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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Are you circumsized ?


Are you?

Yes 51 38.35%
No 80 60.15%
undecided 2 1.50%

Why do Jews hate nice shiny foreskins?

Around the Network

Yes, I am. Did it for medical reasons when I was 18, and I don't regret it one bit.

Yes, and therefore will never have dick cheese

Last edited by shavenferret - on 18 September 2024

Uh,...This sounds like one of those Segahearts threads.

No. Circumcision without any medical reasons is dumb IMO.

Around the Network

Yes. I've never seen a non circumsized dick in porn. I've wondered what it would be like getting head with the forskin on.

Yes, it makes your peepee more refined

Koragg said:

Yes, it makes your peepee more refined

won't look like a dog's d***