It was a 9 for me, but maybe I'm being generous: there are so many things that they “could hypothetically” have announced, especially with regard their Online offering, that you could definitely make a case for a lower score. But I just look at it and think that they exceeded what anyone could have asked for on the Final Fantasy announcements; they had Civ VI (preannounced of course) & Skylines; I'm kind of thrilled at the new tabeltop games; they had a solid Mario announcement (and a Luigi game too); Animal Crossing; two new special system packages; the new wireless NES controllers. That's more than enough ... and Yoshi is looking great, and Starlink looks okay.
Port beggars are probably a bit disappointed, no Metroid 4 or Trilogy, nothing much on Smash (though that is almost here and wasn't the business of the Direct), No Persona or Shin Megami news, no Bayonetta 3 news, very little to excite Pokemon fans about Let's Go, not enough on Mario Party, very little for the hardcore retro fan to go nuts about. Yes, you could make a case for a lower score but I was happy enough with what we got.