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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do You Own a VR Device?


Do You Own a VR Device?

Yes, and it's awesome 168 13.05%
Yes, it's alright 84 6.53%
Yes, but I regret it 43 3.34%
No, but I really want one 143 11.11%
No, but I'm considering it 243 18.88%
No, not interested at all 606 47.09%
Chazore said:
Errorist76 said:

Why didn’t you answer my question? I don’t need to understand it, but I would like to. I can understand the money argument, but “not there yet?” 

Have you read the Astro Bot reviews the other guy just posted? Seems pretty “there” to me, don’t you think?

Because I'm not getting into a flame debate.

You don't need to understand my personal desire for what VR should be and where it should be at. 

I have the money to afford all 3 headsets, their systems and the hardware required, I just choose not to because I do not see it as being "there" yet. 

Reading the reviews doesn't tell me it's "there", it just tells me that a group of people think something is subjectively awesome. And going by footage, it's more akin to a party themed game than one that explores VR in various and deep ways. That and it's exclusive to one system, one that I've no intention of playing.

That last part sounds very convincing, especially when looking at your sig. I don’t need to try to convince you, it’s out there for everyone to read what “a certain group of people” thinks about the game. I guess one can always find something else to justify one’s opinion. 

I accept your opinion, but I think you’re severely missing out. 

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Errorist76 said:

That last part sounds very convincing, especially when looking at your sig. I don’t need to try to convince you, it’s out there for everyone to read what “a certain group of people” thinks about the game. I guess one can always find something else to justify one’s opinion. 

So you do desire a flame debate then?, because now your attaching the sig to a known flame war of itself.

I never needed convincing of any sort, frankly because I am able to see what is currently out there on the field, and it does not entice nor excite me. Like I said in my original post, I'm waiting for gen 3 at the least, when, hopefully VR games will have reached a point where they contain just as much depth, complexity and stunning visuals that we've come to expect from AAA titles.

When I said "certain group of people", I was referring to the journos, not a specific console group btw. 

I need no justification either, it's just my own personal choice and decision on the matter. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

I tried a friend’s Vive and it was amazing.

I bought a PSVR to play through a bunch of titles in the comfort of my own home. Some great new experiences there which were worth trying out. The Vive is much more immersive if you can justify the price.

Overall though, I sold the PSVR and games because it’s not something I’ll use long-term. The setup is messy with cables everywhere, you need to cordon off a large area to play (not an issue if you live alone, but family and kids make this an unnecessary barrier to entry), and individual sessions can be limited once nausea kicks in (dependant on the games you play).

It’s worth trying, but isn’t yet convenient enough for many (most?) lifestyles.

Chazore said:

... when, hopefully VR games will have reached a point where they contain just as much depth, complexity and stunning visuals that we've come to expect from AAA titles.


Again...I don’t get why you refuse to believe all the journos and I’m telling you again: Astro-Bot is a fully fledged AAA title with up to 12 hours playtime and has probably more complexity and depth due to all the VR specific game mechanics, than many other platformers before it. The visuals are also absolutely top notch.

Let's get back to it when I have more room and I'm more interested in investing in a new graphics card. Most like I'll upgrade my graphics card once Total War: Three Kingdoms comes out, but that won't help with the space issue...

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I don't get people saying that it's not "there" yet and waiting for way higher tech and lower more affordable costs. You can wait 10-20 years until it's "there" the meantime, I enjoy this, now.

Intel Core i7 8700K | 32 GB DDR 4 PC 3200 | ROG STRIX Z370-F Gaming | RTX 3090 FE| Crappy Monitor| HTC Vive Pro :3

Errorist76 said:

Again...I don’t get why you refuse to believe all the journos and I’m telling you again: Astro-Bot is a fully fledged AAA title with up to 12 hours playtime and has probably more complexity and depth due to all the VR specific game mechanics, than many other platformers before it. The visuals are also absolutely top notch.

because that's their own experiences?. Theirs alone are subjective and not objective (not one can be in the case of "wow this is awesome 10/10" because it's subjective.

Going from what I've seen, it doesn't look as complex as anything outside of a party based VR game, one filled with mini game like events of it's own.

Visuals for me are sub-par, which leads us to the difference in opinion at the end of the day. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

John2290 said:
Peh said:

I don't get people saying that it's not "there" yet and waiting for way higher tech and lower more affordable costs. You can wait 10-20 years until it's "there" the meantime, I enjoy this, now.

Exactly. I suspect many just don't know how much it is "there" and are parroting this. I was one of them after listening to reviewers and dabbling in shoddy mobile vr setups and then I bought PSVR and my eyes were opened. I've tried all the three main headsets now aswell as Odessy WMR and I can say it's "there"... or at least it's somewhere and that somewhere is a great and magnificent place. Haters will hate, people who are skeptical will remain skeptical as it's the rational and 'cool' image to put out there and people will parrot what they think it is or pit forth their skeptisism as fact until they try it and are lucky enough that when they do they don't try mobile VR as many, I would assume think is VR proper ;). 

I like how we've somehow formed two divides, the "enlightened" and the other the lowly uneducated "parrots".

"my eyes were opened", that's the kind of stuff console players rolled their eyes about for whenever someone mentioned that about modding or discovering higher end hw on PC. Interesting to see it being used here and not being able to be put into question (seemingly).

Defenders gonna defend, just as much as someone who disagrees with your view is somehow labeled as a "hater", the opposite will also be labeled. I do not "hate" VR, I simply have higher standards than some folk on here, and where I'd like VR to go isn't anywhere close to "where it's at".

Also, people can be skeptical without having to come off as "cool", but I guess you aren't aware of that, going by how you write about those skeptical folk.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

John2290 said:

Yeah. I agree and I am aware. 

IF you are, then you'd also be aware how petty it can come off to label a group who doesn't see it your way as "parrots". 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:
John2290 said:

Yeah. I agree and I am aware. 

IF you are, then you'd also be aware how petty it can come off to label a group who doesn't see it your way as "parrots". 

It’s just a fact that many of the sceptics and naysayer have little to no experience with VR themselves. At least with good, real 6DOF VR and full games for it. It might be you’re one of them, it might be you’re not, but I’m sure you understand that owners of VR systems are at least sceptical of the credibility of people who don’t own a system themselves.