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Forums - Movies & TV - Update: Latest rumor shows casting for a white Ciri | Original: Netflix looking for non-white actress to play Ciri in the Witcher tv series

MrWayne said:
sundin13 said:

And for that last sentence, I already explained this and at this point it is difficult not to label this racism. Non-white individuals can represent American culture the same as white individuals. It is fundamentally racist to act like if you are a minority, you cannot be truly American. That borders on some really fucked up "purity" bullshit which I will not be party to.

Only a small objection. Obviously, both white and non-white Americans can represent America, but not every one of America's many different cultures.
For example, neither a black nor a white person can credibly represent Native American culture.

Yeah, that is an elaboration I included more or less when I previously made this argument. Basically I said that inclusion of minority individuals allows media to represent the parts of American culture that we don't see quite as often, but that doesn't make it any less American.

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HoloDust said:
shikamaru317 said:

I still have somewhat high hopes. Netflix has done a pretty good job on some of their originals. Take the Marvel series for instance, even though 3 of them have seasons that failed to live up to expectations, even the worst season out of all of them was still fun to watch imo. And then there is Stranger Things, which is just amazing.  Of course they've had dud series as well, but since Lauren was a producer on season 1 of Daredevil, which was great, I still have hope. Hopefully they really stay true to the source material, I don't want some kind of Eragon-esque adaption with a ton of changes, I want it to be very close to the books and the games. Hopefully they get good directors for the episodes as well. If Netflix is smart they will go all out on it with a big budget, this could be the next Game of Thrones if they get it right. 

Oh, sure, Netlfix can do good stuff, I consider season 1 of House of Cards and first 4 or 5 episodes of Stranger Things to be some of the best that TV has to offer in last 20 or so years.
It's just I'm kinda not expecting much anymore, given how it's going so far.

As for GoT level - I really doubt it, I think source material for that is of much better quality than that of Witcher. But it could be really, really good if they're smart.

The GoT show stopped following the books after a few seasons though, and the quality took a nosedive. 


If they follow the Witcher books, it wouldn't be hard to be better than the last few seasons of GoT. 

Faelco said:
HoloDust said:

Oh, sure, Netlfix can do good stuff, I consider season 1 of House of Cards and first 4 or 5 episodes of Stranger Things to be some of the best that TV has to offer in last 20 or so years.
It's just I'm kinda not expecting much anymore, given how it's going so far.

As for GoT level - I really doubt it, I think source material for that is of much better quality than that of Witcher. But it could be really, really good if they're smart.

The GoT show stopped following the books after a few seasons though, and the quality took a nosedive. 


If they follow the Witcher books, it wouldn't be hard to be better than the last few seasons of GoT. 

I think GoT has more things happening all over its world, with lot more characters and events important for the story.

HoloDust said:
Faelco said:

The GoT show stopped following the books after a few seasons though, and the quality took a nosedive. 


If they follow the Witcher books, it wouldn't be hard to be better than the last few seasons of GoT. 

I think GoT has more things happening all over its world, with lot more characters and events important for the story.

I didn't read The Witcher, so I admit that I can't compare to that. 

But the show after the 2 first seasons (which were awesome) compared to the books is a really dumbed down version, with a lot of incoherent stuff, forgotten stuff, and turn from a political struggle to a Hollywood blockbuster focused on sex and deaths for the sake of buzz only. The last seasons have nothing to do with the first ones.

The Witcher can easily do better than that if they try. 

Faelco said:
HoloDust said:

I think GoT has more things happening all over its world, with lot more characters and events important for the story.

I didn't read The Witcher, so I admit that I can't compare to that. 

But the show after the 2 first seasons (which were awesome) compared to the books is a really dumbed down version, with a lot of incoherent stuff, forgotten stuff, and turn from a political struggle to a Hollywood blockbuster focused on sex and deaths for the sake of buzz only. The last seasons have nothing to do with the first ones.

The Witcher can easily do better than that if they try. 

Games of Throne my favorite TV show ever but I love fantasy and there not exactly a lot of quality fantasy shows out there.  Personally there no comparison, the books are way better then the tv show but that almost always the case for me.  That being said a lot of the choices they made I understood from a time restraint stand point and it would of been difficult to show all the different story paths the book take.  I have a feeling that I would of enjoyed it more but it would of had worse ratting for the general public if they tried to fit everything in that the book had.  For me the story on the tv show did not start to disappoint till season 6 and 7.  Especially season 7 had me shaking my head a few times about how nonsensical some of the decisions people was making.  I still found it entertaining enough and look forward to final season.

I do disagree with you about the sex part.  Not that they added a lot of it for buzz sake only but that it started after season 2.  If anything the later seasons had less of it and it was the first couple season that added sex and nudity just for buzz sake.  That being said pretty much every single HBO series does that first few seasons.  There must be some data that supports it helps getting a initial buzz around new shows.

