (Senate Bill) 8005 is a giant leap in the wrong direction, trampling on the rights of Tennesseans simply because some do not like the message or the fashion in which protesters are making their voices heard. Regardless of the message, non-violent protest is protected speech."

For anyone who hasn't realized it yet, the time of "peaceful protesting" is long gone and no one else but the "peaceful protesters" are to blame.

Last edited by Zoombael - on 18 August 2020

Hunting Season is done...

Zoombael said:
TallSilhouette said:

Wtf, Tennessee?

"Time and again, non-violent protests have been at the heart of moving our state and our nation forward. (Senate Bill) 8005 is a giant leap in the wrong direction, trampling on the rights of Tennesseans simply because some do not like the message or the fashion in which protesters are making their voices heard. Regardless of the message, non-violent protest is protected speech."

For anyone who hasn't realized it yet, the time of "peaceful protesting" is long gone and no one else but the "peaceful protesters" are to blame.


No one but the peaceful protesters are to blame? The goons brutalizing innocent citizens have no fault in this? Where is the evidence that anyone in that 2nd vid is Antifa?

If this is the level of discourse I can expect from you, why should I take you seriously?

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Runa216 said:
vivster said:

He has a one track mind, predicting his actions is as easy as predicting any lower mammal's actions.

I would argue he barely has a mind and if he does it doesn't go on any track. It just meanders all over the place, lost. It knows where it wants to go but has no idea how to get there and doesn't care about anything in its way. 

Which is exactly why he's so easy to figure out. He is incapable of being proactive or calculating behavior. It's just 100% reactionary to badic stimuli. Though it also makes him very dangerous when he's cornered.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Zoombael said:
TallSilhouette said:

Wtf, Tennessee?

"Time and again, non-violent protests have been at the heart of moving our state and our nation forward. (Senate Bill) 8005 is a giant leap in the wrong direction, trampling on the rights of Tennesseans simply because some do not like the message or the fashion in which protesters are making their voices heard. Regardless of the message, non-violent protest is protected speech."

For anyone who hasn't realized it yet, the time of "peaceful protesting" is long gone and no one else but the "peaceful protesters" are to blame.

Not to mention, a lot of these protests have lost their view on what they're actually "protesting" or rioting for. They have completely gone rogue.

Last edited by iron_megalith - on 19 August 2020

newwil7l said:
vivster said:

He has a one track mind, predicting his actions is as easy as predicting any lower mammal's actions.

What are you talking about? Trump will go down as the most erratic unpredictable president in history. It isn't a compliment either.

Only erratic to people who don't understand his very simple mind. People treating him as a human may find it erratic because they expect human behavior. Compare him to a cornered rat and things become clear and predictable.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

TallSilhouette said:

Wtf, Tennessee?

WTF indeed.

And no, that's not going with a bazooka against a house fly, that's more like bringing a nuke to catch a worm.

Is that even constitutional? Protesting is a federal guaranteed right as far as I know.

Apparently the constitution has been superceded by whatever the President wants at any given moment. What a fine democracy they got there.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.