Witcher from the books I read remind me more of a fairly tale style then a grand epic adventure.  The books I read was ok but for me the flow of the writing seemed a little bit off.  I have a feeling that this has way more to do with the fact I was reading the English translated version then the actual writer.  I guessing there something lost in the sentence structures during the translating that make it not flow as smoothly when reading.  I still looking forward to watching the show on netflix.  It cant possibly be worse then 99% of the fantasy shows released.  Outside GOT and legend of the seeker am hard press to think of a fantasy show which was not fairly cringe worthy.  

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I hope she gets cast as Ciri.

shikamaru317 said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

I hope she gets cast as Ciri.

Well, at least she'd be able to handle the heavy criticism she would face. She has already proven she can handle heavy criticism, as she got hate from all sides over that Ghostbusters portrayal. She got hate from the fans who were unhappy with the movie in general, she got hate from the right for the all-female cast, and she got hate from the left for portraying a stereotypical loud black woman character. But in spite of all the criticism she kept her chin up, I can respect her for that much even though the movie was terrible. 

If they really do cast a BAME 15/16 year old Ciri I feel bad for whoever they cast, she'll probably have to abandon every type of social media because there are certain people who will stupidly send her hate instead of directing their hate in the right direction, at the producer and Netflix. We've seen it before, with Kelly Marie Tran for instance, Star Wars fans unhappy with her character in episode 8 directed their hate at her instead of directing that hate in the direction it belonged, at the writers, producers, and director. Kelly acted to the best of her ability, it wasn't her fault that the character was absolutely terrible.

Yeah. Isn't it horrible how much people care about race :/ 

shikamaru317 said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

I hope she gets cast as Ciri.

Well, at least she'd be able to handle the heavy criticism she would face. She has already proven she can handle heavy criticism, as she got hate from all sides over that Ghostbusters portrayal. She got hate from the fans who were unhappy with the movie in general, she got hate from the right for the all-female cast, and she got hate from the left for portraying a stereotypical loud black woman character. But in spite of all the criticism she kept her chin up, I can respect her for that much even though the movie was terrible. 

If they really do cast a BAME 15/16 year old Ciri I feel bad for whoever they cast, she'll probably have to abandon every type of social media because there are certain people who will stupidly send her hate instead of directing their hate in the right direction, at the producer and Netflix. We've seen it before, with Kelly Marie Tran for instance, Star Wars fans unhappy with her character in episode 8 directed their hate at her instead of directing that hate in the direction it belonged, at the writers, producers, and director. Kelly acted to the best of her ability, it wasn't her fault that the character was absolutely terrible.

Do you also respect the lousy job she and all the others done?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

shikamaru317 said:
DonFerrari said:

Do you also respect the lousy job she and all the others done?

Ghostbusters 2016 was a shitshow, no doubt about that. There is alot of blame to go around for why it ended up so poor, the blame falls partly on everyone involved. If you look at the ingredients separately it feels like the movie had potential, you had a director who had done good work in the past, you had a producer who produced the original movies, you had multiple lead actors who had a comedy background and were well liked by many people. So, on the surface at least, it felt like the movie could have been good. The end result though was a terrible mess that felt more like a bad parody of the original Ghostbusters movies than a homage to them. I will say that I didn't take part in the hate campaign against anyone involved with the movie, it was a terrible movie but I felt no need to hate on those involved. I watched it, hated it, and moved on with my life, regretting the fact that Bill Murray held up Ghostbusters 3 so long that Harold Ramis died before it could be made.

I also didn't post anything of hate for the movie, just still didn't got around to go and watch (it is always on my maybe list, as was deathnote and I'm 2/3 in and finding it to be shit). But I do agree with you that it may be a case of a lot of good things that when mixed turns terrible. I didn't see her replies, but if she stood her ground without attacking back and accusing fans of any "ism" then she deserves respect.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

shikamaru317 said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

Yeah. Isn't it horrible how much people care about race :/ 

In the case of Ciri I do think race matters, since she is an established character who is described as being "pale" and having "ashen white skin" in the books, not to mention being portrayed as white in the games. I understand them wanting to get some racial diversity into the shows cast, since basically every main character in the Witcher is white, but i just think there are better ways to go about doing that than changing the established races of main characters. They could just as easily create some new characters who match lore friendly dark skinned races in order to get better racial representation on the cast.

All that being said though, if they do cast a BAME Ciri, I won't be joining those who will inevitably send her hate, because that would be wrong, she wasn't the one who chose to change the race of the character, she just auditioned for a role, actors have got to eat too, lol. My hate will be directed squarely in the direction it belongs, at the producer, as she will have literally lied if she changes the race of Ciri, because she specifically said that she wouldn't change the races of characters.

None of that actually sounds like it matters.  In other words in a book, you give descriptions of the character but that part can be easily changed from 'pale" to "ebony" and it would still not change the actual character.  The crazy part is, if the show creator would create new race, new characters or something like that, people would still complain.  The fact is, hating period is wrong.  If you do not like the direction of a show without even watching it, then its probably just best to just not watch and move on with your life.  Caring if a character is white or non white in a fiction show no matter what the source material is just isn't worth the energy.  The only thing I care about as far as this show is concerned is wheher its good or not.